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OFFICIAL SF HUNGER GAMES (Sign-Ups For the Ninth Hunger Games Have Begun!)


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Dang, I blinked and missed it. Sleepless trance of murder and aimless wandering until death: accurate



Should've put more points into survival...

If there's room for any more a second it'd be cool to enter again, but if it comes down to me and somebody who hasn't gotten in yet the other dude can have the spot.

Edited by Rehab
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We can sprite our own weapons and supplies.

we will be creators... of our own destinies! DX

Yeah... would be interesting following in real time. :)

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Can we do it during a time both America and Europe will be awake?

I won't be getting home 'till around 6PM PST today. You'll have to wait until then, or unless Euklyd wants to take over. (Assuming Euklyd is available at a time in which both EU and US members are awake and active.)

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I know! I felt so bad.

Hopefully he makes a comeback in the next one.




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sorry, raven

I can ask Euklyd to get this started once hesheit gets on, but I fear more people will miss it if we start it earlier than the announced time

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Yo. Also, lol at Jedi placing last.

Watch me become the Chaotzu of the Hunger Games, first down every single time.


I predict you will either place in the top three or have the most kills

I shall summon a TSUNAMI.

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okay wait.

I live in Iowa in the US. I'm not familiar with Timezones, but it was 3:54 PM at the time of this post. What time will it be for me when it starts?

Thank you and sorry for any trouble in answering this.

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I had some downtime at work so I started working on the teams

District One - Hashuni Mei, Eclipse, butmuncher.ops and Specta

District Two - Shadowofchaos, Bindi, Ether and Shezzy

District Three - Raven, WinnieTheFrigginPooh, Vicious Sal and James Bond

District Four - Glaceon Mage, Moiraine, LuxSpes and IceSage

District Five - Shockmaster, Draco, Chen and Jedi

Distrcit Six - Dijon Mustard, Koneko, PKLucas351 and Refa

District Seven - Makaze, Kinumi, TheErrantShepherd and Nightmare

District Eight - SB, Melia Antiqua, Junk and Blackhawk Sleeper

District Nine - Shin, Rehab, Monde and Lettuce

District Ten - Gaia, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar, Freohr Datia and Acacia Sgt.

District Eleven - Elieson, General Ciraxis, Momogeek and Scarlet

District Twelve - Daichi, Yasako, Konnor97 and Dodgedusk

Rey and Bindi were originally in seperate districts, but I thought I'd go ahead and put them together.

Edited by Esme
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