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ya know, why are FE8 normal mode enemies so bad?

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FE8 Normal Enemies get just (Level-3) autolevels in their class, regardless of whether they're promoted or not.

Contrast to Difficult enemies, who get (Level-1) autolevels in their class, plus 3 to 5 more from Difficult bonuses, and if they're promoted they get 19 levels in their default unpromoted class.

So unpromoted enemies gain up to 7 fewer autolevels in Normal, and promoted enemies gain up to 26 fewer autolevels.

Edited by Vennobennu
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^ what Venno said. That's why promoted enemies especially are so bad; a Level 4 Sniper will basically just have Sniper class bases for his stats. That same Sniper in HM will have 19 Archer autolevels and another bunch as a Sniper, so there's an especially large leap for promoted enemies from NM to HM.

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I'm pretty sure promoted enemies don't get 19 levels in their promoted class, I think it's more like 14... either way, it doesn't help them when their levels lag behind yours.

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That's just dumb, considering how Ross can reach the cap of 30 easily with minimal ERing feeding.

10/20/19 is where he caps str thats how sad ross is a growth unit

growths averages at max level are preety dissapointing

10/20/20 HP:53.9 STR:30 Skill:19.Speed:19.1 Luck:26.8 Def:17.75 Res:11.4

Gerik Outclasses him at 20/10 in all stats but luck only thing he has above gerik is better caps

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FE8 Normal Enemies get just (Level-3) autolevels in their class, regardless of whether they're promoted or not.

Contrast to Difficult enemies, who get (Level-1) autolevels in their class, plus 3 to 5 more from Difficult bonuses, and if they're promoted they get 19 levels in their default unpromoted class.

So unpromoted enemies gain up to 7 fewer autolevels in Normal, and promoted enemies gain up to 26 fewer autolevels.

Well, that explains it. What about Dracozombies and Cyclopses, though (these don't have a lower variant)?

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I imagine Cyclops's are pretty chump as well, they just have a high class defence base. Dracozombies are still probably threatening since they have no unpromoted class and just ignore defence even if their stats suck.

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Cyclops use the Knight as their unpromoted variant, while Dracozombies use Wyvern Knights. Promoted units in HM do get exactly 19 levels in their corresponding unpromoted class btw.

Okay then. Kinda interesting that some of the monster classes use a non-monster class as the base. And I guess Gorgons use Shamans as the base (as Gorgon Eggs only appear on Neleras Peak).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyclops use the Knight as their unpromoted variant, while Dracozombies use Wyvern Knights. Promoted units in HM do get exactly 19 levels in their corresponding unpromoted class btw.

Why wouldn't Cyclops use one of the Tier 1 Axe units instead? The Dracozombie with Wyvern Knight makes sense because they're both sorta dragons.

Okay then. Kinda interesting that some of the monster classes use a non-monster class as the base. And I guess Gorgons use Shamans as the base (as Gorgon Eggs only appear on Neleras Peak).

Same thing I was thinking. I didn't actually think that T2-only monster units actually had base classes. Kinda makes me wonder whether Demon King has a base.

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