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What's your spirit pokemon?


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Made that today ^_^ What's everybody else's? Froslass is pretty darn cool, pun completely intended! I can live with that. EDIT - I subtracted on step 5 instead of added, so I'm Shaymin instead. I can still live with that.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Er... T is the 20th letter in the alphabet, which means you're not Frosslass. Which sucks, because is Frosslass is cool (pun unintended).

I got Farfetch'd, though. Sisters got Spinarak, Poochyena, and Quagsire, cousins got Feraligatr and Mew, mom got Hitmonchan.

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9+6+92 = 107 (1992-09-06)

Z = 26, 107-26 = 81

Since middle names aren't a thing here, I'm going to pick up my mother's last name.

M = 13, 81+13 = 94

94x6 = 564

564 - 6 = 558 (My father's last name and my mother's last name both has the same number of letters and both begin with a "M")

558 - Crustle... err.

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Er... T is the 20th letter in the alphabet, which means you're not Frosslass. Which sucks, because is Frosslass is cool (pun unintended).

Looks like that was just a typo. I redid the math.


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8+4+96 = 108
L = 12, so 108-12 = 96
N = 14 so, 110, since my last name has 8 letters, that'd end up too big.
So subtracting 8 = 102

Then subtract 8 more from my middle name, and you get 94... which is Gengar.
Which is all too fitting, all things considered.

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When I first did I got 238, which is Smoochum, and got really upset until I realised that I worked it out wrong. My actual number is 135, which is Jolteon, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I'm just wondering, did you make this up yourself or did you find it somewhere else?

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Hah, had to use the alternate method since the original was barely over the limit (729). New number is 92 so... Gastly. Hmm, well, not my most favorite ghost, but far from least, so not minding the result then.

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I'm just wondering, did you make this up yourself or did you find it somewhere else?

OP states I made it myself. Also my internet name is in the image.

What if you have two middle names?

Up to you. Use either one. Or do the whole thing two times, one with each. You would have two spirit pokemon :)

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