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If Spotpass/DLC characters could have support conversations with other characters....

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....How do you think they would go? and with whom?

By Spotpass/DLC characters I mean characters like Marth, Roy, Ike, Lyn, etc. Not characters you get from the side quests you can get via Spotpass.

This topic is more or less for Fire Emblem fans who were fans before Awakening, I made this because I am curious of what your interpretations are.

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Would be interesting...

I'd think Ike would be able to support with Marth for one. They might already know each other because of Smash Bros. Mist and Eirika also comes to mind.

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Prince Marth and King Marth talking to each other would be hilarious.

Henry and Soren....

By Spotpass/DLC characters I mean characters like Marth, Roy, Ike, Lyn, etc. Not characters you get from the side quests you can get via Spotpass.

oh yer no fun.

Lyn and Micaiah would have some pretty interesting discussions, i think. Im more intrigued by Ike and Priam having a conversation.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Ike talking to Priam is something I'd love to see lol.

Ike: Wait, I have a descendant?! Oh gods, Aimee's going to succeed in getting in my pants?!


As funny as that is, I dont think he'd automatically think he ends up banging Aimee...I mean I think he'd figure he'd settle down with some girl eventually. But I can see him wondering who that would be: "Do you know anything about your great great great grandma? ...Gods, now I'm a great great grandpa. I feel old..."

I think Henry and Soren counts too Loki.

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Yeah, but Aimee is the only girl that very obviously hits on Ike and she said she wasn't giving up on him. XD "when I set my sights on a man, I never let him go." She said something along the lines of that in PoR.

I was just making a joke anyway. lol

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Prince Marth and King Marth talking to each other would be hilarious.

Henry and Soren....

oh yer no fun.

Lyn and Micaiah would have some pretty interesting discussions, i think. Im more intrigued by Ike and Priam having a conversation.

How am I not fun?


Edited by Celestial Prophet
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Yeah, but Aimee is the only girl that very obviously hits on Ike and she said she wasn't giving up on him. XD "when I set my sights on a man, I never let him go." She said something along the lines of that in PoR.

I was just making a joke anyway. lol

Weelll he still has the last say in the matter. It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man. Unless she drugs him somehow, which I'm pretty sure those kind of drugs don't exist in FE.

Lol yeah...

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FE 4 could have some interesting conversations between the now not so dead parents and their children.

That aside, since some of the normal characters even now have a few lines when they battle specific characters on the DLC maps these could have conversations for example.

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Weelll he still has the last say in the matter. It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man. Unless she drugs him somehow, which I'm pretty sure those kind of drugs don't exist in FE.

Lol yeah...

Who said anything about rape? xP I was joking that Aimee actually somehow managed to win Ike over.

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Weelll he still has the last say in the matter. It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man. Unless she drugs him somehow, which I'm pretty sure those kind of drugs don't exist in FE.

Lol yeah...

HOLY SHIT. This discussion has taken a turn for the fucking disgusting.

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Weelll he still has the last say in the matter. It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man. Unless she drugs him somehow, which I'm pretty sure those kind of drugs don't exist in FE.

This is honestly a disgusting thing to say, and it is because of attitudes like this that actual male rape victims don't want to report rape. Because people like you don't take it seriously and ridicule them. Please do not open your mouth to say stupid things such as this.

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It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man.


This literally doesn't make sense. The definition of rape along makes this an incorrect statement. Even beyond the fact that this is blatantly incorrect, it's kind of a poor worldview. Women aren't incapable of rape, and men aren't incapable of being raped. If one party, regardless of gender, forces sexual acts on a not consenting second party, regardless of gender, it is rape.

Anyway, not the main topic of this thread, but I couldn't let that sit. Don't make mockeries out of rape, please.

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I'd imagine there'd be a lot of odd convos between characters you wouldn't expect to have supports. I've always found these supports tend to be more interesting that characters who canonically know each other or have something in common.

Edited by Shin
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Edited by Rovan
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Okay guys you have my apologies...I really shouldve listened to that little voice saying "if you post that, people will rage". I was meaning to joke and stuff, but looks like it didn't come across that way.

Yes. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

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Yeah, but Aimee is the only girl that very obviously hits on Ike and she said she wasn't giving up on him. XD "when I set my sights on a man, I never let him go." She said something along the lines of that in PoR.

I was just making a joke anyway. lol

...Lethe seems very interested in their A support from FE9... maybe Priam's branded.

That said...








Nino/Lugh and Nino/Raigh


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I'd really like to see a Mia/Inigo Support sequence. Their conversation in Smash Brethen 2 seemed basically like a C level support, even suggesting a next converstion that never comes. Owain with any legendary hero also could be fun.

Putting that aside, Marth/Awakening Tiki also could be interesting. She has one conversation with Marth in Rogues and Redeemers 1, but it'd be interesting to see her interacting with Einhejar Marth as part of her party, rather than someone she'll see just once and then can leave behind.

Obviously, there's also DLC Lyn/Avatar since her joining conversation has a lot of set up for future interactions that just don't exist in the game.

Julia/Chrom or Julia/Lucina also could be interesting, since they might end up talking about the mark of the Exalt and the Naga brand.

In general, I'd also like to see what would be the Einhejar reactions to learning that they're "fakes" and that they can't really return to their lands. Those conversations could be rather dramatic for the ones that talk about returning to their homes or even showing their homes to the avatar.

They also could have gone into why some Einherjar seem to be able to keep their memories even after becoming cards, even though it's said in the first few maps that their memories and experiences should vanish after their return to the cards. hey wouldn't even need supports for that, but it's really disappointing that they set up that in Champions of Yore, but there's no follow up at all later.

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