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I doubt it, given the damage - I'd expect a weapon specialized for taking out a certain unit type to deal more damage than that if that were the case.

Regarding this, I believe the new weapons will be handled as such:

The Western army will have Swords, Lances, Axes and Bows. The weapon triangle will still be the same: Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords (Bows excluded from the triangle)

The Eastern army will have Katanas, Naginatas, Maces and Bows. The weapon triangle will be the same as usual: Katanas > Maces > Naginatas > Katanas. Again, bows will be excluded.

I think these new weapons don't bring much to the table, other than expanding the cultures of the two warring armies.

Perhaps it will be the same with the magic triangles as well:

Western will have: Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire (This triangle will be grouped as "Western" Anima Triangle)

Then have: Western Anima > Light > Dark > Western Anima

The Eastern culture is a bit more tricky since there are five elements in the pentagram. So, my interpretation will be very speculative.

Eastern will have: Water > Fire > Wood > Water (This triangle will be grouped as "Eastern" Anima Triangle)

Then have Eastern Anima > Metal > Earth > Eastern Anima.

Metal would be the Eastern Army's equivalent to light magic and Earth be dark magic. Tear Ring Saga had earth magic that counted as dark magic. Plus, in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series, the Ninja class had a "Metal Veil" spell that had an animation similar to light magic.

I should win the nobel prize if my prediction is correct, haha.

Perhaps that Ice Rat spell would count as water magic?

Edited by Leif
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Regarding this, I believe the new weapons will be handled as such:

The Western army will have Swords, Lances, Axes and Bows. The weapon triangle will still be the same: Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords (Bows excluded from the triangle)

The Eastern army will have Katanas, Naginatas, Maces and Bows. The weapon triangle will be the same as usual: Katanas > Maces > Naginatas > Katanas. Again, bows will be excluded.

I think these new weapons don't bring much to the table, other than expanding the cultures of the two warring armies.

Perhaps it will be the same with the magic triangles as well:

Western will have: Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire (This triangle will be grouped as "Western" Anima Triangle)

Then have: Western Anima > Light > Dark > Western Anima

The Eastern culture is a bit more tricky since there are five elements in the pentagram. So, my interpretation will be very speculative.

Eastern will have: Water > Fire > Wood > Water (This triangle will be grouped as "Eastern" Anima Triangle)

Then have Eastern Anima > Metal > Earth > Eastern Anima.

Metal would be the Eastern Army's equivalent to light magic and Earth be dark magic. Tear Ring Saga had earth magic that counted as dark magic. Plus, in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series, the Ninja class had a "Metal Veil" spell that had an animation similar to light magic.

I should win the nobel prize if my prediction is correct, haha.

Perhaps that Ice Rat spell would count as water magic?

Would be kinda boring if the two weapons triangle sets didn't interact with one another no?

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Either it was a powerful wind tome or a long distance tome.

This ice tome looks kinda weak so what's the point to have a weak Ice tome when you already have a wind tome as powerful ?

It was a basic spell back in FE1/3 and their remakes. Only slightly better than thunder.

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Those should return. Personally, I think Radiant Dawn had one of the better weapon systems. Everything's so systematic, and sword users are finally no longer limited by range (although wind edges are still rare).

I know the combat system was one of the best I'd love to see a game use that as the starting point for combat! (The game suffered w/ the unbalanced army jumping though...)

Actually this topic could include staves as well.


  • reaver weapons, which replace the skills in FE13 (axebreaker etc...)
  • magic bows (flaming arrows, thunderbolt) => belongs to anima magic
  • FE10 weapon types (steel great weapons)
  • magic swords of all elements (FE9 runesword=fire sword, wind sword, thunder sword, light sword, dark sword)
  • bolt axe and flame lance from FE9
  • ballistas
  • knives for thiefs


  • "Blind stave": It reduces the hit rate of an enemy by 50% for five turns
  • "Bann stave": same effect as the warp / teleport stave with the only difference you use it on an enemy
  • "Flame stave": Enemy suffers burns for five turns. It loses 10 HP before each player phase.
  • "Vegetation stave": It changes the enviroment and affects the terrain. The landscape can be changed into desert, snowscape, marshy landscape or volcano terrain. Desert: every unit except for fliers, mages and thiefs are affected. Snowscape: every unit loses three movement. Marshy landscape: every unit is affected except for fliers. Swamp space = thicket. Volcano: Traps appear (as in the GBA-series). If an unit is placed on a trap, it will lose 10 HP everytime. This endures five turns.
  • all the staves of the GBA series have to return

I like these but some of those staves are over the top...

I want venien weapons back too... as well as reaver weapons light magic and staves a full set of magic weapons for each type and importantly the storm swords for swordsmen... knives should return too for thieves(as swords tend to look strange on them)

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The the idea of the blind and flame stave came by playing Bravely Default. So why not in FE?

The bann stave shall be a remedy to keep very powerful foes in distance. Enemy bosses on the throne should be excluded.

The vegetation stave is a little bit over the top, that's true.

What if enemies had the "bann stave?" On something like an escape map they teleport your units further away from the escape point, possibly into a horde of enemy soldiers or teleport them into small locked rooms that we've seen all the time in FE. Could be frustrating/fun at the same time.

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What if enemies had the "bann stave?" On something like an escape map they teleport your units further away from the escape point, possibly into a horde of enemy soldiers or teleport them into small locked rooms that we've seen all the time in FE. Could be frustrating/fun at the same time.

Actually I didn't think about escape missions, because I don't expect they return.

However you can use the rescue stave.

It's similar if you have to bring the restore stave against sleep, silence... etc.

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I just hope weapons are harder to acquire than they were in Awakening--I love that game, but I'm sick of constantly seeing Silver Sword x99 in my inventory... But that's probably my fault, since I just finished grinding every character to unlock all available skills in every class (including Out-Realm skills and classes), with Limit-Breaker and optimum marriages for all characters.

TIME FRAME: 1642 hrs gameplay

Ohmygod, I just realized if I'd spent this much time training my actual person, I would be a way better fighter than everyone in my army and would probably be in a more successful marriage than all the characters. FOREVER ALONE.

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I just hope weapons are harder to acquire than they were in Awakening--I love that game, but I'm sick of constantly seeing Silver Sword x99 in my inventory... But that's probably my fault, since I just finished grinding every character to unlock all available skills in every class (including Out-Realm skills and classes), with Limit-Breaker and optimum marriages for all characters.

TIME FRAME: 1642 hrs gameplay

Ohmygod, I just realized if I'd spent this much time training my actual person, I would be a way better fighter than everyone in my army and would probably be in a more successful marriage than all the characters. FOREVER ALONE.

Eh? Doubtful. That equates to ~68 days, basically a couple months. Two months is fast to move in on a marriage (in the real world).

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The the idea of the blind and flame stave came by playing Bravely Default. So why not in FE?

The bann stave shall be a remedy to keep very powerful foes in distance. Enemy bosses on the throne should be excluded.

The vegetation stave is a little bit over the top, that's true.

yeah the vegetation staff is the one that is impossible...

What if enemies had the "bann stave?" On something like an escape map they teleport your units further away from the escape point, possibly into a horde of enemy soldiers or teleport them into small locked rooms that we've seen all the time in FE. Could be frustrating/fun at the same time.

This is great... I support this... even better have them target squishies like healers...(at least on lunatic...)

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Slightly off topic, but with how heavy Kazahana's weapon looked, and the fact that she didn't double that archer, it looks like weapon weight might be returning.

Please let this be true. I've been replaying sacred stones recently and this is one of my favorite aspects of that game. (That and the magic triangle.)

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Slightly off topic, but with how heavy Kazahana's weapon looked, and the fact that she didn't double that archer, it looks like weapon weight might be returning.

I wouldn't mind wieght returning but IMO trailer stats dont mean much theres also the fact you have 12 units yet have 20 hp so it looks like your units have default stats but the enemy looks like chapter 7/8 awakening stats. dont have my game but if her stats are around lon'qus i think it is likley she won't double but honestly trailers dont mean much.

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Slightly off topic, but with how heavy Kazahana's weapon looked, and the fact that she didn't double that archer, it looks like weapon weight might be returning.

I would love this true, but I'll believe it when we have direct proof.

also, going by the patterns set by the previous games, we have another game or two before IS revamps the weight system

Edit: Actually, if we count BSFE, then following the pattern set by previous FEs means we're due for another overhaul.

No Buffer: FE1, 2, 3, BS, 4 (5 games)

Con Buffer: FE5, 6, 7, 8 (4 games)

Str Buffer: FE9, 10, 11 (3 games)

No weight: FE12, 13 (2 games)

Maybe you're on to something!

Edited by #RR shinpichu
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If weapon weight makes a return PLEASE let them not implement it like Radiant Dawn did.

Str being a factor in attack speed calculations was a step backward.

At least, considering that once you level up enough, weight ceased to be a factor anyway.

If they're making it relevant again, make it relevant for the entire game.

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If weapon weight makes a return PLEASE let them not implement it like Radiant Dawn did.

Str being a factor in attack speed calculations was a step backward.

At least, considering that once you level up enough, weight ceased to be a factor anyway.

If they're making it relevant again, make it relevant for the entire game.

I understand what your saying but weight is problematic no matter which method you use.

With no buffer your penalizing Axe users by lowering the most important stat in the freaking game (speed), making lighter weapon types with minutely lower might far superior.

With a con buffer your prementaly penalizing low con units (which is especially problematic when IS insisted on giving low con to female units) with a penalty that can't really be effectively overcome.

With a strength buffer your either are gonna be weight completely irrelevant after half-way through the game (or even earlier in FE10), or if you make powerful/late game weapons have such ridculusly high weight so that they penalize endgame units, thats makes any powerful weapon you get early is practially worthless for a while, and incredibly harshly penalizes low strength characters (who generally rely on speed to do decent damage, and still problematic for female units, who IS insists on giving lower strength as shown by the baffling to decision to make sully the speed and skill cavalier rather than the strength and defense one, and giving her PENALTIES to strength and defense caps)

In fact considering that EVERY version of weight produces a lot of problems I understand why IS decided trying to get weight balanced in a way that is A. Somewhat logically, and B. a combination of relevant/not ludicrously unfair to certain unit types, is basically impossible task (unless they radically nerf the OP mechanic of doubling but it don't think they will do that because if they do the game just gets tedious)

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