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Who could Ike's wife be?

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That's actually a curse. Lady Ragnell turns out to be a very beautiful woman when the curse is broken/lifted/whatever. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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On topic, I say Mia is probably the best choice for a possible wife for Ike since it could happen without contradicting the established canon. (Although I stand by my position that Ike married no one).

I really wish the game could have built on the Ike and Mia's relationship a bit more. Mia's obsession with defeating Ike at a duel felt like it should have been a recurring theme, but after the one Base convo she appears in FE10, Mia goes completely MIA (*snort*). That kinda sucked.

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Just a little bit of a nitpick, but I don't see how she'd be abandoning anything in choosing to go forward with something like marrying Geoffrey. Ike, okay. I could see where that's coming from. But I'm certain Geoffrey would become Crimea's King following his own marriage to Elincia.

Oh no no no, sorry! It looks like phrased that badly; what I meant was if there was a situation in which Elincia had to choose Geoffrey or Crimea, she'd still pick Crimea. I didn't necessarily mean marriage, so that's my bad there.

Wow this thread got crazy fast.

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Oh so someone this thread huh. And holy crap eleven pages in less than three days. Well I'm not going to bother reading through 10+ pages just to see if this stand point has been presented, but I suggest Priam is Ike's descendant in the same way Marth is Anri's descendant. Via the line of a sibling. Hence Priam is really Mist's descendant. I like the idea of Ace!Ike.

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Well, if Ike marries an unnamed woman, I hope she's as beautiful/hot as Elincia. :3 And still very kind and loving and all as well, of course!

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think it's Sothe. Ike could have went to Akaneia and married some woman there, which would probably explain why Priam is there in the first place. emot-v.gif

I can't tell if you're responding tot sarcasm with sarcasm, or


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Ike could have went to Akaneia/Ylisse and married some woman there, which would probably explain why Priam is there in the first place. Who he married, no one knows. emot-v.gif

Given how many generations there are between Ike and Priam, there's plenty of time anyone in the bloodline before Priam to make their way there.

If Ike directly went to Akaneia, then he would be a really well known person there, not just some vague radiant hero guy.

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Given how many generations there are between Ike and Priam, there's plenty of time anyone in the bloodline before Priam to make their way there.

If Ike directly went to Akaneia, then he would be a really well known person there, not just some vague radiant hero guy.

Would he honestly brag about it.

I hate him and find that very ooc

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But wasn't it stated somewhere that Ike actually did go to Archanea/Ylisse? Whichever the case though, I do have SOMEBODY in Ike's line stay there in my headcanon, eventually resulting in Priam.

EDIT: And yeah, Ike doesn't even seem to like his fame, let alone talk about it. xP

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Given how many generations there are between Ike and Priam, there's plenty of time anyone in the bloodline before Priam to make their way there.

If Ike directly went to Akaneia, then he would be a really well known person there, not just some vague radiant hero guy.

Hm. I guess I wasn't thinking that.

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Ike adopting a child doesn't rule out Priam being Ike's descendant. I personally like the idea of Ike and Soren adopting an abandoned kid and raising him/her as their child and passing down their skills to him/her.

I'm not sure why some people are so quick to rule out this option. Considering how Ike and Soren met and how Greil basically adopted Soren, it's a very likely possibility.

I like this one the best. If he ended up with a woman I feel like it's not one that has been shown on-screen. Especially considering he traveled way far away from Tellius apparently.

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I really enjoyed the relationship between Ike and Elincia in PoR, but outside a possibly (but not certain) one-sided crush on Elincia's side, I never saw anything romantic about it. I've seen people post a bunch of evidence about it, but most if not all of it sounds like confirmation bias.

I feel like the hints of a romantic thing were one-sided as well, but overall I don't think the pairing is completely ridiculous.

This is possibly the most random theory here, but ...

Priam isn't Ike's descendant.

He is Ike.

Looks too different IMO. But still a funny idea.
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I feel Elincia had a crush on Ike as well and that Geoffrey x Elincia is also one-sided on Geoffrey's part, at least for awhile. Elincia doesn't seem like she'd love two men at the same time. I feel she'd devote her heart to just one man and one man only. Geoffrey definitely loves Elincia in PoR though, and may have grown past it in RD since he also believes he could never have her heart. This is also why I believe their marriage is political (and such a thing often occurred in real life medieval marriages too). I can't see Elincia marrying/wanting to marry anyone else whose name isn't Ike.

I do think Elincia DOES love Geoffrey back, but in a more brother-sister type way. I always have visions of these two in brother-defends-little-sister scenarios as children and think that Elincia considers Geoffrey and Lucia the siblings she never had. The reason she wanted to rescue Geoffrey so bad and then threaten to take away his knighthood is that she didn't want to risk losing the only "brother" she ever had. I know I'd feel this way if I was her. Especially with a guy like Geoffrey. He'd be an awesome brother, I bet. This whole idea makes them seem weird to me as a romantic couple as a result, which is one reason why I dislike it as much as I do (the other being that I'm not that fond of Geoffrey himself. I like him, but at the same time, I don't...).

I also think that some lines Ike has towards Elincia COULD be interpreted as him possibly having unrealized and not obvious feelings for Elincia (one example being his mysterious pause when Shinon says "yer in love with a pwetty wittle princess"), but it's just one interpretation out of multiple possibilities. I feel Ike doesn't understand the concept of love very well, and that he's capable of feeling it, but not really capable of instantly realizing that he does. He'd be all "what the heck am I feeling here when I'm around this girl?" for awhile if he loved a female, methinks. Any female.

Heck, I'd even be down for a scenario where Ike and Elincia had feelings for one another, but did not get together at all due to them both feeling that their duties presented hurdles too tall to leap, resulting in a permanent political marriage to Geoffrey for Elincia (I just obviously like the idea of Ike and Elincia getting together for real even better lol).

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I can't see Elincia marrying/wanting to marry anyone else whose name isn't Ike.

Well that's obvious.

I feel like the hints of a romantic thing were one-sided as well, but overall I don't think the pairing is completely ridiculous.

It's pretty ridiculous after RD.

And honestly I feel like the only reason it's even considered to be sooo obvious in PoR is because people always expect the hero and the damsel/princess to get together at the end. Take away those expectations, and the pairing isn't as strong as one would think.

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