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About to dip into PoR for the 1st time

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She requires a Bexp dump because she can't do combat, but once she promotes, she's pretty worth it. And it's not like Bexp is scarce in this game. If you promote her vey early in the game, then her strength/defense will be on par with enemy units, and she can use a steel forge until her weapon level is high enough to use the Sonic and Rune swords. Then at that point, she's OHKO'ing enemies and it's beautiful. Especially since she can heal while keeping a sword equipped.

Not to mention a well trained Mist is kind of handy to kill Black Knight's reinforcements.

If nothing else, she's way more useful than Rhys.

Rhys has early game where healing somewhat matters

Mist is useless when she joins and once she promotes her combat is awful (terribleh) and titaniaXBoyd is actually good because he is one of the only great foot units in PoR

Ike is only godly with boots and post promo he isnt amazing before promo

Rhys starts at level 5, has a higher staff rank and bases, joins earlier, and can get to 10 early and easily by just healing. I had him promoted to Bishop by the time I got my first Master Seal without any extra work. He requires zero investment, and also gets a tome rank equal to his staff rank. Mist is level 1, has worse bases, lower staff rank, joins later and falls over to a gentle breeze. She also requires additional training and forges if you actually want her to use swords.

Rhys is meh after early game thats undisputable his speed is meh and he cant catchup with the team due to horrible move He is only better then mist due to usefulness in early game

the top units of fe9 are:




Oscar=The Ch10 Axe Unit

Ike is probably high tier but only one spot above boyd

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The chapters throughout the game vary in army size (last map is 14 units), but honestly, Ike + Royal can stomp the last map without much effort.

I don't like foot soldiers, because they are too slow and can't Canto without equipping a unique item, but PoR is easy enough that you can invest in whomever and still do fine.

Laguz are a bad investment of BEXP, and a bad investment to train in general. They're great as filler units when you need some competent units to field a full army, but they're locked to 1-range and either have to deal with the annoying transform bar or equip a Demi Band, of which you only get 1 IIRC. They're pretty good when they first join but fall off quickly. I think one of the dragons is pretty good, but they join so late it doesn't matter anyway.

Yes, pay Volke. I'm not even sure if he actually takes money from you like he says he will. Paying for his promotion is iffy, and even though gold is plentiful in the game, I'd probably pass on dropping that much to promote a thief who should only be running around opening chests and doors anyway.

Edited by Eselred
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The chapters throughout the game vary in army size (last map is 14 units), but honestly, Ike + Royal can stomp the last map without much effort.

I don't like foot soldiers, because they are too slow and can't Canto without equipping a unique item, but PoR is easy enough that you can invest in whomever and still do fine.

Laguz are a bad investment of BEXP, and a bad investment to train in general. They're great as filler units when you need some competent units to field a full army, but they're locked to 1-range and either have to deal with the annoying transform bar or equip a Demi Band, of which you only get 1 IIRC. They're pretty good when they first join but fall off quickly.

Yes, pay Volke. I'm not even sure if he actually takes money from you like he says he will. Paying for his promotion is iffy, and even though gold is plentiful in the game, I'd probably pass on dropping that much to promote a thief who should only be running around opening chests and doors anyway.

Budget isnt a problem in PoR Id promote volke just for his abillity to fair better at combat that way I prefer to have some durabillity to limit chances for screwedge

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Okay so I'm about to start chapter 10...

Just what is the max number of units I can field in endgame party?

Wanna know if Neph is worth bothering with, Lethe & Mord worth investing bexp, or even if Volke is worth paying for the thief utility

BEXP is ridiculously plentiful so it's feasible to actually train 14 units for endgame assuming you make sure Ike caps a bunch of stats (easy), but you really don't need that many for it.

Nephenee is a decent unit and I think Vantage Wrath + Forged Javelins are fun, but she is definitely not better than anyone on a mount or something. I think she is probably the second best physical foot unit after Boyd but this is not saying much considering that every mage is better than her, and Boyd has better weapon choices and support options. Do not bother bexping in Laguz ever, and Volke is worth paying for because gold is never an issue and he effectively pays for himself.

Edited by Irysa
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Okay so I'm about to start chapter 10...

Just what is the max number of units I can field in endgame party?

Wanna know if Neph is worth bothering with, Lethe & Mord worth investing bexp, or even if Volke is worth paying for the thief utility

Yeah, it's 14.

Neph people say is pretty good. If you want to try her for her exclusive Soldier class (there's a Halberdier you can get later), then you should test her out. I personally don't find her that impressive but she's not hard to train. She just starts with E Lances at the third of the game...

Lethe and Mordecai, you can try as well. People have already stated that there's a few problems training them, such as the gauge and locked to one-range. I wouldn't recommend BEXP for them, though.

Volke is definitely worth it for one thing that the other Thief doesn't get. Gold is not an issue in this game and 50G per unlock is pretty negligible.

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titaniaXBoyd is actually good because he is one of the only great foot units in PoR

No. Fire/Light bonuses aren't exactly worth going ga-ga over...

Rhys starts at level 5, has a higher staff rank and bases, joins earlier, and can get to 10 early and easily by just healing. I had him promoted to Bishop by the time I got my first Master Seal without any extra work. He requires zero investment, and also gets a tome rank equal to his staff rank. Mist is level 1, has worse bases, lower staff rank, joins later and falls over to a gentle breeze. She also requires additional training and forges if you actually want her to use swords.

Better bases or not, Rhys still manages to be worse off due to having an absolute joke of a weapon type, as well as low-ish speed and subpar support options.

Do people forget that Mist (along with Elincia) is one of the best Rescue users in the game?

I guess they do.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Wow its hard to avoid RNG-screwed level ups even with using Bexp :>_<:

Did dondon ever did a 0% growths run of FE9? Wanna see which units with already good bases upon recruiting he fields instead of weaker units who are wholly dependent on RNG growths.

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Espinosa is MoogleBoss on YouTube.

Basically, Titania did everything until Kieran came along then Kieran/Titania + a little Jill did everything. Stefan handled basically all the boss kills since Stefan's base level offense is just ridiculous. Once Tanith came along, Stefan/Tanith did everything.

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If I recall, when using Random growths, you can reset and reload from a save file to try and get better results. I personally find Fixed mode to be more enjoyable since you don't have to worry about RNG screwage, but you have to beat the game once to unlock it. Then again, you can end up with some pretty ridiculous units on Random mode if RNG favors you, so it's all personal preference.

Radiant Dawn is the game that has the set +3 stats to level up if using BEXP.

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@Radiant head

Im not giving my "Nigh infinite"(false jibber jabber) to any unit that isnt worth it when I can just sink it to guys like Oscar Kieran Ike Marcia and Jill.

Mist goes preety low on the pecking order in top guys to put Bexp in post promo her combat is awful no matter what she isnt built to wield those things

she is your best stavebot but that doesnt matter much in FE9 when you get gods among man

Its like stefan X zihark arguement

well Zihark has higher luck and better stats then zihark at 20/20 if you BEXPd him and didnt train zihark ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

But Stefan doesnt need to be Bexpd to be a great combat unit Zihark somewhat needs that

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He doesn't need skills, he's good enough on his own.

From a faster pace standpoint, skills are reserved for characters like Ike (Resolve/Wrath) and boss killers on the grounds that they kill some tedious bosses quickly. This game is also generally on the easy side.

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Recruit him with either Lethe or Mordecai talking to him. If Lethe or Mordecai are in his range, Zihark will disregard anyone else and auto-recruit himself.

He's a little obscure to figure out for the first time. The hint is that he's with the vigilantes for the Laguz but for a different reason.

As for the Black Knight, just keep moving. As long as you keep moving Zihark (have him nab the north house too if you don't have another Beorc unit since they won't give their stuff if you visit with the Laguz units) and don't get near the path to the house (run west while being a little north), Black Knight shouldn't catch you. His AI changes upon difficulty.

Whatever you do, I suggest not to head back towards where you start. You might end up killing off a person you're going to get next chapter.

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Speaking of Kieran, what skill should he be having? I assume everybody takes Gamble off him

I usually give him his mastery skill, Sol. It makes him even more unkillable.

How do you recruit Zihark in Chapter 11? He's in a large area staked out by the Black Knight :(

Just recruit him early on. BK doesn't appear until you aggro the boss, so you have plenty of time to move him and get out of the way.

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I think you can put like an untransformed Muarim in the outside range of one of the Myrmidons, which i believe lets one of Lethe or Mordecai move to Zihark the very next turn and talk to him. I forget who did this a while back, but I remember it being useful if you want max BEXP for keeping the Vigilantes alive.

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I think you can put like an untransformed Muarim in the outside range of one of the Myrmidons, which i believe lets one of Lethe or Mordecai move to Zihark the very next turn and talk to him. I forget who did this a while back, but I remember it being useful if you want max BEXP for keeping the Vigilantes alive.

You don't get Muarim this early. Are you thinking Mordecai? He starts untransformed.

I don't think I ever got the full BEXP for that map while recruiting Zihark just because the Vigilantes are so weak to anyone that holds a weapon. And it's not like they even give that much BEXP either...

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Yeah, untransformed Mordecai just tanks them no problem, and Zihark actually recruits himself that way. You can really unequip just about anyone to keep the vigilantes busy.

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Yeah the CEXP you get for killing them is more worth it.

They are level one beorc units. Your units will be lucky to get 10 CEXP for killing them. 50 BEXP per vigilante, while not fantastic, is still useful early on in the game. They can easily be distracted by an unequipped beorc unit or an untransformed Mordecai.

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Marginal gains in Bexp compared to what the game already provides you (especially doing the previous chapter in stealth mode) is hardly useful.

The convenience of killing them + CExp is more worth it.

Edited by Radiant head
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Marginal gains in Bexp compared to what the game already provides you (especially doing the previous chapter in stealth mode) is hardly useful.

The convenience of killing them + CExp is more worth it.

I don't really see what's likely a sub-10 amount of CEXP (or close to it) as worth it, so I must disagree there. Especially since I'm vehemently against doing chapter 10 the stealthy way.

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