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... so... what's your most anticipated games for 2015?


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My most anticipated game is probably Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Other games are Persona 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, and the new Star Fox. Bloodborne is something I want to mention, since the initial trailer hyped me for it. But that's all we've seen--a cinematic trailer (at least, as far as I'm aware, anyway. If I'm wrong, please link me)

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Bravely Second

Has a hilariously bad name like its predecessor, but BD was awesome

And also, the unannounced new Pokemon game (cause I have a massive feeling there will be another one)

Edited by Mastergabe2000
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Persona 5, Bravely Second, Atelier Shallie, Trails in the Sky SC, Tales of Zestiria, Tokyo Xanadu and The Witcher 3, I suppose.

Though I still have to play the Witcher games I've bought...

Also Terraria 1.3


Good Saffy. Keep your priorities straight.

Personally I'm only interested in EVolution's soundtrack

yo hold up, is there a new Ys game coming out???

Yeah, for PS4/Vita. Probably Q3/4 release.

And also, the unannounced new Pokemon game (cause I have a massive feeling there will be another one)

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Nintendo Franchise games for the wii u.

Star Wars Battlefront 3

An expansion for Civ BE that makes the game better so I'll actually buy it.

SMTXFE, please be on the wii u because 3ds's are too friggin expensive to get here.

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Splatoon, Tales of Zestiria, anything Pokemon, Zelda WiiU, anything FE (though I really would be more hyped for FE14 than FEXSMT), KH3, Star Fox WiiU, Majora's Mask WiiU, Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS/ X, and anyother potentially cool games that come out of left field this year! In some ways I'm even more hyped for this year's E3 just for some more news!

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it was already released it's called endless legend and the game is unbelievably amazing

Ahhh, I wanted to get that game, but I don't have the cash to buy steam points, nor can I get it through paypal because I'm not in the USA.

Guess I'll get it during the summer sale.

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Guess I'll get it during the summer sale.

definitely do! it'll probably be a better game by then too, given as the devs have been pretty swaggy about patching so far.

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Mainly Xenoblade Chronicles X, from what's announced.

But I'm also looking forward to Majora's Mask 3D, plus Bravely Second if it comes out this year.

Oh and Azure Strike Gunvolt. Still sad somebody deleted my save file at EGX. It better have been by accident >: o

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Persona 5, possibly The Wolf Among Us S2, An expansion for the new Civ game to make it worth getting, Devil Survivor 2: Break Record and a few others.

There's also a few games that might get Vita ports that I'll get.

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Yeah, for PS4/Vita. Probably Q3/4 release.

wooooooaah... looks pretty hype :O is that Dogi with a scythe? what's going on X_X

too bad I have neither a PS4 or a Vita ;_; And with Street Fighter V and now this... much tears

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Atelier Shallie

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Tales of Zestiria


EDIT: Can't believe I forgot Bravely Second... Gah.

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Zelda U

Star Fox U

Mario Maker

Dai Gyakuten Saiban (it's getting a Spring 2015 release in Japan, so I see no reason why it shouldn't be released in the west by late Autumn/early Winter 2015)

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Ah, I forgot about this one, and MH4. And I still haven't finished Bravely Default but I've gotten back into to it, so hopefully I'll finish it before this comes out.


Yeah, this'll be my first Witcher game, but I've heard nothing but good things about it, so it can't that bad? ...

lol, I'm excited about this one, I just forgot. I must not be too excited then... ?

Hahaha, you cant be more wrong. The Witcher series are awesome. Marvelous story and characters, solid gameplay that require careful preparation and tactics, choices that greatly affect the later events (unlike bioware games), great soundtrack and beautiful graphics (the second game only). The only two bad things anyone can say about the Witcher are how buggy the games are when they were first released and how imbalance the protect spell is. In both 1&2, the only spell you need is Quell, it protects you from almost everything in the game, deals relate damage and increase resistant. Cast once in a while and kill stuff with it. Oh, in The Witcher 1, there is no fast travel, so you have to walk around by yourself.

At least, the developers actually have responsible. They fix the bugs very fast. They only charge you the big DLC and give small dlc for free. They also promise to nerf the Quell spell.

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Oh, Sony, if you show off a trailer for The Last Guardian I'll go buy a PS4 right now. I'd hype a trailer for that game more than many games on my list.

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Zelda Wii U most definitely. What little we know of the game combined with the for the series unorthodox design decisions back in ALbW make me expect great things.

I guess it could also be Starfox Wii U but I find it a bit difficult to get hyped for a game that absolutely nothing is known about.

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