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WTF/epic fail/etc moments


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Just what it says. Post those here.

RD 3-13. Ike waltzed up to Tauroneo and pwned him, making me lose. I ended up having to move everybody out of his range. Just wtf Ike. Yes, you're awesome and badass, but can't you be awesome and badass elsewhere? If you want to blast something with Ragnell there's a tree over there... xD

That was the most recent one. Lots of times though I forgot to equip weapons when I switched them around. I remember one time I was like "Boyd why are your arms in a different pose-oh." And then IS makes The Vaike. Irony...

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I just have one notable instance off the top of my head.

*has Frederick and Avatar teamed up as usual since they're married*

Frederick: None shall harm you!

*Kelli gets hit*


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In Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, I set Marth to head towards Wendell (A bishop on the enemy team) so I could recruit him to my team. However, Wendell attacked Marth, and when Marth counter-attacked he got killed. What's even more ironic is that in his death quote, he says that he detests violence.

So yeah, that's my WTF moment.

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First playthrough of PoR chapter 11 I had no idea the BK came out of that middle house if you engage the boss and I was moving my army as far away from Jill as possible while recruiting Zihark. Ike got killed the turn aftwerward had to restart. Like how was I supposed to know that the first time through?

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I was playing TRS or FE5, I forget which one, but I just remember being slammed by 4-5 20% chance attacks in a row, and missing like 3 out of 5 60% shots in retaliation.

Fuckin' single RN.

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FE5, using Robert because I was bad, one hit with the Brave Bow can KO this wyvern guy that needs to die or he'll kill one of my weakened units. He misses 4 times with 99% hit. I had to restart. Best thing is one of my siblings was there and they saw that and I just said, "Yup, that's Thracia for you" amongst random screaming for one hit.

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First ever playthrough of Sacred Stones.

Chapter 6:

I'm trying to save the villagers/children people from the big spider. Not only do I fail to save any of them, I lose every single character I fielded in that map bar Erikia. (Yes- even Seth died...)

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My army stood 1 turn in front of getting steamrolled by reinforcements, all with Silver Lance or Spear forges of course. SIRIUS WILL CHOKE THIS POINT General!Sirius survived 4 assaults from those Paladins with 2 HP. He was close to the HP cap and had 29 Def. Epic win I guess.

Edited by Gradivus.
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All of my WTF moments involved Ike in Endgame RD. First time, he got critted twice in a row ( on a 2%) by BK on two seperate battles. That was pretty satisfying to see him fly across the floor. Second time, he missed an attack on Ashera when she had 1HP left, and Ashera nearly killed Nephenee with her AoE attack.

Non-related to actual in-game events, but PoR!Shinon and Lucia's base stats and WTF growths certainly do qualify. Over 410% for them both...

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WTF awesome: I screwed up and put Ricken in range of a wyvern and something else (possibly another wyvern) on Lunatic. On the first attack, he dodged the Something Else and countered, which was enough for him to level up, and he gained Defense. On the second attack (which I KNOW was a wyvern), he survived the first hit with 1 HP and dodged the second one. I may have outlined this in the Lunatic Club. Ricken for top tier. :P:

WTF fail: That feel when Avatar in FE13 whiffs a 98% hit (beating Cynthia's record 97% missed hit).

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In the last part of RD Endgame, Boyd was killed after being doubled by 3 spirits.

RIP. Your Boyd must have sucked.

Man...part 4 desert chapter pissed me off so bad yesterday, all because the RNG wanted to be a dick. Sigrun gets hit by an archer but doesnt die. The RNG decides that she cant dodge a guy with sword though. Reset.

Second time on the map, Skrimir decides not to dodge anything with Resolve activated. Reset.


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Win: Any moment with Lon'qu. Seriously idk what it is but whenever I play awakening Lon'qu dodges everything, crits, astra and leathality procs happen all the time. 2% crit? Nah man you mean crit twice. 70% chance to hit from 8 enemies? Dodge then crit all of them.

Fail: More of a tactical fail on my part, but I sent Caeda out to stab a merc and she kills him, then i send 3 units out to kill the nearby archer and all of them miss with 70%+ hit chance.

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