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Fire Emblem Obituary Thread

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RIP Meg the majority of the FE 11 cast and Fiona you will not be missed you died because you utterly sucked

FYI I reset at least once for any charecter that dies but multiple casualties are met with a permanent unavoidable death due to their incompetence...

FE 11 characters are lumped together as outside of Marth Tiki Cadea Barst Navarre Minevera I can't even remember the other characters...

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RIP johalva in every FE4 run i've ever done because unlike him, johan is actualy decent when viewed from some angles. Also, RIP 2/3rds of the cast (plus a few substitutes) in my second fe11 run so that i could get the gaidens.

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Well, I did do a gaiden playthrough of FE11 once so...yeah. Also, apologizing to any units I have and may be forced to give up in the future for the sake of experiencing the entire game, filling out the event recap log, ect.

More on topic, I always immediately reset if someone dies on me but do missed units count here? If so, my most sincere apologies to Tomas, whom I most shamefully forgot about once while going through FE12. Let this be a lesson to me and any whom this may concern and may this never happen again.

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FE1 (as far as I can remember):

RIP Roshea, the fatal consequence of accidentally pressing 'End' at the beginning of a turn.

RIP Wrys, taking a critical hit for the team.

RIP Navarre, victim to the arena.

RIP Caesar, victim to the arena.

RIP Ogma, proving that 4% crit is still dangerous.
RIP Linde, victim to the arena. But hooray for the Aum staff.
RIP Cain, victim to the arena.
RIP Hardin, missing the boss, then dying to a critical hit.
RIP Bantu, proving that thieves are a threat when they have devil swords.
RIP Gordin, killed by a critical hit from the King of Medon.
RIP Xane, forgot to transform you, killed by a javelin in the final chapter.
FE2 (as far as I can remember):
RIP Jenny, I forgot the insanely high range of the sniper boss. But hooray for revival.
RIP Jesse, killed by the curse of the dark sword. Hooray for revival.
RIP Jenny, death by suddenly summoned gargoyles. Hooray again for revival.
RIP Est, your critical hits became your own demisem, overrun by foes. Yay for revival.
RIP Clair, missing, then dying. I think this game lets you revive too much.
RIP Abel, dying from a critical hit in the first round of an arena battle.
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I started playing FE 7


I tried 6 times to recruit him. Every single time he killed Matthew, or someone else I didn't want dead. On the 6th try, he got killed by Marcus' counterattack, and I said "Screw it, he's not worth it.", and continued on.

Edited by Star and Moon
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RIP? Meg... I forgot to recruit you... You could've given me your weapons and then never see combat.

RIP All the recruits from the prologue in FE12... 5 star difficulty was too much for any of them... I had to go through it all again because I ran out of weapons and literally couldn't attack.

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FE5: RIP Commodore and Olsen. Yeah, you can't save always save everyone.

TRS: RIP Zeek, RIP Attrom, RIP Sierra and RIP Alfred, allthough since the last two died in the final chapter, they didn't stay dead for long because the game actually lets you use the remaining charges of the Orb to revive some of the dead party members right before the Epilouge.

Also, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen, RIP Shigen and RIP Shigen.

FE7: RIP Florina, Kent, Dorcas, Sain and Erk. I wasn't doing to well on my first run... on freaking Lyn mode.

FE8: RIP Moulder, Natasha and Arthur. Somehow I got almost all the healers killed. You would think that after RD I learned how to keep the squishies alive.

FE10: RIP Micaiah. Telius is a cruel world for someone with a mere 35% speed growth.

FE11: RIP everyone but the Gaiden guys for granting me access to those Gaiden chapters.

FE12 BS: RIP Est and Catria. I never seem to be able to keep them alive.

FE13: RIP Tharja, for I shall not bother to take lessons just to dance on your grave. Also, RIP Robin. Seriously rest in piece instead of always ignoring my choices to get you killed. There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Like below the ground.

Edited by BrightBow
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I wish i could put Chris into this obituary but the stupid game says it's a game over if they die.

And Evan (the worst Awakening Lunatic Avatar ever) and Marth (for ~reasons~).

RIP the entire FE11 cast. Between all my drafts, I think I've killed everyone at least once, in the name of gaidens.

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R.I.P Draug. He gave his life, bravely defending the choke point at the Lefcandith Gauntlet alongside Hardin from the advancing Cavliers, whom he killed with ease using his Ridersbane. Unfortunately, he was swarmed by Horsemen, and the army's Tactician didn't feel it would be worth the effort to restart the battle, given they would be recruiting Dolph in a few chapters and there was no point between Lefcandith Gauntlet and The Ageless Palace that an Armor Knight was really needed for. You will be missed, as will your Ridersbane. May Dolph fight bravely in your stead.

R.I.P. Jagen. It is a shame he had to fall in battle so close to retirement, but his death was not in vain. During the battle to rescue Princess Maria, Lena warped the brave veteran Jagen into the castle, where he quickly disposed of a thief in order to prevent it from stealing the treasure. A nearby Armor Knight tried to kill him, but was no match for his Silver Lance. He then waited for the rest of Marth's army, before slowly advancing alongside them, luring the archers and sniper one by one. Unfortunately, it was during this process of luring that the sniper got a chance crit on Jagen, ending his life. That army's tactician did not think it worth it to restart the battle to save his life, as he was mainly used for weakening opponents in order to give weaker units kills, and thew would be recruiting a new Paladin, Midia, before long anyway. His Silver Lance wil be missed, though. At least he went down fighting, and ended his life a hero. May he be forever remembered in the Archanean legends for his impressive military record, brilliant strategic skills, and brave heart.

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Neviarre died in my current playthrough of Shadow Dragon. Normally I would've restarted to save such a good unit but Chapter 10 is a really long chapter and I hadn't saved since the beginning. Plus I had already restarted a couple of times and things were FINALLY going my way otherwise, especially the fact that nobody fell victim to that damned sniper with the silver bow.

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I had to kill Tiki because Bantu died later in the game so I couldn't snap her out of her hypnosis (though Gotoh said she just fell asleep...that was a relief). And I let Caeda die in the beginning of the game of Shadow Dragon...then I had to kill the people who only she could recruit. Then Elice died as soon as Marth reunited with her. Needless to say, Fire Emblem makes me question my reliability in real life :/

Edited by icercube
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