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WTF/epic fail/etc moments


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Win: Any moment with Lon'qu. Seriously idk what it is but whenever I play awakening Lon'qu dodges everything, crits, astra and leathality procs happen all the time. 2% crit? Nah man you mean crit twice. 70% chance to hit from 8 enemies? Dodge then crit all of them.

Which is why my avatar married him...he's such a badass. Cute too lol, and according to Hubba he's turned on by the nickname Lonky. Seriously, it said "uses pet names" and "drools openly". You put lethality on him though? AND astra? Huh...you wouldve had to had him as both a swordmaster and an assassin for that. I didn't promote him to assassin, just swordmaster. One time he astrad with Morgan there. Perfect father/son moment... "Here son, watch this! This is how it's done!" Morgan hadn't learned astra yet, but he did real quick after that.

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happened today

That's the first time I've seen anyone place Florina there.

RD playthrough in Part 2 with fog o war. Leanne gets attacked by some dude with a Longbow and dodges both arrows which would have one shot her.

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RD playthrough in Part 2 with fog o war. Leanne gets attacked by some dude with a Longbow and dodges both arrows which would have one shot her.

Shifted or no?

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Which is why my avatar married him...he's such a badass. Cute too lol, and according to Hubba he's turned on by the nickname Lonky. Seriously, it said "uses pet names" and "drools openly". You put lethality on him though? AND astra? Huh...you wouldve had to had him as both a swordmaster and an assassin for that. I didn't promote him to assassin, just swordmaster. One time he astrad with Morgan there. Perfect father/son moment... "Here son, watch this! This is how it's done!" Morgan hadn't learned astra yet, but he did real quick after that.

I'm more talking about late/end game with him with the leathality/astra procs. Though he always crazy dodges and such. Lon'qu is the perfect father I wish I married him on the first play through. Another crazy moment with him was donnel getting attack in his paralouge and Lon'qu blocks an ohko attack and then crit attacks the enemy, I mean, chill out man you're not even fighting right now.

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That's the first time I've seen anyone place Florina there.

RD playthrough in Part 2 with fog o war. Leanne gets attacked by some dude with a Longbow and dodges both arrows which would have one shot her.

Not shifted.

Wow what a bamf, Leanne. Leanne best heron.

My last RD run was for story, so i had Naesala attack Lekain for that oh-so-sweet convo and satisfaction. Naesala couldnt ORKO Lekain, however, but NEVER FEAR! A Leanne is near! (more evidence she is best heron) Leanne refreshes Naesala, and he procs Tear finishing off Lekain in the most satisfying way imaginable. It was good times.

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More fail. Paralogue 1, F13. Lunatic mode.

Chrom blocked lots of axes with his face. Died to 2 consecutive 34% axe hits.

"Fuck Weapon Triangle Advantage!" said the fighter, haphazardly swinging his axe with frightening precision, RNG be damned.

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RD playthrough in Part 2 with fog o war. Leanne gets attacked by some dude with a Longbow and dodges both arrows which would have one shot her.

From 3 range or not?

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From FE8 Girls:


And from Awakening:

>Starts the game at Hard/Classic difficulty

>Gets to the first boss

>Has Chrom camp for a counterattack

>Chrom gets critted to death on 2%


>Gets to Paralogue 1

>Makes way to the boss

>Has Virion camp for a counterattack

>Virion gets critted to death on 7%


Edited by Forceman
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Another thing happened, this time in Awakening, that was quite similar to my experience in Shadow Dragon I shared earlier in this thread.

So I was playing Paralogue 9 and Cynthia died when she attacked Lucina and Lucina counterattacked. I didn't bother to restart because I was playing in Casual Mode, so it really didn't matter if I didn't get one unit.

A little later, however, I learned (via the Wiki) that Cynthia is Sumia's daughter... and in my game Sumia is married to Chrom. That means Lucina just killed her own sister. Whoopsiedaisy.

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Honestly I'm more ticked off by the fact that I'm probably missing out on some funny support conversations between the family than anything else.

Oh well. Still got Hard, Lunatic, and Classic Mode to play where I can meet them again.

Edited by Star and Moon
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Honestly I'm more ticked off by the fact that I'm probably missing out on some funny support conversations between the family than anything else.

Oh well. Still got Hard, Lunatic, and Classic Mode to play where I can meat them again.

That made me get a mental image of them wearing steak costumes/Lady Gaga's meat dress. You meant meet, I know that. My mind is just way f'd up.

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Blazing Sword, Chapter 14.

I had just re-recruited Erk and had him make towards the north village, where he gets rushed by cavaliers. They can only come at him one at a time, but they can 2HKO him. Erk takes the hit from the first cavalier, but I could live with that since I was moving Serra his way. Then on the counterattack, Erk criticals and kills the first cavalier, gets a perfect level-up, then gets his stupid ass punished by the second cavalier waiting right behind the first.

I benched him after that.

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I remember on scared stones on chapter 14 on Ephraim's route lute got berserked with a 19% hit and killed Seth who was at the bottom of the map!

Wow that's really scared stones xD

Oh, the typos in this thread are priceless...

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