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How Protective Are You of Your Controllers/Portable Consoles?


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How protective are you of your controllers/portable consoles? Do you avoid using your controllers/portable consoles with dirty/oily hands? Do you avoid going too crazy or too hard on the buttons, analog stick, or slider? Also, when friends or siblings use your controllers and portable consoles, do you try to stop them from using it with dirty hands or being too rough with it? Do you consider it rude when others do that?

I'm actually quite overprotective of my controllers and portable consoles. During a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U get together at my place, I even told everyone to be sure their hands were clean after eating chips before playing again (I feel kind of guilty for doing that), while my friend who brought over his Gamecube adapter and controller said "don't worry, this is my controller and I don't care if it's oily." I was kind of inspired to make this thread after that, and see if my overprotectiveness of my controllers and portable consoles is weird/rude or not.

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I always know when my brother has used a controller because it's extremely dirty and I have to clean it off before using it. I've never bothered to tell others to be careful with my controllers, but seeing the state some of old GC controllers are in...perhaps I should.

I'm protective of my stuff in the way that, if we're using them and we're not at my own house, I basically always keep them in my sight. I get paranoid about something getting lost or stolen away from my own territory, and I generally do my best to not have to, well, share.

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I do.

"For the love of god, don't touch it," I might say. "I don't want your nasty cheeto dust fingers all over it."

But, I mostly don't want people getting fingerprints on it or none of that.

Same with controllers. I have this one silver GC controller that I let NOBODY use. It's my favorite, and the one I always use when I play GC games.

I'm usually pretty rude when people try to use my controller. I try not to be, but it happens sometimes. "Don't touch it."

Edited by Apparition
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my N64 controller that I use has a pretty loose joystick that people apparently find incredibly annoying and the Z button is cracked on my GC controller so nobody wants to use my controllers (except me, I'm just used to them) so I have no real issues.

Otherwise I could never tell which GC controller was mine because all my friends but one also had a silver one so the one I have probably wasn't initially mine in the first place

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Greasy controllers bother me because I don't like having greasy fingers in the first place, and having a controller in bad shape can make all the difference in competitive play.

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i'm fairly lenient with most of my controllers. nobody but me gets to touch the gamecube controller i use for smash though.

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I have an issue with oily fingers even after washing them before using my controllers. But I do wash them frequently especially on my 3ds since that glossiness gets me with all the smudges.

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I clean up my controllers/portable consoles on a regular basis, even when they're not really dirty, just to be safe. And I never let anyone use my portable consoles. I remember quite vividly how my little sister tore away the upper screen from my brother's DS a few years back, which has left me wary about the possibility of such happening again.

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I don't think it's rude to tell people to clean their hands before touching a controller. (or anything else you want getting dirty, for that matter) The same goes for asking someone not to mash so hard on a controller.

I'm usually fairly lenient about letting other people use my stuff, but I won't if their hands are dirty enough to make cleaning it off a hassle (like they obviously just finished eating potato chips) and they won't wash them off. I also make sure to clean off my gear frequently and thoroughly. Things will last longer if you take good care of them~

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I'm pretty lax when it comes to getting video game controllers dirty for some reason (I think I just like eating while playing too much to b fussed about it), but I am incredibly protective of any of my card or board games. E.g. when playing dominion (card game), I would call people out if they picked up the cards too aggressively or if they bent them to much.

Consoles are on a whole other level. I do not trust anyone with my consoles, not to move, open or set them up. Has to be me. My poor PS1 was lost before I started and I'll be damned if it happens to anything else.

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I am the only one who uses my controllers/consoles but I take care of them and keep them clean, and when I bought my FE:A 3DS I bought the most padded case for it I could find because it is my baby.

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actually, I find it normal to tell one's friends to be careful with the consoles, and I wouldn't feel guilty about doing so. I'd actually feel more guilty about telling them to pay for the reparation, in case something breaks. and I personally am pretty careful about my consoles too, though I don't mind touching them after eating crisps, since I can make them clean easily.

Edited by Gradivus.
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No one really touches my game stuff other than me. I take exceedingly good care of my game things, and its why i get so much out of a console/handheld. When i told the manager at Gamestop that i had a launch 3DS, he was extremely impressed. Apparently, most people are very hard on their devices and have had to replace them. I remember when i traded in my DS Phat, they remarked on how excellent the condition was.

I clean my controllers and consoles well. I dont abuse them. I think the last time i actually abused a controller was during my first run in Tales of Symphonia. That was like ten years ago.

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On another note I find that I actually really like to clean and maintain them I mean you do spend your hard earned money on them and all. I guess its also that I have a hobby of refurbishing things and tearing down old stuff I find in pawn shops or online.

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I always keep my 3DS, controllers, Gamepad and game cartridges under clean conditions. I never use or grab them with greasy hands, or if I do it then I just clean with alcohol or something :B):

My siblings and friends usually have their hands clean so I don't make it an issue but I'd get mad if someone else takes my personal stuff and leave it in an undesirable state. I don't think telling someone in a polite manner to clean their hands or use some stuff in a specific manner or under certain conditions is being rude, it's just a matter of respect and common sense, imo.

Edited by Quintessence
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i dont think expecting people to have clean hands when they use something that is not theirs is being overprotective. if anything, its common courtesy and common sense. i would never dirty up my own things or someone elses things.

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