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Least Favorite Unit (Chrom, Lissa, etc) In Terms Of Personality.


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Chrom is my least favorite lord of all time, mainly because I don't think he has any originality. He's pretty much a Marth/Ike/Sigurd ripoff with maybe a bit of Ephraim thrown into the mix. I guess the same could be said of the previous Lords/Ladies, but I see it more in Chrom than I do anyone else. Also, his whole relationship to Marth doesn't make sense.

Even the Celica Einherjar?

Not the Celica Einherjar.
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Chrom is my least favorite lord of all time, mainly because I don't think he has any originality. He's pretty much a Marth/Ike/Sigurd ripoff with maybe a bit of Ephraim thrown into the mix. I guess the same could be said of the previous Lords/Ladies, but I see it more in Chrom than I do anyone else. Also, his whole relationship to Marth doesn't make sense.

Even the Celica Einherjar?

He's Marth's descendant. Not quite sure what else you mean there.

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I don't like these people: Frederick, henry, miriel, tharja, vaike, severa, Brady, maribelle, libra, aversa, gangrel, walhart, stahl, virion and sully, there are a lot of other people as well.

I like the rest of the cast.

Edited by Serah
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Okay, Im updating:

I dont hate Fredrick anymore, his support conversations were sometimes funny.

NOW, Teach makes me want to face stab him like Kirito did to Orbeon

SAO Refrence

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Miriel and the girl with sausage curls.

Gregor too, may be. I have never paid much attention to the guy.

Also, Chrom.

There may be others I haven't played with enough to make up an opinion of.

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Gregor no run-of-the-miller guy, yes?

Easily one of my favorite characters in Awakening. It's probably a tie between Gregor and The Vaike.

Other golden quotes from Gregor:

"Do not be rule breaking near Willy, yes?" -- "That is water running under the bridge." -- "Gregor brings soul next time we meet. You take then, yes?"


Brady: So like... If I saw a litter of newborn kittens and couldn't stop cryin' for hours?

Owain: Exactly! That's being sentimental! ...And a little weird, if we're being completely hon—

Brady: I... *choke* Hnngh!

Owain: Mordecai's claws! Are you still out of breath from running? If you feel like you're going to be sick, just turn your head and—

Brady: *Sob* I'm fine! I just... When I pictured those tiny kitties lyin' there all blind and mewling... *hic*

also these two quotes with Yarne and MaMU:

"THAT'S IT! IT'S SLAPPIN' TIME!" -- "Hey, Avatar! I want to be yer boy, and I want you to make me a man!"

Anyways. This is supposed to be a thread for units we don't like sooooI somewhat liked Gangrel as a villain, but his "backstory/support" with Avatar felt incredibly forceful in the way it tried to "redeem" his past mistakes, and only contributed into making his character more stupid. Let villains be villains, and dead remain dead. It's also one of the reasons I dislike having Emmeryn in the army. It lessens the impact of her sacrifice, not to mention she can't even support Chrom and Lissa. Like what the heck?

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Yeah I dislike all the post Chapter 25 recruits as well (as player characters). Just leave them dead, it's pretty disrespectful to your own plot if almost all the major characters pop up again.

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Miriel,Laurent,Maribelle,Brady,Panne,Yarne,Ricken,Tharja after marriage,Our dear lord frederick, Every one-dimensional villain,Virion,Bland Lord, Bland Waifu Lord,Libra (as someone mentioned Better Lucius ^_^), EXCELLUS and......Excellus (Yes he deserves it THRICE)

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Yeah I dislike all the post Chapter 25 recruits as well (as player characters). Just leave them dead, it's pretty disrespectful to your own plot if almost all the major characters pop up again.

Good thing Excelleus Didn't Reappear! Gosh, That would have sucked.

Miriel,Laurent,Maribelle,Brady,Panne,Yarne,Ricken,Tharja after marriage,Our dear lord frederick, Every one-dimensional villain,Virion,Bland Lord, Bland Waifu Lord,Libra (as someone mentioned Better Lucius ^_^), EXCELLUS and......Excellus (Yes he deserves it THRICE)

Which Villians Are Those?

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Say all the characters I do not like it would take a lot of time, then I will say what I hate more: Tharja, surprisingly.

Really, everyone has already explained why she is terrible, and how Awakening is committed to let you to hate her more and more.

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Least favorite is Ricken. This kid is annoying af. If you don't want to be treated like a child then shut your damn mouth about how everyone treats you like a child! Pull a Kellam and vanish dude.

Speaking of which, Kellam is my second least favorite. His gimmick isn't that bothersome, it's just that he alwaaays talks about it. Nobody gives a shit that you're boring.

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Donnel is my least favorite

Why do you dislike Donnel? He's probably my favorite male character in FE:A.

Edited by Philax
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Overall I'm pretty neutral about the Awakening cast, most of them are somewhat one-dimensional but I don't hate any of them. I guess Chrom and Emmeryn are my least favourite characters, although my problems with Chrom stem more from his fanbase than the actual character. Emmeryn would have been more likeable if her flaws as a ruler had actually been presented as such, instead of as qualities mankind should strive to attain, but alas...

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Overall I'm pretty neutral about the Awakening cast, most of them are somewhat one-dimensional but I don't hate any of them.

I agree with you there. I'm an avid writer at heart, so when I don't see three-dimensional characters, I get really turned off to the writing. That said, some of the characters are more fleshed out than others.

Sorry to say, but for least favorite unit, Cordelia gets the short end of the stick for me. Her absolute relentless lusting after Chrom and ploys to get his attention doesn't settle right with me in so many ways. He is clearly not interested in her, and yet she still chases after him as if he is not independent and even foolish for not falling for her. Like, she cannot take no for an answer, though it's not stated whether or not Chrom has actually told her to back off. (His actions should be a pretty clear indication though, because body language isn't that hard to read.) Not to mention, the fact that her entire character is centered around Chrom makes her have no actual personality of her own, the only time she displays any sort of personality outside of her crush is in any S support conversation, and even then it's hard to see, when one rank ago she was sighing and brooding cause Chrom doesn't love her.

Sorry Cordelia. You're a great unit, but your personality is garbage to be honest. <3

//that turned out to be lengthy im a very bitter person when it comes to one-dimensional characters LOL

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Welp, time to tie Cordelia and Severa to the train tracks and let my main man Fredster drive the train to their doom!

(Ironically enough, I married them)

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