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Achievements in gaming.



24 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about achievements?

    • I like them and perfer if games have them.
    • I hate them and wish it never existed.
    • I don't care if they have or don't have them.

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I don't care if a game has them or not but I feel a lot of achievements in games are pointless. Example: Complete the game on Easy, Normal, and Hard. If you beat the game on Hard what is the point of the other 2 achievements? Play for X amount of hours. Lets just leave the game on for no reason. Die X amount of times. Why do I purposely have to suck?

My greatest gaming achievement.

I don't like running in RPG games unless It is absolutely required or getting something useful.(Chicken Knife FF6) This one gave me a good laugh at least.


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It's kind of fun when they tell you about a feature you would otherwise have never used, though, or make you do some harmless thing you'd never have done otherwise.

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Ehh im not arsed either way. Some are fun, like that one in Goat Simulator where you make the rollercoaster go so fast and you lick it. That was the best.

But in general, its not something im worried about.

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Indifferent for most of them. Usually never really cared to do most of the achievements and I never feel rewarded for doing them. The only achievements that I like are complete the game.

And then we have Sakurai's achievement systems. Dear god those achievements he makes in Kirby Air Ride.

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I have never cared about achievements in games and probably never will. I sometimes roll my eyes when I get a notice that I completed incredibly stupid/easy achievements ("You used this item that you just got: Achievement!!!!" :KnollRoll:) but that's about it.

Edited by Kirie
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I don't care for them, I don't even go out of my way just to get them either. A lot of them seem like things you'll do just by playing the game.
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They're not a deal breaker for me so I don't particularly care if they are in or not although they are nice to have especially if they are done the way Sakurai does them where they unlock trophies, music, custom moves, and stages.

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I like them in general but there are definitely stupid ones. Anything a player would never realistically do while playing should probably not be an achievement.

I'm the opposite, lol! I usually only like achievements if they're creative and reward/encourage the player for doing/to do something out of the ordinary. "Beat X boss" is boring to me, where "Beat X boss under X restrictions" is interesting.

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Achievement lists that are completed just by beating the game are useless.

The other ones are nice to keep track of collectibles and other challenges and house rules, I guess.

I don't like though that with achievements those challenges and house rules are basically forced on you.

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I'm the opposite, lol! I usually only like achievements if they're creative and reward/encourage the player for doing/to do something out of the ordinary. "Beat X boss" is boring to me, where "Beat X boss under X restrictions" is interesting.

Well, I don't mean quite like that. I mean stuff that's just completely random and has little/nothing to do with the game otherwise. Something like going to some random area out of the way and using a random weapon on some set piece that really does nothing outside of getting the achievement. Beating parts of the game under reasonable restrictions for an achievement is fine.

Although I do agree with Ike-Mike that achievement lists that are only based on running through the game are boring.

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I prefer unlocked bonus content to an achievement (it's ok if I get an achievement too). Like, the extra weapons you can unlock by playing mercenaries or professional or etc. in Resident Evil 4. Or bonus art, music, etc. that you can unlock in Metroid Prime 3.

EDIT: Oh, and it can be kinda fun if the game uses the achievement's name to make some corny joke. None of the ones I've seen are memorable enough for me to be able to repeat them, however.

Edited by Severlan
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I usually like achievements in the sense of gameplay challenges. A lot of games give you achievements just for the sake of it, though.

same thoughts, I enjoyed Battle Masteries for SRW OG. Also Excellen is my favorite SRW female char. Making me want to play OG again on the PS2.

I prefer unlocked bonus content to an achievement (it's ok if I get an achievement too). Like, the extra weapons you can unlock by playing mercenaries or professional or etc. in Resident Evil 4. Or bonus art, music, etc. that you can unlock in Metroid Prime 3.

EDIT: Oh, and it can be kinda fun if the game uses the achievement's name to make some corny joke. None of the ones I've seen are memorable enough for me to be able to repeat them, however.

The achievement in my spoiler is from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Doubt most people would know. Certainly not a great achievement fleeing 200 times but it was very funny.

I enjoyed the references made in Labyrinth of Touhou. You would have to play a lot of variety of games to catch most of the references.

Ones I can remember off the top of my head that I liked.

Machoke's Bracelet(pretty sure most people would know this one) - Trade it via link cable and it will evolve. I remember this due to one of my best friend in RL being a huge Pokemon fan. Only nerd to have 2 GBC with a link cable and Pokemon Red and Blue. My other friends used to tease him for liking a children's game. I'm not saying it is just for kids but society looks at it from that point of view. Only Pokemon game I have played is Pokemon Red. Radicate is the coolest Pokemon.

Hirami Lemon(Sengoku Rance Miki) - Fruit that suppresses the Demon Kings power. Not eating it regularly will lead to a terrible dictatorship and civil war.

Ribbon(FF series) - It protects from status alignments simply because its a Ribbon. No objections allowed.

Also I thought a Public Poll would allow guests to vote.

Edited by Siruppercut
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I never really cared that much for achievements, as I always preferred more secret in-game content. Getting the Knights of the Round summon in FF7 is always going to be immensely more enjoyable than reaching the level cap of any other JRPG. When the game is outright telling you that you can go get X or that there is an optional boss Y, I think it defeats the actual fun out of finding it/killing it. It doesn't feel as much of a personal achievement anymore, it just feels like I was following orders to get something that is ultimately inconsequential to the rest of the game. It's better than not acknowledging it at all at least.

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I like them, though sometimes there ARE some stupid ones. But in general, I prefer that games have them so I can feel skilled when I get the toughest ones. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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