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There's the mani katti explanation of the weapon chooses the weilder. For non-mystical weapons, like the rapier, maybe they take special training that most characters don't have?

But this does not explain the reason why I can't have Pent use Forblaze in FE 7 but I can FE 6.

Or why Bartre can't use the Armads in FE 7 but he can in FE 6.

and why Dieck can use the Durandal in FE 6.

I think it has to do with the original wielder being alive. But Eliwood is alive in FE 6. So I assume it has to do with having Athos alive only allows people with lineage or spirit of it's original wielder to use the weapon. Then at his death some magical force allows mortals who are now worthy despite not having the blood of there original wielders.

That's at least the best I can think of for mystical weapons.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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Well, Athos is the most powerful Sage around and he has a lot of experience in using Forblaze. It would probably be tricky to convince him to allow someone else to use his tome. And Pent himself would probably think that no one but Athos should use it.

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For the Nes/Snes era, the explanation was given in FE4's playing guide. At least for how you have prf magic.

Q: How do the Holy Weapons work?

A: The dragon tribe has the ability to transfer their power and will into dragon stones (what humans refer to as orbs). The Falchion from Mystery of the Emblem and powerful magic like Aura, as well as the orbs on the 13 Holy Weapons of Jugdral, are all dragon stones. Humans can obtain tremendous strength from these dragon stones, but they are also in danger of losing their own will. Usually, only those who have formed blood pacts with the dragon tribe can use the power of the dragon stones, but there are exceptions if the seal on the orb has been broken.

Perhaps the prf weapon from the post-snes era works the same way

Edited by Sartek
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It's their Prf or Preferred weapon. They don't let anyone touch it.

Is there an official source on this? Not doubting you, but prf could just as easily stand for proficiency.

Or maybe it stands for perforated, what with the hole in FE13's Falchion.

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Is there an official source on this? Not doubting you, but prf could just as easily stand for proficiency.

Or maybe it stands for perforated, what with the hole in FE13's Falchion.

Or it could mean perfect. That's what I thought it meant anyway...

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But this does not explain the reason why I can't have Pent use Forblaze in FE 7 but I can FE 6.

Or why Bartre can't use the Armads in FE 7 but he can in FE 6.

and why Dieck can use the Durandal in FE 6.

I think it has to do with the original wielder being alive. But Eliwood is alive in FE 6. So I assume it has to do with having Athos alive only allows people with lineage or spirit of it's original wielder to use the weapon. Then at his death some magical force allows mortals who are now worthy despite not having the blood of there original wielders.

That's at least the best I can think of for mystical weapons.

Sure it does. The weapons realized that the circumstances necessitated more lax user requirements, so they let all those schmucks wield them.

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Some of them make sense like Falchion but others I see no reason why others couldn't use them. Like the Rapier. If it did require special training or something why would only the lord know how to wield it? I think there would be at least a knight or something that would know.

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Some of them make sense like Falchion but others I see no reason why others couldn't use them. Like the Rapier. If it did require special training or something why would only the lord know how to wield it? I think there would be at least a knight or something that would know.

Have you watched The Princess Bride?

They need to learn Capo Ferro, Thibault, Bonetti, and Agrippa.

Which require proper training and long term study. The only duty of a knight is to protect someone so they don't need as much training, unlike the Lords in order to protect themselves. Since the Lords are very large in the politics they need to know the best.

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man if pent was in FE6

the game would be so much better

What game wouldn't benefit from Pent? I'm not just talking Fire Emblem here.

Why can't Cynthia wield Falchion? In her supports with Lucina as her sister she was able to use it to cut a log in half. According to the supports she should be able to wield it just like Chrom and Lucina do.

Well, I don't know if it's different in the Cynthia as Lucina's sibling support convo, but in the Morgan as Lucina's sibling convo, Morgan doesn't realize he cut the log (somehow...maybe there was a delay before the pieces fell apart???). Meanwhile, Chrom, the guy who found the cut log, didn't know that anybody had been swinging falchion around earlier.

OK I looked up the support and:


Ah, wait! Lucina, you forgot Falchion! ...So much for not leaving me all alone. Guess it's just you and me, Falchy. How's about one more swing for the road, seeing as I'll likely never touch you again? Hrrngh... YAAAAH! ...... ...Yup. Once again, total whiff! You'd just better do a damned good job of looking after my sister, you got that? If Lucina dies, you're getting demoted to royal fruit knife. Don't think I won't do it! ...All right, well, better get you back to her.


...Hmm? What's this log? Was someone training? Hmm, split perfectly in two. I've never seen such a clean cut before...

Edited by Severlan
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I think the rapier might have something to do with blood lines too. The dancer in FE3, (her name eludes me right now and I'm far too lazy to look it up even though it would take about the same level of energy as this explanatory sentence) can use rapiers too even though she shouldn't have any real training. I think there is a hint somewhere though that she's of noble blood and doesn't know it. Nabarl might also be looking for her for that reason.

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From Mysteries of FE - Akaneia's Story

Q2: Why can Feena equip the Rapier?

Comments: In the world of Fire Emblem, Rapiers are used by royalty. The fact that Feena can equip it implies something about her heritage.

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Let's not get started on Priam and Ragnell...

Why would we? Anyone can use Ragnell. Because not only does Ike not have any sort of special bloodline (let alone one that is connected to Altina) but Ragnell's counterpart Alondite can be used by anyone even in gameplay.

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