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Using Girl Shampoo When Guy Shampoo Runs Out


Using Girl Shampoo When Guy Shampoo Runs Out  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you find it weird if a guy does that?

    • Yes, that's very awkward
    • I wouldn't do it myself, but I wouldn't hold it against a guy if they did that
    • Not at all, and I'd even do it myself in that same situation

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I'm putting this thread here since this thread would be overloaded with joke and derogatory posts in FFtF.

So here's a question that might be weird for you guys: when the guy/male shampoo runs out and you're taking a shower or bath, do you use the girl shampoo? I suppose this question wouldn't be applicable to guys who live alone or with other guys only, but pretend you were in that same situation with girl shampoo available and answer accordingly.

As for how to apply this question to you girls, I guess it's not as weird when girls use guy shampoo. Well, feel free to answer in regards to if you'd use guy shampoo when girl shampoo runs out, or if you'd find it weird if a guy used girl shampoo when it runs out.

Shampoo, shampoo, shampoo... wow. It's a really funny and amusing word when you think about it.

Edited by Randoman
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Normally, there's basically no difference between products and marketing different ones to each gender is more of a marketing scheme, so nobody really has to worry.

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So many products these days are unnecessarily gendered that it's not even worth giving a shit 99.99% of the time.

Honestly I don't even pay attention to the text on the shampoo bottle most of the time. Very rarely are any of the different shampoo types' alleged special properties even relevant since all I really care about is getting my hair clean.

tl;dr There is absolutely nothing weird about it at all. There isn't even really a reason to go out of your way to buy "men's" or "women's" shampoo specifically, just get whatever is cheap and doesn't contain anything you're allergic to.

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what why are there gendered shampoos

why is this a thing

this shouldn't be a thing

i guess i would if there was no scent

and if i actually used shampoos

Edited by Blyvern
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Is this seriously a thing?

I use whatever shampoo i have at the moment.

I'm also pretty damn certain the shampoo i'm currently using might be for women

and i could care less

As long as it helps my hair

*Waves 'fro*

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Pantene Pro B is like the bee's knees, my hair will forever be shiny and smell like perfume and pleasantries. In fact, I rather dislike masculine shampoo, it's too general. I'm pretty sure shampoo that can also be used as body wash isn't going to do my hair any justice.

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To be honest, I think the girly shampoo makes my hair feel nicer than my "manly" shampoo.

It never caused me any problems in the past so I'd say its fine and if you think people will make fun of you, having nice smelling hair is rather flattering and that's rarely happened.

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My husband and I use female-gendered shower products exclusively. The shampoo/conditioner is kind of a no-brainer because his hair is about 1 meter long and the girlier stuff makes it smoother anyway. The soap he just doesn't care about; I've offered to buy him more manly-smelling products and he just shrugs. We do have our own male- and female-geared deodorant, but we've both had to use the other's when we've run out and it's not really weird or anything.

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My own dad is very very concerned with keeping him and his sons as masculine as possible and... well girls can get away with more so he doesn't as much with me... But yeah he gets easily embarrassed by others' judgements so he tries to protect his kids from it too x3 But also I think he's also just old-fashioned and really cares about that kind of stuff

BECAUSE OF THIS the impression I've gotten is that girls' shampoos are anything with fruity bright scents, guys' scents are more neutral.... or as duels at dawn said, like chemicals~

But hey use whatever shampoo you want, people care more about how greasy your hair is than how it smells. Nowadays, apparently unlike my dad's olden days, some people (prolly mostly girls x3) really like it when a guy's hair smells really nice~! I am one of those people, as Integrity's hair smells really nice~ Though I think his shampoo is probably considered more neutral... =o

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i only end up buying my own shampoo when the stuff i'm mooching runs out so VERY RARELY do I used men's shampoo

I also like using conditioner like other people have said and unless its a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner deal I never see men's conditioner anywhere.

i don't really notice the difference though, I guess most mens shampoo is NOT FRUIT SCENT and womens are? Idk.

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as Integrity's hair smells really nice~ Though I think his shampoo is probably considered more neutral... =o

i literally buy women's soaps exclusively because they smell so nice compared to DUDESCENT soap, god bless herbal essences forever.

shampoos i've been using aussie exclusively for like a hundred years (pretty neutral, as she said) but i'm branching out into girlier scents because fuck it i like smelling pretty.

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i literally buy women's soaps exclusively because they smell so nice compared to DUDESCENT soap, god bless herbal essences forever.

shampoos i've been using aussie exclusively for like a hundred years (pretty neutral, as she said) but i'm branching out into girlier scents because fuck it i like smelling pretty.

i like smelling u pretty~~~

and yes the pretty soaps too

..... actually you most likely smell girlier than I do because you're more into fruity scents than I am... me and my almond and shea butter shampoo with coconut/brown sugar+karite butter soaps~ Meanwhile you smell like aussie+fruity especially tangerine ;ooooo

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