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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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Also Paper the exact flavour behind my being Miller is the whole "Orange-kun" incident was a thing SO

I have this nagging feeling that this could be scum!Elie could be pulling a weird-ass towncred gambit having claimed to hook Mitsuki then having his scumteam not NK, thereby incriminating Mitsuki as scum having been hit with bad luck. But I dunno.

I mean, if scumlieson did that it'd be stupid since they gave up their n1 kill for a d2 mislynch, but then he'd get lynched d3 (or vigged n2), it's a really bad trade for scum
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@Refa: Elie is just reaction testing me, so no (won't say if I know this because role or because I think he is)

How would you ever fall for that reaction test?

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still don't get why elieson hooked mitsuki though?... you mentioned that you hooked mitsuki because you thought that scum might have consolidated on kirsche because and that mitsuki was the one who pushed kirsche? This doesn't really make sense because at that point it was obvious that mitsuki just wanted a lynch because a lynch is better for town. Hell if it is anyone who "pushed" kirsche it was me and i'm pretty sure that's why mitsuki switched her vote to kirsche again.

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@Poly: it'd be dumb for scum!Elie to pull off such a gambit and get me lynched when I put so much effort yesterday

Not if he was hooked scum?

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still don't get why elieson hooked mitsuki though?... you mentioned that you hooked mitsuki because you thought that scum might have consolidated on kirsche because and that mitsuki was the one who pushed kirsche? This doesn't really make sense because at that point it was obvious that mitsuki just wanted a lynch because a lynch is better for town. Hell if it is anyone who "pushed" kirsche it was me and i'm pretty sure that's why mitsuki switched her vote to kirsche again.

Mits said she was confident kirsche was scum at some point I'm p. sure

Not if he was hooked scum?

Then someone else will out they hooked Elieson
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@Proto: why didn't you post at deadline? I saw you lurking the thread

I popped into the thread and started reading from where I left off. Didn't realize it was deadline. I didn't have much time then and just wanted to read as much as I could before I left, not realizing it was deadline. By the time I got back, the Day already ended.

fuck it not waiting to find that rainbow text thing HOPE YOU LIKE GARISHLY ORANGE POSTS

So, I need to reread, like, the whole game aside from Paper/Refa/maybe Marth? I feel more confident in a Eury lynch today (at least, moreso than "oh I think kirsche is town and nobody who can be realistically lynched is pinging me" way) though before I actually start finding stuff. Casing people on a phone sucks.

Also my character claim since I was in fact asked for it yesterday should be fairly obvious at this point.

Orange works as Miller, you're good.

Orange sided with Lelouch in the end, Poly confirmed scum?????

That's a spoiler, y'know, and not everyone playing this game has watched Code Geass >_>

But anyway, I think SB was mainly setting up based on R1 or the first half of R2. I doubt he'd put spoilery stuff that are only valid for the second half. With Orange being suspected of being loyal to Rurushu, I'd say Miller is the perfect role for him.

@Refa: Elie is just reaction testing me, so no (won't say if I know this because role or because I think he is)

Well, Elieson did wait until you made some posts so I can see why he'd claim to have roleblocked you. Have you been roleblocked though?

And Elieson, did you actually roleblock Mitsuki?

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Which makes me wonder why exactly he's pulling this on D2 and not D1

Also Proto and RD are bugging me somewhat for something unrelated to really anything that has gone on so far

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I don't see how Elie reaction-testing Mitsuki makes sense? If Elie is hooked scum why would he think he could mislynch Mitsuki before the real hooker claimed? That doesn't make sense either.

I agree with Junk that Mitsuki seemed more to just want any lynch yesterday rather than just a lynch on Kirsche - she moved quite a bit between the two to match the other players. I'm actually leaning scum!Junk trying to protect his buddy Eury (since I'm also leaning scum on her as well) mostly because of that post. As for Eury, I took a closer read at her wallposts (PLEASE WALLPOST LESS BTW) and don't like how she spent most of the time trying to tell Paperbro how to be a better hydra instead of talking about things that mattered. Also for lurking at the end of phase yesterday, since it was scummy when I did it last game and it's still scummy now.

Unless she was actually lurking for 45 minutes as someone said earlier, in which case I'm much more likely to believe her version of events.

Still trying to catch up reading people, but I'm leaning Town on Poly (mostly due to flavor + Miller claim, but it's not like his content is suspect) and Elie (he seems to be acting pretty differently here from how he acted in Quickhammer), although that might change depending on how the Elie-Mitsuki show plays out. Everyone else I don't have a strong read on but I'm still catching up so that'll probably change.

@Poly: What about me is bugging you, specifically?

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Yeah I don't like how Kirsche tried to case Eury on hypocresy here. It's not that he got the hydra names wrong, but that it feels more like he's using wrong/contradictory stuff rather than scummy stuff to make his cases, which I don't like. I don't see how anyone makes sense as scum from his point of view actually, and I'm not sure why I didn't realise about it before.


##vote: Kirsche

This is definitely where I'd like to lynch today, yay conviction when it's 45 minutes to deadline. What do you guys think?

Sup junko

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Not happy with RD's eury read. IDK it's hard to explain but I feel like his vote feels "to easy" since it doesn't really seem to address much of eury's content at all. Nothing about her reads or anything. I also feel that it misreps her because eury made like only two posts on PB hydra stuff. Also what makes me worse than elie considering his vote was pretty much just " I feel more confident in this"?

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Blargh. Head hurts, but gonna sift through what I can mentally pull through with.

(I'm probably going to miss some things, but trying to cover as much as I can- if there's anything specific that was aimed/asked of me prior to the end of day phase, lemme know and I'll get to it when I can.)

Starting out around like, page 15~16 or so.

at the end of her wallpost she doesn't list her "priority scumreads" with proto included.

I think that's blitz's biggest beef with her, that she called proto out for doing scummy stuff but didn't add proto to her list of scumreads

I... think my head's about to implode... @_@;;

*kicks a second dead horse corpse and drags it around the thread for all to see*

Why Blitz's case/notion against me is face-palm inducing: I was confused by Proto. I wanted to hear more from Proto, and the main thing that I didn't like was the fact that I saw most of Proto's talk (during the time that I made my original comments/read on Proto in said wall post) was based around the "Hydra scum" theory or whatever (and not so much his own thoughts). I never once implied/said he was scum, nor did I myself read him as scum. I don't know why Blitz thus got on my case for NOT ADDING HIM ONTO IT or PAINTING HIM AS SCUMMY when I never had the thought/intention of doing so. Proto was basically a null/neutral read for me at that point n' time. (I have to re-read him to properly report what I think of him NOW, but original point/statements stand for what was stated. Please stop the misrepping or otherwise trying to paint me as scummy for something I never even said/did.)

His first telling post is his reply to Eurykins early on (you should know about it, since GP commented on how it was super townie). Specifically this line ("Also, players can't be expected to have some deep thought and strong justification in every single post they make, so I find it pretty weird that you're asking me to justify what seems to be a normal response from hearing somebody else claim. Did you find my question to Poly to be suspicious or odd in some way?") in particular though. His Boron Eclipse vote is like, really bad, but the important thing is that it's independent. As scum, he'd have to know or at least a buddy would have had to tell him that there's no way in hell they'd sheep that case. Also his first three posts are like, soooooooo him. I don't know, admittedly I've never played with Scum Proto before, but if I was scum with him, I'd advise him to reign it in a little and definitely tell him not to make that Boron vote. Also the post right after that ("(my post looks so big, despite having almost no content; Sorry, I'm not trying to pretend like I'm contributing a lot. I know I'm contributing almost nothing because I'm generally not a fan of Day 1 logic)") is like...yeah. I can't see scum saying stuff like that.

I agree partially, but also disagree with this post.

- Yes, scum can/may advise or otherwise help their partners in crime- but it doesn't always happen. I've personally have seen/had past scum members that either respond/say little in QT's/Skype and/or otherwise contribute little to overall conversations, which can make in-thread casing, coordination, and overall gameplay suffer as a result. (I've even had it to where scum members don't even put in their own NA's or whatnot, which results in scum team capabilities being severely limited if the GM doesn't allow for the other members to then decide what he/she may do, and thus forces a member to idle as a result.). Basically, it's the concept of "Scum team members generally help with X, Y, and Z" but like other things, it may not always happen. Scum can still post bad cases, as can town


(And sometimes, it's better to let players play as they generally do, as opposed to try and tweak their gameplay in lieu of making "Good cases" -> IE. If someone has a habit of playing erratic as town/scum, but then suddenly seems to pull up concise, precise, and otherwise super organized gameplay, some people [who know said player's metas/habits from past games] may find the change a bit... odd? Or otherwise may show signs of a veteran player intervening and/or otherwise advising them through their gameplay.)

- Secondly, it's not uncommon/unlike scum to apologize for possibly poor content, as at least they're fessing up to it. It may also appear less offending (having lesser comment) in that sense, than if they tried to just blow under the radar without saying anything about it (and having someone else point out the fact that they're dropping little to no real content in their posts). Town, and scum, can easily drop comments like these (like the above).

Actually bothered by how Eurykins hasn't made a post though. She's the leading wagon and has nothing to say? Really? Why?

I, uh, didn't even know how the end of the day shit fell apart until I just read it, LOL. I'm the best at paying attention to deadlines, I swear (and realizing when my own head's apparently on the chopping block).

there is one problem with lynching him however, if he isn't scum, he is very likely the doc this game

Wait, so this concept was applied to Kirsche, but not to me? Such bias, much wow. :/


Uhm. I know you poked at me for a while, but unless I'm mistaken- from your posts before this one, I saw little to no notion wrt you having a good/town read on Kirsche.


Your reads in general, from what I've seen so far Poly, have been pretty empty in the sense of thoughts/explanations. I realize it was a consolidation vote on me (Between Kirsche v Me) at the end of the phase, but at the same time, I have a lot of trouble garnering what you found "FIRM TOWNREAD" on him, and the fact that you said little else about myself. (You seem to be throwing out town/null/bad vibe reads on people, but not really telling us why. I find that a bit weird, honestly.)

Wasn't able to get on at all this weekend unfortunately, and I have no idea what's going on right now. It doesn't seem like I have time to catch up and we need to consolidate so where should I put my vote guys? I'm totally okay with lynching Eury if it means one less wallposter, but I'd rather lynch scum if possible.

....OK. I see where your true priorities lie. :/

I think Eury is scum though, for painting Proto as scummy, but not even attempting to case him

........................................ *rolls a dead horse corpse over Blitz's face and lets it rot there*

##Vote: Eurykins

Don't like how she disappeared with a wagon growing on her, and while she speaks a lot of words that doesn't necessarily mean that there's a lot of meaningful content inside of them. However, I'm not going to pretend that I didn't just quickly skim her posts or that I actually have strong feelings about this lynch. I guess the lesson here is don't wallpost? Other people want to play the game too, you know.

I'll scan everyone during the night phase so I can actually try and be useful tomorrow.

Or you can learn to read people's posts, whether they're wall posts, spam posts, or just filler posts. We all play the game in different styles (and I had a bit to catch up with), and it does consume my own time/effort in typing things out (so it's not necessarily an "OH GODS SUCH ONE-SIDED PAIN" when I've legit spent at least 4-5 hours straight [can ask Shinori for verification IRL] typing it out).

I realize it's not a favorite by some, but at least take the time to note certain things- IE. If you're looking for certain cases/people, just CTRL + F and pick out what you want. But don't vote someone based on the fact that you honestly were probably too lazy to read my wall posts or whatever. You had plenty of time in D1 to at least read ONE large wall post (Even if you chose to ignore the rest of my smaller blurbs when I was conversing with Blitz and others), so at least take the time to garner what information you could instead of blindly trying to condemn someone to the lynch slot, kthx.

> The former part (where I had been absent during the wagoning process) is a valid point, as I was indeed not online/posting at the time [tired/sleeping during the time]. However, the fact that RD comments on not really having read most of my comment, but then states that "lots of words doesn't mean lots of info" (when RD himself hasn't taken the time to check if there is or not) does slightly bother me.

((Also, my wall-posting does nothing to hinder the game itself/others posting, unless you're implying that people posting revolves around my wall posts- plenty of people can/will bypass my wallposts at times, but can/will look into bits and pieces of it for anything they may want to know from my thoughts/cases. So, yeah. I don't mean to sound crass/rude with my comments [and I apologize if it is], but my activity/wall posting shouldn't and doesn't do a whole lot in influencing the player base's posting [as it's obviously still been active despite not having made a wall post recently].))

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I'm applying pressure

So mean. :[

It's all because I don't raid with you anymore, isn't it? Such vengeance, much wow. Besides I've now fallen behind Ilevel and will probs do shit DPS/healing. :[

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What eli is doing would be bad as scum but the scum team in qh Mafia did stiff I never thought they'd do so idk if he'd go for a fucked up gambit here.

Eli, are you claiming hooker or is this a one shot thing or something?

If what eli says is true, well it doesn't confirm poetmitsuki as scum because scum couldn't also hit a protected target but I think they're still a good lynch considering their d1 shenanigans.

But for now, ##Vote:eurykins

Who do you suspect and what do you make of d1?

You've been defensive for a while now.

I'm on my phone so I can't read the thread fully and make a good post ATM but I will make one once I get time to her on my PC sometime today.

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