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Classes that need a buff/nerf?

Paper Dragon

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Berserker/fighter: sorry honestly can't tell the difference between you two (in awakening) besides their rather useful passives. Probably because fighters only get a bow as their other useable weapon(let's be honest, who uses a bow instead of a throwing axe on their fighter?)

Trickster: do something ANYTHING. Have an ACTUAL PURPOSE BESIDES HEALING, AND ALL TERRAIN NULLIFICATION. maybe have some field effects.

Berserkers had a rather useless passive (Only 20 crit for being under half HP? No thank you), and Fighters have a fairly useful passive... which is NOT the one they get at level 10. As for Tricksters, I kinda like then for Levin Sword usage.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Well with the various ways to increase crit in this game plus vengeance and sol. That 20 crit bonus can be pretty hilarious.

Still, I'd rather use a passive that doesn't have some stupid or counter-intuitive condition to function, or doesn't give too little of a boost to be worth it, and Wrath fails on both aspects in this game.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Berserkers had a rather useless passive (Only 20 crit for being under half HP? No thank you), and Fighters have a fairly useful passive... which is NOT the one they get at level 10. As for Tricksters, I kinda like then for Levin Sword usage.

If offensive staves like Berserk or Sleep were in Awakening, Trickster would have truly earned the title.

Edited by Ace Gamer
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Still, I'd rather use a passive that doesn't have some stupid or counter-intuitive condition to function, or doesn't give too little of a boost to be worth it, and Wrath fails on both aspects in this game.

To be fair, wrath was a tad ridiculous in previous games. I don't think 20 crit is absolutely useless though.

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Anna is like, the best staffer in FE13 without any significant work though, so Trickster can't be all THAT bad. You can make Maribelle or Lissa into marginally more useful staffbots via flying access but Anna's still got nearly exclusive Chest opening, extra mov, good pairup bonuses and does good work with a Levin Sword in combat for a non negligble amount of the game.

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He mens you can only have a class's skills in that class

As in, you can't just be a Dark Flyer, grab Galeforks, go back to Falconknight and still have Galeforks.

That goes against the whole point of being able to reclass, though.

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That goes against the whole point of being able to reclass, though.

This is quite true, and I wonder how FEIF will handle reclass.

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That goes against the whole point of being able to reclass, though.

The "whole point" isn't skills, it's what the class offers. Reclassing like the DSFEs lets people dip into the classes you need for that map, such as swapping your Paladins to DracoKnights when you need extra strength or vice versa if there are too many anti flier types around or you need more res.

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The "whole point" isn't skills, it's what the class offers. Reclassing like the DSFEs lets people dip into the classes you need for that map, such as swapping your Paladins to DracoKnights when you need extra strength or vice versa if there are too many anti flier types around or you need more res.

Did anyone else end up switching Stahl to a myrm for awhile? I find I have to because I have such bad luck with his speed growth lol.

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Archers: give me shinon or RNG exploited and lughnasadh leonardo (cuz he looks cool even if he's slow as hell....) Also, i want ballistas and onagers cuz they're fun as hell to use. even if they suck.

Assassin/swordmaster: Assassin, lose some str, just enough to be below Swordmaster or, swordmaster, gain enough str to just be over assassins. It doesn't sit right with me when assassins have higher Str than swordmasters.........

Dancer: gain some AOE on that dance, dammit! If you can only have once dancer he/she should at least be useful!

Berserker/fighter: sorry honestly can't tell the difference between you two (in awakening) besides their rather useful passives. Probably because fighters only get a bow as their other useable weapon(let's be honest, who uses a bow instead of a throwing axe on their fighter?)

Trickster: do something ANYTHING. Have an ACTUAL PURPOSE BESIDES HEALING, AND ALL TERRAIN NULLIFICATION. maybe have some field effects.

i would also like an engineer class. One that sets up/ removes field advantages, puts down ballisate etc. (maybe rig the arena, change the odds, sabotage the opponent?)

Halberdiers: i want them back. the lance equivalent of swordmasters? Hell yes.

Also. I want my Radiant dawn Ledge mechanics back, dammit! Ledges, the one thing(besides Shinon) that could probably make archers worthwhile.

Bold 1: Get better. If you think Olivia is not useful then you have no idea what you're saying. I don't even mean to come off as harsh, but a dancer refreshing only 1 unit has been in more than just FE13.

Bold 2: Bow access is fucking orgasmic in Awakening. Warrior is one of the best classes in the game for its combination of ridiculous statistical parameters and bow access.

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Also, if Taguel come back (and I hope they do), for the love of god Intsys PLEASE give them something notable over Manaketes. Their stats arent the problem, being good for a regular unit, boosted further by a Beaststone, but 1-range lock? At least something like Trickster has the Levin Sword or Ragnell, as well as Staff access. Maybe introduce different types of stones, that boost different stats depending on the stone you use? Or a Range-2 stone? Hell, a Brave Beaststone would increase their usefulness tenfold instead of just being the inferior shapeshifting unit.

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I'd personally, given a 20/20(/20?) limited levels/no reset setting, just let the unit have access to all of the class tree's skills at that given level on reclass; For those who have 2 T1 classes pointing to the same T2, I'd probably just give them both sets of T1 class skills to use in that T2 class as a compensation for having overlap anyway

I've always been fond of FEDS's reclass setting where the point of reclass in those games is to have units go into a class that would benefit in the map's situation

but I mean like, FE13's work for FE13's engine, it really depends on how the game is executed and my ideas are for something completely different and may not work at all with the FE13/14 engine so

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The "whole point" isn't skills, it's what the class offers. Reclassing like the DSFEs lets people dip into the classes you need for that map, such as swapping your Paladins to DracoKnights when you need extra strength or vice versa if there are too many anti flier types around or you need more res.

I only reclass for the skills, unless it's somebody like Kellam, who would benefit from the growths of a different class.

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Bow users are redundant in FEA's Normal/Hard mode right? But in Lunatic/L+ they are invaluable because you want to kill enemies in small amounts when turtling, and you want to play around counter. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) most people who want archers to be buffed want them to be useful at more than just Fire Emblem: Counter edition.

From what I've seen, knights and generals have the opposite problem. Great in Normal/Hard, but insufficient on higher difficulties. They ought to be buffed so they don't fall flat.

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Knights and Generals don't have the proper movement and lack in the stats that FE glorifies, such as speed. These are their main issues.

Edited by Jedi
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Think about a situation without reclassing. I got a thief. If the thief dies, there is no way for me to cheat chests or doors. I've lost a character, but also an invaluable asset to my team. The same goes for mages, bishops, knights, everything.

Now about a situation with reclassing. I got a thief. I know that swordfighter is the most efficient class. I reclass to the swordfighter, keeping the skills of the thief. I now built a character that can do everything a thief does, and can also has a better chance to win in battle. Do you see what kind of situation this creates, if this goes the same for all other characters?

I am significantly more willing to discard units that have low stat caps or growth rates (I can reclass anyway). I am more willing to let weak characters die because they can be replaced. I am capable of creating game-easifying (is this a word?) units. Causing me to think less about my gameplay decisions and causing the game to 'dumb down'.

What kind of heartless monster doesn't reset after a character death? :0

For the second bolded part, that would be an issue with classes being imbalanced, unrelated to why reclassing is a necessary element.

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To be fair, wrath was a tad ridiculous in previous games. I don't think 20 crit is absolutely useless though.

I might agree with Wrath being absurdly good in previous entries, but still, Awakening's Wrath is so underwhelming that I'd consider it a waste of a skill slot. And that's not getting into the part where I think Berserkers look so stupid in Awakening that I'd shun the class altogether just for that.

Anna is like, the best staffer in FE13 without any significant work though, so Trickster can't be all THAT bad. You can make Maribelle or Lissa into marginally more useful staffbots via flying access but Anna's still got nearly exclusive Chest opening, extra mov, good pairup bonuses and does good work with a Levin Sword in combat for a non negligble amount of the game.


Also, if Taguel come back (and I hope they do), for the love of god Intsys PLEASE give them something notable over Manaketes. Their stats arent the problem, being good for a regular unit, boosted further by a Beaststone, but 1-range lock? At least something like Trickster has the Levin Sword or Ragnell, as well as Staff access. Maybe introduce different types of stones, that boost different stats depending on the stone you use? Or a Range-2 stone? Hell, a Brave Beaststone would increase their usefulness tenfold instead of just being the inferior shapeshifting unit.

Personally, I'd rather not see them again, but ehh. That said, I agree they had pretty much nothing in their corner to make staying in Taguel worthwhile.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I only reclass for the skills, unless it's somebody like Kellam, who would benefit from the growths of a different class.

Skills are only part of what the class offers though. Like, when you pick a final class, you're picking stuff based on caps and weapon access no? That's still inherantly an important choice, and is still a choice if you don't retain skills between classes.

Edited by Irysa
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Bow users are redundant in FEA's Normal/Hard mode right? But in Lunatic/L+ they are invaluable because you want to kill enemies in small amounts when turtling, and you want to play around counter. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) most people who want archers to be buffed want them to be useful at more than just Fire Emblem: Counter edition.

From what I've seen, knights and generals have the opposite problem. Great in Normal/Hard, but insufficient on higher difficulties. They ought to be buffed so they don't fall flat.

Buffs are meaningless without tuning. Even if we gave archers over 9000 buffs they still suffer from the inherent problems of their class. If the game is tuned around their use then problem solved. Take FE6. The Snipers there are nothing special, but the game still has quite a use for them. Lunatic+ is another example. FE12 is very kind to bows in general. Creating demand > buffs.
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Buffs are meaningless without tuning. Even if we gave archers over 9000 buffs they still suffer from the inherent problems of their class. If the game is tuned around their use then problem solved. Take FE6. The Snipers there are nothing special, but the game still has quite a use for them. Lunatic+ is another example. FE12 is very kind to bows in general. Creating demand > buffs.

I'm pretty sure if they got 9001 buffs, people would use them because they would be simply overpowered.

I'm not the one requesting stat buffs though, I know that there are further ways to go about making a class more usable. In-game context is key, which is why I mentioned them being useful in L+.

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Skills are only part of what the class offers though. Like, when you pick a final class, you're picking stuff based on caps and weapon access no?

Seeing as I have Sumia as a General with Galeforce, no.

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Okay, so tell me why your final class choice is General then, since it can't just be for skills, as you can have all the General skills in any other class.

Regardless of your answer, the point is that skills are not the "entire point" of reclassing.

Edited by Irysa
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I hate Pegasus Knights, and most of her other reclassing options suck. Oh, and General is my favourite class (technically, it's Marshall, but it doesn't exist in Awakening, so...).

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