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What can suck the fun out of a game for you?


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Not enjoying a game's story/world/characters is a major put off for me. I mean I enjoy plenty of simple non-story heavy games, but if I'm playing a story driven game and not feeling the story, it's hard for me to continue.

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Cheesy dialogue and lazy plot conventions. A prime example of an offender of the second being:

Bravely Default during Chapters 5-8. Those were probably the most boring moments of a story I have ever experienced in a video game. If anyone else has played this part, they probably know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, but that part made me lose interest for a while.

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Too much fanservice can sometimes cause me to lose interest in a game.

As others have mentioned, a game just being boring can also do it. Being boring is, to me, more of a strike against a game than any sort of difficulty.

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"What can suck the fun out of a game for you?"

When the game sucks.

The suckiest game I've played in a while is some Beyblade game for GameCube; I have no idea where it came from.

I knew it was gonna be average at best, but man... it was the definition of mediocre. Two tops, a small arena... and that's basically it.

Sure, you can grind for Bey Points to buy parts and beef up your stats or add gimmicks like magnetism, but there's only so much depth that standard top battling can have.

And yet, the concept is sound enough. I feel that eventually a skilled developer might be able to invent a genuinely fun battle-top game.

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The community.

Too much cheese and/or ridiculousness.

Annoying kawaii-creatures. (Looking at you Xenoblade, don't think you will fool me again this year. :P)


..There's probably more.

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Overly long cutscenes and an increased emphasis on a game being 'cinematic.' Basically when control is taken away from me for too long, there are a few story-heavy games I like, so a correct gameplay/cutscene ratio has to be it.

Unfocused and inconsistent gameplay. I don't like when there is no focal gameplay system, when the game can't decide what kind of game it wants to be and keeps reinventing itself on every other occasion.

Also somewhat related is when a game in a long running series tries to completely reinvent itself.

Feature creep. Also somewhat related to the above. Having options is nice, but sometimes too much is too much. I don't want to wade through hundreds of options and subsystems just to play the game remotely properly. And that doesn't suck the fun out of me just in video games, mind you.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Feature creep ... Having options is nice, but sometimes too much is too much. I don't want to wade through hundreds of options and subsystems just to play the game remotely properly.

Then perhaps you ought to check out the Beyblade game I mentioned four posts ago. It's feature free! There's single-player, multiplayer, freeplay, and tournament modes - and they're all the same thing. The entire hub world is barely larger than one screen, so you'll never get lost.

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Is there a limit to how many I can post?

  • The community (not necessarily the bad parts, just other people who play the game)
  • Mandatory grinding
  • Bad Easter eggs/memes
  • Ugly UIs
  • UIs that provide too much or too little information
  • Unresponsive, poorly thought out/explained, clunky, or otherwise bad controls
  • Unskippable cutscenes
  • 3D shooters where the right analogue stick does not control weapon aiming (I am looking at you, Metroid Prime)
  • Poorly implemented personality archetypes
  • Sequels that remove features I enjoy (Grand Theft Auto 5 pls)
  • Limited selection of weapons/cars/whatever
  • Boring/overly zany weapons/cars/whatever
  • Games with no post-story singleplayer
  • Modern games that look worse than Half Life 2
  • Games that offer online multiplayer but no local multiplayer
  • Escort missions
  • Unforgiving checkpoints
  • JRPG designs
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The community.

yet you are still here.

A couple visual novels that are on Steam come to mind...

Visual novels are actually a genre of video game-like entertainment. So if something is labeled "Visual Novel" im gonna know what to expect.

Bad characters and story.

Dont play anything made in the 80s and early 90s then. That...goes for most of you. Most of whats griped about in here are present in retro games.

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3D shooters where the right analogue stick does not control weapon aiming (I am looking at you, Metroid Prime)

Play it in Metroid Prime Trilogy. Wii-mote aiming is the best!

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- Forced mini-games, especially fishing

- Bad music/ sound effects

- Abrupt changes in the core gameplay (like unnecessary driving sequences and the endings to Drakengard/Drakengard 3)

- Long loading screens

- Most features of mobile games, freemium and otherwise

- Awkward pacing

And a lot of things mentioned in this thread, really.

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-"Free to play" games that overly reward paying users IE giving them massive buffs over free players, as in the buffs are only available to paying users and there is no possible way for the free players to achieve obtaining them without money

-Games that are too linear or too open world, I like some exploration but the massive open worlds of games like Skyrim and Fallout intimidate me (Unpopular opinion, but these are personal reasons for not having fun, right?) On the flip side in Final Fantasy XIII there was no ability to backtrack until you got to Pulse, which was also disappointing because I like being able to revisit areas in a game for reasons like idling listening to the music

-Mechanics that don't mesh well with the control scheme - Long story short, thank god for the Wii classic controller in so many cases where wiimote and nunchuk is just plain cumbersome

-Random difficulty spikes - if I'm not taking any damage from the mooks in the dungeon, the boss shouldn't just be able to 1shot me on a whim unless if he's a timed boss, in which there should be a visible timer as to when he's going to OHKO me

-Not telegraphing some strategy to winning a fight - The Last Story both succeeded and failed at this. For succeeding, most boss fights the characters would speculate amongst themselves about the most effective way to win. For failing, there was a particular duel boss that only shouted about the main character needing to show his resolve as a knight, and I lost a fair few tries until I found a way that somewhat worked

-Regular games suddenly having a horror-style atmosphere. I have only watched from the second Silent Realm on of Skyward Sword because I would get too nervous/scared to continue while playing. If the way the rest of the game plays is to make bad things go away with your sword, the entire game should be getting bad guys to go away with your sword. I will admit there are stealth sections of games I've played that aren't too bad though.

-Music - it better be good. If I don't like the music then I'll have a hard time picking up the game for the next play session.

Edited by Huntress
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Firstly- even though I did play American McGee's Alice when I was 8, horror and violent games in General freak me out and I don't like playing them.

Secondly- No information on how to play the game. Well excuse me, Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link. If I don't know what the hell I'm meant to be doing, then how can I play you?

Thirdly- a lack of purpose in playing. I need a jolly good reason to play a game through to its end. With Etrian Odyssey, it is getting perfect maps. For Radiant Historia and Xenoblade Chronicles, it was the plot. For Final Fantasy Tactics A2... I just wanted to 100% it, especially the Bazaar! :D Games that don't give me a motive to play it turn me off.

I'll add more later.

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The community's negativity toward the game that stands out in the series.

...let's leave it at that.

THIS. Honestly, one of the worst and stupidest things is hipster elitist attitudes.

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pretty much this

tho for me it depends.

for example with league, i play normals for fun and ranked for tryhard.

Here is the super secret: the amount of troll and noob who get their platinum rank from hiring professional farmers are too damn high. I still remember the last day before they finalize the rank point, I met 3 teams in which half of the team made of noob who just had earned enough points to get into platinum and they, obviously, fought like a noob. I managed to win those matches simply because the other sides also have a ton of their kind. I have witnessed countless noob diamond, platinum, gold players to the point that I have trust issue. My favorite role is support and top. And if you know LoL, you shall know that no matter how well you play as a support or top, you still cannot decide the fate of the game if one or two of your teammates suck.

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