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Let's Play: OpenXCOM - UFO Defense


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Name: Billy Jones

Sex: Male

Class: Sniper

Other: Was kidnapped for recruitment after he was heard bragging about how good of a shot he was. Unfortunately, the X-COM operative who overheard didn't know that he was talking about Call of Duty.

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name: Haru II Integrity

class: Sapper

sex: d/c

other: enraged by the loss of their sibling to the alien menace, Haru II Integrity seeks to avenge their death with the precise same tools and tactics

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Well, guess I died... How DID I die in the first place?

New character!

Name: Thoron "The Lightning" Joranthian

Sex: Male

Class: Sniper

Other: A man of little words. Whenever he speaks, he is short and to the point, and rather blunt. He joined the XCOM force after his twin brother, Karus, was killed by the alien menace

Edited by The Dark Armorknight
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Would someone who didn't submit a guy before be able to submit one now?


Uh...may I re-submit my application? Given the circumstainces?

Not if you're going to be that lazy about it, no. At least have it be a distinct person, not just 'me: second edition'

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Name: Sniper Fox Mulder

Sex: Male

Class: Sniper

Other: The truth is out there... and Fox has a bullet with its name on it.

Name: Medic Dana Scully

Sex: Female

Class: Medic

Other: Prior to joining X-Com, most of Scully's medical experience has been with corpses. After joining... that actually hasn't changed at all.

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Okay fine.

Name: June

Sex: Female

Class: Scout

Other: Is a transvestite, but it doesn't work because of a large chest. I mean, it's literally a giant chest full of treasure that she straps onto her chest. Well, not that giant. It just gives the appearance of being slightly chubby. Yeah, it's a really weird quirk.

EDIT: I really shouldn't type when I'm tried.

Name: June

Sex: Female

Class: Scout

Other: Is that obligatory feminist-type character that constantly rubs it in everyone else's faces how very FEMALE she is, and taunts them mercilessly, and is generally hated for a variety of good reasons.

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Signups are technically unlimited but if you just sign up a shitton then I might just flat-out start ignoring them tbh. Basically only sign up someone good and cool. That said I expect casualties to be, bluntly, horrific.

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Name: Jack "Friendly" Pyre

Sex: Male

Class: Whatever I guess. I was going to say sniper but there seem to be a lot of those so just pick whatever.

Other: Has been called, "an arrogant, narcissistic bastard", among other things. Spends most of his time bragging about himself in some way, trying to one-up others, and generally getting on everyone's shit-list. Once shot one of his teammates, stating, "That was totally an accident, but lets be real that was one hell of a shot." Mere mention of his name causes the bile to rise in people's throats.

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Name: Minah Joranthian

Class: Heavy

Sex: Female

Other: Somewhat arrogant, wife of Thoron Joranthian. She joined XCOM not long after Thoron did, and she wants to leave un-widowed

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Continuing with the trend of random fighting game characters. . .

Name: Sean (if he has a last name, I missed it)

Gender: Male

Class: Scout

Other: This is the Third Strike version, naturally. Bonus points if he's the worst unit on the team by a significant margin, and if he kills things by throwing basketballs at them. :P:

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Not if you're going to be that lazy about it, no. At least have it be a distinct person, not just 'me: second edition'

fuck you, Haru II Integrity is a distinct person

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Private Integrity is, well, exactly as expected.

Sean Divekick is genuinely gash.

June Strawman, equally so.

look, they're scouts, okay

Slow, weak, and accurate. Electric Boogaloo Joranthian is a textbook sniper.

Should have been a heavy in hindsight.

Too accurate for a Medic tbh but all my guys were like, either incredible or dogshit accuracy.


Wutzenstein wouldn't fit in full so I had to get creative. Same with some other guy at some point but I forget who.

sorry dana there were like no fitting male snipers so you don't get your buddy mulder

oh hey the other guy whose name wouldn't fit
there are like no shocks in this batch lol

I'm going to go back and change 'Scout' to 'Shock' because he has pretty good aim.

I'm indecisive!!!

'shocks are brave and true' - me at start of campaign
'shocks are anyone with aim in the 50s' - me after one mission and one basically game over


hey guess what variable i changed

"Commander! Commander, wake up!"

"... Yes, okay, terrible dreams. Of our entire squad dying in Canberra... that wasn't a dream, boss. Look, I had to pull a few strings, get some shit together, break some eggs, but I got all our shit running again. But you need to get up."

"Yes, the base is how you left it! Okay, yeah, that part might have been a dream about a slightly different layout, but there's still a ton of guys running around this place like ants. Fourteen guys? Drop in the bucket, really. You'll get used to it."

"Now get out there and do your job. Better, this time."


A good landing. This is because no shots have been fired yet. When you splash a UFO instead of finding one landed, the amount of aliens is reduced (since a ton of them, like, died) but the UFO is damaged. Which sucks, because that's good to loot.

Start of turn three. You will note I cleverly forgot to give Pvt. Divekick a gun. This, and his terrible stats, make him prime breach material. I have some time to kill while I wait, so the people in position move west to scout...

Meatdrill: "Found one! What's the dumb cunt doin', makin' a crop circle or some shit?"

After Meatdrill and Strawman's marksmanship makes for prime comedy value, the Wutz finally tags him. This was a Sectoid - they're the stereotypical grey aliens. Pretty pathetic and beta, but they've got something nasty up their sleeves later in the game.
Unless OpenXCOM changed things, UFOs only have a single enemy type. Each enemy type also has a 'terror unit' (such as how the Floaters came with gigantic orange melee beasts, Reapers) who only show up on the big occasions.

Writing tutorials is boring and I can't wait until I can stop doing this. Integrity primes a grenade for 0, meaning it explodes at the end of the turn it leaves his hand. This means that if they're shot and killed, they drop it and it explodes and kills everyone around him, but hell, I'll take it.

Their turn passes without incident, so Divekick hurls himself at the UFO. Nothing there, so let's move on up. Sadly he's a dozy cunt and runs out of energy, which is really annoying and a stat I need to keep track of a lot better because it can really fuck you up.

Divekick: "I... I... there..."
Okay, so fuck breaches. I get complacent, don't leave enough time units on my guys to reaction fire, and a Sectoid opens the door, lights up Pyre and Meatdrill, and wanders back inside.
Strawman: "What the FUCK was that?! I'm gonna strangle that cunt!"
M. Joranthian: "I thought you were against gendered language?"
Strawman: "Actually, showing revulsion towards the word 'cunt' just reinforces the idea that it's any worse than a cock."
M. Joranthian: "Huh. That ... makes a lot of sense, actually."

Divekick: "..."
M. Joranthian: "I heard three gunshots! The target's down, right?"
Divekick: "uh"
M. Joranthian: "Right?!"
A further gunshot
M. Joranthian: "... RIGHT?!"

The Sectoids charitably miss two from three of their own easy shots. The third hits, though, both for the guy shooting Divekick and the guy shooting Billy Jones (off to the west.) Basically the entire squad panics.

Strawman breached, failed, went berserk and started firing wildly. Sorry, Free. She bleeds out in the off-turn, but one of the Sectoids pegs the Wutz as she runs in. It falls to Brownpants to avenge her.

Strawman, meanwhile, gets it right the second time. Frederick rounds the corner, and...

Casualties: Meatdrill, Pyre, Divekick, Jones, Datia, Wutzenstein

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and then I do nothing then immediately die~


Name Eithne Corcoran (aiku gave me a last name that i'm almost tempted to make "corcor")

Sex Female

Class let's try MEDIC AGAIN

Other I-I'm not creative enough for that :c

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