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the great member sorting chart - where will you go!?


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I wonder where I sit.

you like touhou and twinkle star sprites... definite weeblord but not a secondary!

I wonder

i place you to be a WEEBLORD due to you having man zelda in your avatar and signature

Where's the newfag catagory

harmless teenager, can't hurt any sort of fly

What is this thread exactly?

weeblordo of weebs, persona is a clear sign!


relatively adjusted and sane, you fit it like a glove

But what about me


are relatively normal also, you seem okay

Where the heck is "insane, immature, overtly self-aware, fedora-tipping cunt of a neckbearded perv?"

Kind of curious where I'd end up.

you're pretty normal sounding, not too teenagery though.

relatively normal you go, you don't seem big on "moe"

those categories are

... idk if there is any one word to describe them~

but I already know where I fit

special typing!? weedlord 2000!

and that avatar too

10/10 chart i approve

I love the extensions to the chart chen a+


i'm cool, obviously

and also relatively adjusted

nu-uh, your typing says WEEBLORD!

and your bakemonoguitar-y too

Woah marche references

relatively normal parent, relatively not-marche?

The categories themselves are accurate, but I wonder if you can match each of these members into the proper ones.

Seriously though, great chart.

you're normal and cool soundin

i give you a B

Elieson did the whole judgement thread fad years ago.


you're too old for me

but, relatively normal AGAIN


Why not


that's a weeblord for you

I wonder where I will go

a mutant crossbreed of RELATIVELY NORMAL and WEEBLORD, edging on weeblord

Well, this certainly is interesting.

well, is it? i hope it is

i'd wager on you being someone who likes fire emblem


i know you run a touhou forum, so you're a WEEBLORD

...Can I cite this post for when my friends give me trouble for reading Berserk?

so relatively normal that it's actually making me more normal

has pretty normal tastes

I'd ask to be sorted but I don't think we know each other. Besides it's TOTALLY obvious where I'd be put.

you like touko aozaki and tokyo godfathers, so you're a COOL GAL

chart me bby

a more self aware relatively normal person, causing them to become slightly sarcastic

ingested sour

I'm 99.99% accurate that well adjusted was based off me or Gaia. Jojo and Beserk are way to specific.

an example of my chart being accurate right here

if you think that it's based off of you, then my chart is working perfectly

Why do virgins get the prettiest background? ;__;

just to push them into making themselves prettier


probably wears huge sunglasses all day

eats burgers with no buns

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yes but they do it while singing the american anthem

What if I sing the Star Spangled Banner as I play FE?

Wait I'm 90% certain you've watched me FE nvm

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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What if I sing the Star Spangled Banner as I play FE?

Wait I'm 90% certain you've watched me FE nvm


............. I........ I....... how did I become the only weedlord?!

I am a weed ;n;

don't worry, you're snoop dogg now

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don't worry, you're snoop dogg now

that weed, huh

is that why aiku 420s so much

d-does senpai blaze me~~~

it's more acceptable than the other weed I was thinking of

Edited by Freohr Datia
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No one got aristocrat...

Or fair maiden.

Just your average otakus it looks like.

hey you take that back

I got aristocrat

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i don't think the mafia players are posting here

elieson and eclipse and bluedoom all posted here

step it up

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