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Playable characters dying during the story


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you could see tellah's death coming from a mile away though

I wouldn't mind it happening in FE though. As long as there's a way for you to feasibly continue to game afterwards.

"Don't use Meteor you old fool" "TELLAH YOU'LL DIE." "I MUST HAVE VENGEANCE"

Also there was the whole he had 90 MP with it costing 99, does that mean he used his life-force to cast it? Like how Tenshinhan of Dragon Ball uses his life-force for his Kikōhō (Tri-Beam)?

Personally I'm surprised they haven't pulled this card with a Jeigan yet in FE.

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They could've done it with Jeigan in FE3 B2, he attacks that General in a...cutscene of sorts.

Very true, on another note same game. Lorenz also kinda did EXPLODE in Michael Bay like glory.

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arran also could have just


although it wouldn't have been too devastating he was pretty shitty

He was one of the few Jeigans that was justified in his sorta better than everyone else but others could surpass him.

Most of them just have the excuse of "I'M OLD" (What was Yodel and Niimes excuses eh? :P)

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Tellah's death caused many a spoony bard to shed a tear. Funny enough Tellah was hella Jeigan but he was also like an Athos.

Eyvel's a pretty good example too. I forgot her because I've yet to play Thracia.

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Tellah's death caused many a spoony bard to shed a tear. Funny enough Tellah was hella Jeigan but he was also like an Athos.

Eyvel's a pretty good example too. I forgot her because I've yet to play Thracia.

Tellah lost stats on leveling up, it was funny when I finally figured that out.

Highly recommend you get on that lol.

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Tellah's death is usually glosed over by most too. I like Tellah, Galuf and Aerith though.

But back to the topic at hand, we've had similar stuff happen in FE, look at near all of 4's first generation, look at Evyel in 5 (wasn't death but it was nearly)

Ninian kind of counts.

To be fair, characters die every twenty minutes in Final Fantasy IV. Tellah just happened to be the one who didn't get a miraculous recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well,, in FE11, you have to sacrifice a character at the end of the prologue, so losing a player character is not unheard of to be sure.

Not to mention its stellar Gaiden requirements.

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Tellah's death is usually glosed over by most too. I like Tellah, Galuf and Aerith though.

But back to the topic at hand, we've had similar stuff happen in FE, look at near all of 4's first generation, look at Evyel in 5 (wasn't death but it was nearly)

Ninian kind of counts.

half of the part members in FF 2 were killed never forget them.

It would have been nice to see in Radiant Dawn if after the events of PoR Ike kind of got cocky. Which would have lead to either Soren or another Grail mercenary's death but then again I would have liked more character development in the game.

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What could work is:

1) Prologue chapters like Shadow Dragon.

2) A limited amount of characters (e.g. An army squad with 8 members), and you have to take all of them onto every single prologue map. If any one of them 'dies' in the prologue maps, they are still able to come back the next prologue chapter (as it's only a flesh wound)

3) The MC grows closer to another member of the army squad.

4) In the last Prologue map, that character dies permanently, and that death introduces you to permadeath mechanics.

5) BOOM! The MC has motivation, the player gets to cry (as they have grown attached to the army squad characters) and you won't have wasted that much exp. ;)

I do have another idea on how the playable character dying could work, but it's a lot crueller than the method I suggested.

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I'd probably just use the Eyvel method. I'd also make their equipment auto-convoyed like in FE12 and FE13, then at one point or another, I'd have their XP/win-loss ratio/whatever calculated into an item or bullion.

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I really like ideas like this but maybe kill of a character that is useful but doesn't really gain exp like a dancer or FE8 Myrrh who doesn't require any investment to rolfstomp everything.

please don't do it like FE7 though, I was shocked to find out that Ninian was the dragon and got stabbed. It made the whole final battle feel very epic and I was ready to avenge Ninian. Then poof she is fine and it just felt dumb and pointless. I didn't feel relieved that she got revived I felt cheated out of a better ending. Instead of getting a bittersweetish ending, I got a our heroes prevail and everything will turn out good because they're the hero nothing can go wrong.

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