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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Ana changing her opinion about something Ike related is about as likely as Islamic State throwing away their weapons and working peacefully towards a reconstructed Middle East.

Although good show on you for trying Delphi, it was entertaining, and I very much support your position.

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You know, it's possible that Ike never married, despite his having a lineage.

Though I feel like he'd probably have to fall deeply in love with someone to end up having a kid with 'em, since he doesn't seem very hormonal as far as people his age go, to say the least.

The things you added only end up creating more and more inconsistencies and contradictions relative to the plot. From what I've seen of your fanfics and discussions on your headcanon Elincia isn't even Elincia. She's some shallow girl that somehow thinks everything will be hunky dory if she makes so leave her uncle in charge of the kingdom she fought so hard to protect to chase after some boy she had a crush on a few years ago.

And please, this is not an attempt to bash your theories/headcanons/pairings/what have you. This is just how Elincia is portrayed in your headcanon, and it really makes me sad since I really am fond of her as a character.

He's not just some uncle. There's no reason I can think of to suspect that Renning isn't up to the job AFAICT (I base this in part on the fact that he was the public heir to the throne in the beginning portion of PoR). I don't think Elincia would leave Crimea, because it obviously means so much to her, but I don't think it'd really be particularly awful or even irresponsible for her to do so. Assigning someone rigorous and highly unusual duties based on their lineage and blaming them or insulting them by calling them shallow if they don't live up to them would be asinine IRL, IMO.

Ike isn't just "some boy she had a crush on a few years ago," either. I think that's a bit overly dismissive. I'd point out that they went through quite a lot of shit together. Probably more than many people who end up getting married today. PoR doesn't exactly keep this in the dark, either. See the last cutscene (not a particularly good cutscene IMO, however). I mean, look at the scene when Ike, Elincia and company arrive in Begnion: Both Ike and Elincia obviously have a pretty damn strong bond by that point.

For the record, if I have to ship a PoR pairing I ship Ike X Soren, and I don't care much for Ike X Elincia.

Edited by Severlan
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Ana changing her opinion about something Ike related is about as likely as Islamic State throwing away their weapons and working peacefully towards a reconstructed Middle East.

Pretty much this.

Although good show on you for trying Delphi, it was entertaining, and I very much support your position.

So you're going to encourage calling people disgusting cowards in debates? Wow.

Also, it saddens me that nobody on this site seems to be fine with my theories. Good thing this isn't the case in other parts of the net.

EDIT: Severlan: Thank you. And coming from an Ike x Soren fan, your post definitely means something. I'm glad SOMEONE here doesn't think my ideas are completely ridiculous.

Edited by Anacybele
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So you're going to encourage calling people disgusting cowards in debates? Wow.

lol as if this was a debate

it was an exercise in Delphi yelling at a wall with writing on it

Edited by Irysa
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lol as if this was a debate

it was an exercise in Delphi yelling at a wall with writing on it

Then I hope I'm painted a pretty turquoise blue color with Ike and Luigi posters decorating me! Wee.

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Ana, didn't you say a few pages back you were done?

I mean, the discussion right now doesn't look too heated, but as Loki said above, it's good to know when to just walk away from something.

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Ike isn't just "some boy she had a crush on a few years ago," either. I think that's a bit overly dismissive. I'd point out that they went through quite a lot of shit together. Probably more than many people who end up getting married today. PoR doesn't exactly keep this in the dark, either. See the last cutscene (not a particularly good cutscene IMO, however). I mean, look at the scene when Ike, Elincia and company arrive in Begnion: Both Ike and Elincia obviously have a pretty damn strong bond by that point.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Ike and Elincia in PoR, but outside a possibly (but not certain) one-sided crush on Elincia's side, I never saw anything romantic about it. I've seen people post a bunch of evidence about it, but most if not all of it sounds like confirmation bias.

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Red Fox: I know, I'm just responding for fun now. See my comment above. lol

I'm not talking about my theories and all anymore. Just having fun now. :P

EDIT: ...I realized though, that the name of that character I mentioned earlier, Kelana, could make people think she's a self-insert because of the name. It looks like it's my real name (Kelly) combined with my username here. Shit. xP That wasn't EVER my intention though, Kelana is actually meant to be a combination of my name and Silver Lightning's real name.

Edited by Anacybele
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Red Fox: I know, I'm just responding for fun now. See my comment above. lol

I'm not talking about my theories and all anymore. Just having fun now. :P

EDIT: ...I realized though, that the name of that character I mentioned earlier, Kelana, could make people think she's a self-insert because of the name. It looks like it's my real name (Kelly) combined with my username here. Shit. xP That wasn't EVER my intention though, Kelana is actually meant to be a combination of my name and Silver Lightning's real name.

Considering her RN is Ana... are you sure?
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I was taught that the more effort I put into something, the smarter I was. You can't just come up and say that having an emotional investment means I'm stupid. The least I could hope to achieve is compromise.

Not in the game and analysis. I think the analyses and deconstructions you presented were wonderful.

What I mean being too invested in is you're being melodramatic and too invested in "winning" and calling people cowards for walking away.

You're being trolled, even if unintentional, and you're not taking it in stride.

You're not convincing her even with your logical points. Just walk away.

That's what I meant in being "too invested".

Just showing my point of view with that.

Glad the situation's deflated now though.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Considering her RN is Ana... are you sure?

Of course. It's just coincidence that that's her name and my username is Anacybele. I came up with that username long before I even met SL. SL turned out to be a cool girl and a fellow Ike x Elincia fan, so I did something nice for her. I only just realized a little while ago that Kelana also looks like Kelly + Anacybele. I swear that this wasn't my intention.

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You know, the name Ragnell actually comes from the woman whom Sir Gawain married in Arthurian legend. And look which character in Tellius was named Gawain. xP Weeeird, yo.

I like Ike x Lethe, btw. I just don't think Lethe would give up her laguz abilities. And laguz lose their abilities for some reason if they have a kid with a beorc. Ike likely has kids too, because of Priam.

Mia is really the only female I don't at all like with Ike.

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oh gosh i come back like, a day later and this thread has turned hilarious.

it would be neat if Ragnell did have a girl in it and ike married that tho, now i want to see pictures of what she'd look like

This concept is more hilarious then you realize because..

You know, the name Ragnell actually comes from the woman whom Sir Gawain married in Arthurian legend. And look which character in Tellius was named Gawain. xP Weeeird, yo

Damn it Ana ninja'd me lol

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