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She can be good. I usually slap Paragon and invest quite a bit in her, because I prefer using a free Sage deployment for Thunder/Fire/Wind/long range tomes, freeing me up to deploy fighters over other mages. She can become at least as good as Soren, minus staves.

For Endgame I give her two Meteors, Blizzard, Rexflame (bless), a a forged thunder for Dragons.

Edited by Radiant head
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I'm biased for mages, so I invest in her. She's my Rexflame user, taken to endgame with Soren and Ilyana.

At least Fire Magic isn't like FE4

I'd imagine forges with low weight would really really help her...

Also, how do the coins work in forges? Haven't done a forge yet...

They give you a random statboost. Like an Arrow card give +10 hit Edited by Glaceon Mage
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They give you a random statboost. Like an Arrow card give +10 hit

It's not entirely random, in that resetting doesn't change what card you get. I think that it will also stay the same from chapter to chapter?

Edited by Severlan
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Her personal tome hurts enemies like nobody's business. That's worth something, at least. That being said, I use her anyways (though I DON'T give her Rexflame - that's Calill's).

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From the player's PoV, it's random. Even if the outcome is set.

From the informed player's PoV (someone who finds out what their set of cards are and then resets), they are random the first time through and non-random from then on.

This is if the card set stays the same throughout the game, as opposed to just during a given chapter. I am pretty sure it's the former but I can't say I remember for sure.

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Sanaki is forced for the endgame so I recommend to train her. She's the most powerful mage in the game (highest magic cap and strongest tome: rexflame).

Her base stats are ther only problem. She has very low HP. At least in the second chapter with the Silver Army she'll be one shotted. Same goes for her ridiculous low strength. She loses AS with each of her tomes.

Either I recommend to give her 1-2 energy drop(s) or probably better just give her a fire, wind and lightning tome.

Her growths are great all around except for speed. Even her strength growth is pretty good 40%. Paragon will help her a lot.

I highly recommend to bless rexflame for her, because it gives her +3 speed, which can very helpful in the final map. Even if her strength isn't enough to use rexflame without AS penalty, there's a way to avoid it:

You'll get two dragons in the endgame Ena and Gareth. They give units, who stand next to them +5 strength.

Edited by The Taninator
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I don't think she's as bad as one would normally think. She's obviously really fragile, but I tend to give her Resolve + Daunt...or Miracle (forgot if you could give those two together). That's about it, really. Never gave her a Speedwings because Resolve gets her to doubling range, great amount of Luck & Daunt, she can dodge quite well. Also, Nosferatu. She gains a gigantic amount of CEXP already, so Paragon isn't really necessary. Not to mention, you'd be having to baby spoonfeed her kills with only that setup...

If I recall, she doesn't even need a loweight tome forge. I recall her being able to 2HKO most enemies with an average Fire tome without AS loss...either that, or just forge her one. At that time, you have 9000000001G...

Flare/Resolve/Daunt/Miracle + Nosferatu is rondculous on her...or any Sage, for that matter.

Edited by The Alice
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Sanaki is forced for the endgame so I recommend to train her. She's the most powerful mage in the game (highest magic cap and strongest tome: rexflame).

Her base stats are ther only problem. She has very low HP. At least in the second chapter with the Silver Army she'll be one shotted. Same goes for her ridiculous low strength. She loses AS with each of her tomes.

Either I recommend to give her 1-2 energy drop(s) or probably better just give her a fire, wind and lightning tome.

Her growths are great all around except for speed. Even her strength growth is pretty good 40%. Paragon will help her a lot.

I highly recommend to bless rexflame for her, because it gives her +3 speed, which can very helpful in the final map. Even if her strength isn't enough to use rexflame without AS penalty, there's a way to avoid it:

You'll get two dragons in the endgame Ena and Gareth. They give units, who stand next to them +5 strength.

I dunno about you, but I shouldn't have to give her stat boosters that could be used for better purposes or seat her next to a red dragon to address her strength problem... Also, gj ignoring that Cymbeline hits like a Mack truck.

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It was easy for me to bring Sanaki to 8 strength and 31 speed. Only had to give her a speed wing. She reached 8 strength at level 10.

I dunno about you, but I shouldn't have to give her stat boosters that could be used for better purposes or seat her next to a red dragon to address her strength problem... Also, gj ignoring that Cymbeline hits like a Mack truck.

Actually it's only really relevant in the final map, because she can double the auras thanks to the speed boost of rexflame. Anyway rexflame has better accuracy than cymbeline.

Otherwise cymbeline is the safest choice for her, if you don't want to invest much in her or your Sanaki turns out badly.

Who do you drop though? Dropping Sothe leaves room for Nasir, but I never have room for both Ena and Gareth.

Sothe and Kurthnaga. You don't need Kurthnaga and night tide at all in E-4 and 5.

Kurthnaga is only useful with celerity in E-3 to block the north west entrance in the first turn.

Edited by The Taninator
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Actually it's only really relevant in the final map, because she can double the auras thanks to the speed boost of rexflame. Anyway rexflame has better accuracy than cymbeline.

Otherwise cymbeline is the safest choice for her, if you don't want to invest much in her or your Sanaki turns out badly.

If you're lucky with her speed growth, which isn't that great. Also, Rexflame has all of 5 more accuracy than Cymbeline, to say nothing of the fact that Rexflame Sanaki's hardly worth the hassle given that Calill's much more likely to use it well (due to not needing to be adjacent to a red dragon or blowing energy drops on her to alleviate her strength issue).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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If you're lucky with her speed growth, which isn't that great. Also, Rexflame has all of 5 more accuracy than Cymbeline, to say nothing of the fact that Rexflame Sanaki's hardly worth the hassle given that Calill's much more likely to use it well (due to not needing to be adjacent to a red dragon or blowing energy drops on her to alleviate her strength issue).

This assumes that Calill is coming to endgame, which is a shaky prospect at best. Mages aren't that great in this game to begin with, and Calill tends to be underlevelled since she's with the CRK. Soren's base stats were bad at the beginning of part 3, and with similar bases, and the prospect of only a few levels at best coming into the end of the part, hers are near abysmal. Sanaki isn't great, but she's forced for endgame, and because of that, is a much more likely rexflame user than Calill.

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This assumes that Calill is coming to endgame, which is a shaky prospect at best. Mages aren't that great in this game to begin with, and Calill tends to be underlevelled since she's with the CRK. Soren's base stats were bad at the beginning of part 3, and with similar bases, and the prospect of only a few levels at best coming into the end of the part, hers are near abysmal. Sanaki isn't great, but she's forced for endgame, and because of that, is a much more likely rexflame user than Calill.

Hey, I agree with a good deal of your point, but I just don't agree with Sanaki being a better choice for it just because she's free deployment.

Cailil isn't more likely to use it because she's not a free deployment.


You really train Calill, who starts at level 6 and is available for only four chapters till part 4?

What do you expect~? Given that the only other choice for a Rexflame user is Tormod, who needs a shitload of babying to be even remotely endgame viable, and Sanaki being a very shaky prospect for it due to reasons I outlined...

Edited by Levant Caprice
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That's what Calil is when you have Sanaki.

It's also your argument in a nutshell. Being free deployment does not make Sanaki a good prospect for Rexflame.

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Calill and Tormod are both better Rexflame users than Sanaki, on the condition that they are trained and brought to endgame. If they are being used, slap Cymbeline on Sanaki until 4-3, bless either a forged thunder or bolting for the dragons(since once you get Nasir/Gareth she will likely not be deployed in favour of them, so may as well give her the best option for her last hurrah) and let your other mage have Rexflame. In playthroughs where Calill/Tormod are dropped(the majority, I'd almost say the vast majority), then Sanaki is your only potential Rexflame user, so may as well.

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It's also your argument in a nutshell. Being free deployment does not make Sanaki a good prospect for Rexflame.

I mean yeah your strawman version of what I said is irrelevant.

Not in of itself, but since you have a free fire sage that can grow into a good Rexflame wielder (esp with dragon tides), and since she frees you up to deploy non-mages (since mages are generally awful in this game), it kind of does.

And I mean even if you wanted to deploy other Sages, Soren is better than Calil, and Illanya's Rexabolt would come in handy for fighting dragons.

Edited by Radiant head
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Actually training Calill would be a pain in the ass for me. I have never trained her and I never am going to do it. It's really not worth the effort, if you get a (imo pretty good) character later, who's forced for the endgame.

Calill joins at level in 2-E a map, where Haar, Elincia and Marcia are the main actors. If you're lucky, she can sponge a kill or waste meteor. Same in 3-9. Even with paragon she can barely get levels.

Edited by The Taninator
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