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If you could create a game using any of Nintendo's characters, what would be in it?

Misses Elise-chan!

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NES Maker, a game that allows you to mix and match pieces from your NES favorites. Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Clu Clu Land, Balloon Fight, Fire Emblem Dark Dragon and Sword of Light (Japan only), Ice Climbers.

I just saw the New Hyrule deal and was reminded of New Super Mario Bros. Tis all lol

The first two New Super Mario Bros games weren't bad. The next two sucked. I have high hopes for Mario Maker. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't crap out another garbage sequal.
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NES Maker, a game that allows you to mix and match pieces from your NES favorites. Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Clu Clu Land, Balloon Fight, Fire Emblem Dark Dragon and Sword of Light (Japan only), Ice Climbers. The first two New Super Mario Bros games weren't bad. The next two sucked. I have high hopes for Mario Maker. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't crap out another garbage sequal.

It's not that they sucked, it's that they were too samey and based on nostalgia.

They are quality games, but samey.

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Turn-based jrpg based off the Kirby series.

Gonna piggyback off of this one first - I can picture something akin to FFX-2 for this, with Kirby switching powers similar to how the characters in X-2 change Dresspheres.


Other ideas: an Action-Platformer game starring characters from Golden Sun (picture Metroid Prime style platforming and puzzles crossed with 3D Zelda games) and a puzzle game (Bejeweled, etc) featuring Kraden from Golden Sun, dealing with Alchemy and the elements of matter.

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A Zelda JRPG with emphasis on the map so you can still solve puzzles and the like.

FE style Pokemon game with set growth rates and units and stuff.

A survival horror Metroid.

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Get Nintendo and Squeenix together to make a "Super Smash RPG" kind of like Super Mario RPG but in full HD and with characters from tons of Nintendo franchises (and some of Squeenix's characters, too. Bonus points if there's a way for there to be a Link vs. Cloud fight. Also, have Geno appear somewhere). I want it to be kinda like Kingdom Hearts (well, KH before the plot got convoluted, stupid, and bloated with a billion original characters that got much more screen time than the Disney and Final Fantasy characters). This would have the potential to be the best game ever.

Other ideas:

1. A Paper Mario game that combines the gameplay quality of Thousand-Year Door with the story quality of Super Paper Mario.

2. A Twilight Princess HD Remake that allows you to play either "Gamecube Style" (using the Wii U Pro Controller, the Gamepad, or possibly even the Gamecube adapter) or "Wii Style" using the Wiimote and Nunchuck, and the world flips to mirror your choice. I clarify this because I'm afraid any TP remake would use the Wii version as the basis and I would have to learn those controls and the entire map would be flipped from what I remember in the Gamecube version.

3. A Mario-or-Fire-Emblem-based Warriors game. Fire Emblem fits the Warriors format the best of Nintendo's franchises, but I'd also love a Mushroom Kingdom Warriors game solely because Bowser would obviously be playable like Ganondorf was in Hyrule Warriors and I just want to wreck shit as him.

4. An official Mother 4.

5. A Pokemon game set in a region based on the Great Lakes region of the United States.

6. A new Metroid game made by Retro Studios.

7. A new Golden Sun game that's at least as good as The Lost Age, if not even better.

8. A new Baten Kaitos game.

9. Something that revolves around Amiibos in some way.

Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

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So a good 3D Zelda game? Sounds good. Kappa

It could be interesting if they had a dark souls like game with some of the zelda tools being used as strategic weaponry and stuff, IMO. Dunno if it would be a great idea to bring in zelda puzzles, even though I tend to like puzzling in zelda.

Legend of Link game starring Zelda.

Do you mean a game made in the style of Legend of Link?

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-Megaman X Dynasty Warriors crossover

-Golden Sun x Dynasty Warriors crossover

-Fire Emblem x Golden Sun crossover

-Golden Sun x Pokemon crossover

-Anything to do with Golden Sun because Golden Sun needs more love

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New NES, SNES, GBA, GB, and N64 games for download. Since these games are old and understood, shouldn't it be even easier to understand now? Cheap games made and bought for low cost. Don't take as long to make.

-Megaman X Dynasty Warriors crossover

-Golden Sun x Dynasty Warriors crossover

-Fire Emblem x Golden Sun crossover

-Golden Sun x Pokemon crossover

-Anything to do with Golden Sun because Golden Sun needs more love

Megaman is not Nintendo.

A new Mario versus Donkey Kong where you cam actually play as characters and not toys.

A new Zelda game with Zelda 2 gameplay.

A new Fire Emblem game with Gaiden gameplay.

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- Fire Emblem fighting game for Wii U.

- Captain Falcon game styled like the Batman Arkham games, but set in a sci-fi setting, and without the sexist trash.

- FE15 for Wii U, starring Priam

- New Metroid; in the vein of the Prime series, and pretend Other M never happened.

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.......pokemon mmo

I know how original of a thought

I've got two things just as good.

Animal Crossing MMO and Smash Bros MMO.

Imagine Smash Run, but on a global scale. Enemies would only appear in select areas, so they are contained. Shops for equipment and special skills. The world is still 2D, or better yet, it switches from 3D to 2D depending on if you're fighting. PvP areas are around and Arenas too. Two types of Arenas, player versus player and enemy versus player.

World is split up between game series.

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I actually have another idea, but it's kind of hard to put down. It would be like Kingdom Hearts, with the main Character travelling between different Nintendo worlds, but the battle system would be like a cross of Xenoblade and Zelda, with more emphasis on timing, and The story would have an original cast + playable characters from their respective worlds, and only usable in their world. The setting, aside from the Nintendo worlds, will take place in a rift between realities. In the story, the main character, Hark (best name ever, by the way), will have died unexpectedly from a disease, and then recruited by the manifestation of death -who is a woman named Olivia- to stop different occurrences in other worlds that would change the flow of fate. (Possibly putting you against the cast of FE:A?) And you'd have to explore the worlds and Hark's world, which is basically Victorian England, and buy equipment that would vary depending on the world you're in, like you'd be able to buy swords in the Zelda universe, and buy guns in the Metroid universe. Even Frying Pans and Baseball Bats in the Earthbound universe! It feels good to finally have that put down.

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Another F-Zero with unlockable AX dudes and the Maximum Velocity+GP Legend/Climax bros as DLC. The Super Falcon, Super Stingray and Super Cat would be DLC skins for the Blue Falcon, Fire Stingray and White Cat. Uhhhhhhhh, online mode I GUESS with various events in the form of grand prixs based on the different venues from F-Zero's history. With Amiibo support.

Another Pokemon Rumble with every critter up to Diancie since Hoopa and the other one isn't released yet.

Super Princess Daisy platforming with botanical gimmicks.

A Starfox that plays like an Ace Combat game(I know that a new Starfox is on the way, but)

A Kirby and Klonoa crossover game because it makes sense in my head.

A Warioware RPG.

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