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Fire Emblem 4 0% Growths LTC


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Yeah, Gen 2! Oh god everything is so different under 0% growths. I'm so used to the effortless Seliph stomp that seeing the boy struggle is making me sad face.

+1 for using the canon names of the sword twin subs.

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chapter 6 was always a boring one

the conversation between Danaan and the Hero axe dude (i forget his name too) happens after you recruit Johan/Johalva, or when you seize one of their castles, not just the virture of Celice being far enough ahead in the chapter. It's still pretty funny though.

Do you encounter NPC Ishtar in chapter 8?

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Yeah, she spawns the last turn before I take Conote. I'll try and see if I can avoid it, but it might not be possible on 0% growths to save that turn (Conote is one of the worst castles in terms of a constant need for RNG abuse as is... maybe Finn will have to give his life?)

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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My memory is a bit fuzzy regarding her, but it might be better to wait the turn anyway, since if she spawns after you seize Conote, I think you have to kill her anyway since she glitches out the game or something due to not technically supposed to exist at that point.

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Well, she isn't that hard to kill with rigging, all I need to do is rig a crit with Aless. Dunno, I'm still working out my strategy for chapter 8. I think I can get a rather low turn count if I'm smart about utilizing the rescue staff. Right now I'm just trying to see if there's any way I can get both the leg and the knight ring on Layla by chapter 8, since putting the leg ring on Celice doesn't make much sense when he can't clear the map by himself. Daisy can clear both arenas with rigging and the sleep sword. Based on just that Layla can have 3000 starting gold + 35000 gold from both arenas + 2500 gold from ending chapter 7 with 5 castles in my possession, which means I need to get a bit less than 20000 gold on Daisy from having her fight dark mages and maybe a few of the free knights coming out of Darna. With leg!knight!ring Laylea and exploiting the rescue staff I think I could maybe 11 (10 is a bit of a stretch) turn chapter 8, which is better than the rather poor 13 turn I managed in my test run (leg ring doesn't do much for Celice in 0% growths Chapter 8.)

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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I thought you finished chapter 2 a long time ago?

Do you have time to get Daisy over to the Power Ring village? That'd be an extra 10000, at least.

Edited by Baldrick
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I think more of the problem is she'd own one of your units if you seized Conote on turn 5 (i'm pretty sure she OHKO's everyone but Aless). You can probably work around it though (or just have Fin or Janne tank one for the team or something).

^ Do you mean the shield ring village in chapter 7? I think getting the power ring village in chapter 8 is still probably a good idea though, since Daisy is the worst.

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Yeah, the one west of Darna.

Would Daisy do anything other than clearing the arena with Sleep Sword rigging, though? The Power Ring would probably be wasted on her, let Shanan grab it unless he's needed at the front.

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Yeah the ring would be wasted, but it's more for the same reason as getting the shield ring - more gold for the thief to distribute. Shanan can clear all the arena's, she he can just buy it whenever he feels like it.

EDIT: Never forget zombie beyard.

Edited by General Horace
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Nah, Hawk would still only have 30 magic to Ishtar's 32 Res (she has a barrier ring)

Actually you can probably use sleep sword!Fee and sleep her or something

His offensive stats might help though.

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Oh right, forgot about that barrier ring... Hmmm that's actually a good idea. I think I can abuse the prayer sword/ring (though hopefully I can skip that) to dodge all of Ishtar's army, but even with the massive evade boost Ishtar would probably still have reasonable hit on Celice. It will mean that someone else will have to berserk sword the dark mage though.

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And with this, the worst part of the game is over. Feel free to skip this incredibly boring castle.

Edit: I'm not using the arranged track because for some reason my computer screwed up whenever I tried to download it. I'll probably switch back to the arranged soundtrack for the next video, but anyways, who doesn't like FE4 music?

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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From a casual POV at least Verdane has bomb ass enemy phase music, amazing player phase music, and you meet Deirdre.

Yied just sucks for everyone. Player phase music is sick tho.

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