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Not to worry! I can personally confirm that fully 50% of those are actually something approaching legit. Depending on whether you want what they're selling. If your friend meant to send you a pure gag gift, they done 50% goofed

The Hate games are largely kinda-interactive ebooks, delivered to you by characters who sometimes ask you(r character) for mostly-binary input. I don't know how anybody else in the world would evaluate the quality of their writing, either in general or relative to whatever constitutes the better part of the VN genre/medium/thing, but I went into the first one a bit guarded and then broke into a sprinted to 100% completion in a single sitting, so. Good enough for me, apparently. Certainly aware of itself- if the words "dating sim" and "eroge" make something in you shrivel, especially when combined, you might actually be in one of the game's target audiences.

(The other, possibly overlapping target audience is feminists who like cute girls doing cute things)

The absolutely embarrassing amount of hours I've put into LLTQ is testimony to how good it is at what it does, if you can accept its inevitably-trial-and-error nature (if you actually get engaged enough to want to see everything, your choices are basically between using a wiki and going insane). I had fun seeing how many optional scenes I could see and feats I could accomplish, and with what "builds," in a single playthrough, given the constraints of the game's mechanics/plot. ...You might have to see it in action to understand that last sentence.

For the most part, neither of the series are very "Anime" beyond their character designs. But then neither are actually Japanese. Or, in Hate's case, Korean.

Edited by Rehab
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