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Opinion on battle animations


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Anyway, as much as they're not really all that good some of the time, I have a soft spot for the GBA-style animations. They're bright and lively, even if not realistic, so they're charming enough to watch that I generally leave them on (unless I'm doing something extremely tedious like Boss/Dance/Play abuse).

I'm playing through Sacred Stones again. Even though I've seen the GBA animations a thousand times, I've left them on. It's just fun watching a fighter jump in the air to smash an axe into someone's head, or when a swordmaster dodges lightning by shrugging.

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I turn them off. Wish there was a way to let animations go and move the cursor around because as it is watching the animations is seriously too much of a time investment.

Not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but I'm not a fan of most of the animations added by FE8, just for how out of place they look. Fallout 2's new graphics were the same way so it's not like it's a problem unique to FE8, either. FE7 managed to put in new animations while remaining consistent with existing ones so I don't know why FE8 couldn't.

Edited by gringe
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The only GBA animations I've found to be overly long are the Dark Magic users (Flux...seriously) and monster animations in FE8. If there was a "Skip Monster Animation" option in FE8, it'd be perfect.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey i liked the fighter animation... in fact i think i liked every animation. Specially Binding Blade's bishops. Saul looks so awesome with the lil' hat.

I wish i knew how to hack, i'd make "fire emblem 7 and 8: hatshops edition". I bet Lucius' hair would look badass with the little hat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mage knights channel a ball of pure magic when they crit! Sweet.

The animations are pretty great to watch, for the most part.

Is no one mentioning any of the trainees' attack animations?! Ewan's random wobble, Amelia's awkward tripping. I can't really recall Ross's.

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GBA animations are overall my favorite from all the FE games. FE1-3 animations are super basic, FE4-5 animations are super fluid but generally uninteresting, 3D animations (9, 10, 13, and 14) are long and plain, and 11-12 are basically just slightly upgraded versions of the 1-3 animations.

The GBA animations are cartoony and over the top, but in my opinion that's what makes them great.

My personal favorites:

Sage in general, an incredibly cool looking class with awesome animations (the thrown runes in the crit animation in particular are a great effect)

The Warrior crit tornado of doom.

The high jumping horse Nomadic Trooper sword crit.

Ninian's dance is very calming and elegant

and finally the little seen Brigand crit animation.

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