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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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Right, I forgot that I always give it to Celice so that he can ORKO the Hand Axe brigade, but I'm not really sure if it ever helps latter (especially considering his inventory concerns, Celice holds waaaaaaay too much stuff as it is) on? Oifaye might be a good later candidate, I suppose.

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A Delmud without Pursuit likes it as well (so pretty much Noish!Delmud although Levin!Delmud actually doesn't sound that bad either), and it helps Delmud infinately more than it helps Arthur.

The real bottom line is It helps Leaf a hell of a lot more than it helps Arthur. It's either that or toss Leaf the hero sword from Gen 1, which is better used before chapter 8. The pursuit ring isn't helping Arthur promote any faster, and once Leaf promotes, sure, Arthur can take it for a couple of chapters before he falls off a cliff.

Honestly I always give it to Celice and keep it on him a good majority of the time, being a mount that ORKO's stuff at 1-2 range is almost unheard of (it's pretty much only exclusive to Oifaye, Celice and Arthur) and Arthur either has Holsety + continue/critical or Wrath!Thoron to do the job for him. He can take it on promotion to help him kill bosses if he really wants to, but Celice stops killing mooks with the light sword approximately never, so i'd even argue that you can just slap the chapter 10 one on Arthur.

Edited by General Horace
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Oifaye doesn't really need to have the Magic Ring to do his stuff though. I'd give it to somebody who actually needs it to function accordingly before I give it to him. Lex!Arthur and Azel!Delmud need it more than he does.

Well who wants the pursuit ring?

Sword kids don't need it, Horse kids don't need it, Fury's kids don't need it, Faval doesn't need it, giving it to Sylvia's kids is a joke.

That leaves Lester if we don't do Jamka, Arthur, Tinny, Patty, Leaf, and maybe Altenna. Out of all of those it's really only between Arthur and Leaf. And if we're giving Arthur the Pursuit Ring that means his father isn't Azel, so it's either Lex or Levin, which means he wants the Magic Ring too.

Jamka!Lester, Noish!Delmud, unpromoted Leaf, Altenna and a couple of substitute characters want it.

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I actually forgot Lachesis doesn't have Pursuit. But why would we do Noish Delmud over Beowulf Delmud anyway? Beowulf can actually pass down A rank swords after promo though I'm not sure how well Noish can kill Shagall for the Silver Blade.

Other than that the only thing Noish provides is Critical, which can be replaced by a 50 kill weapon. That also frees the Pursuit ring for either Leaf or Arthur, or hell even Axe Brothers or Hannibal or whoever else needs it.

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Well who wants the pursuit ring?

Sword kids don't need it, Horse kids don't need it, Fury's kids don't need it, Faval doesn't need it, giving it to Sylvia's kids is a joke.

That leaves Lester if we do Jamka, Arthur, Tinny, Patty, Leaf, and maybe Altenna. Out of all of those it's really only between Arthur and Leaf. And if we're giving Arthur the Pursuit Ring that means his father isn't Azel, so it's either Lex or Levin, which means he wants the Magic Ring too.

Hey man, it's all about Holsety!Corple.

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Oifaye doesn't really need to have the Magic Ring to do his stuff though. I'd give it to somebody who actually needs it to function accordingly before I give it to him. Lex!Arthur and Azel!Delmud need it more than he does.

Jamka!Lester, Noish!Delmud, unpromoted Leaf, Altenna and a couple of substitute characters want it.

Oifaye ORKO's a grand total of zero enemies in chapter 8 without the magic ring with a magic sword. With the magic ring, this number jumps to every enemy that's not a boss, magic user, or armour knight, so about 70% of the chapter. It's a pretty huge difference.

The only qualm I have with Arthur inheriting the pursuit ring is that he does absolutely nothing with it. He gains the same amount of experience with or without it. Leaf sucks a lot more at defending Lester without it, and Jamka!Lester is pretty much locked to the hero bow without it (which isn't horrible, but the killer bow is much better with its greatly reduced weight, increased hit, and synergy with the skills Jamka already passes down. I think Arthur should absolutely buy it once he promotes and Leaf gets it on promotion and theoretical Jamka!Lester or Noish!Delmud become less important for killing things.

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Why would Leaf be defending Lenster? We have a likely promoted or at least high level Finn with a Silver Lance for that. We can feed kids to Leaf in 8 if we think he's falling behind from missing out on exp from 7, but I'd rather just use Nanna to return everyone and have them tag along with the main army and get more EXP that way or at least get the speed ring first or something.

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unless you feed leaf half the chapter he gains way more experience defending lenster why wouldn't he? If Fin's promoted it's a total waste of experience. You can just return him at the end of the chapter to beat the arena.

Edited by General Horace
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Altenna doesn't need Pursuit; she gains it on promotion and can get to level 20 from clearing the Chapter 9 arena.

I don't feel like Lex!Arthur does anything with the Pursuit Ring. He's not dodging much, so if he doesn't OHKO he dies on EP. I guess if he's attacking a melee unit on PP, but I'd much rather give it to Leaf or a Delmud without Pursuit.

Edited by BBM
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Having Leaf defend helps him promote earlier, otherwise it's a bit of a stretch getting him to 20 before like chapter 10. Arthur kinda ORKO's without the pursuit ring early on anyway. Even at base, he has like a 20% chance of proc'ing critical and about a 45% chance of proc'ing continue. So he's blitzing stuff he doesn't OHKO like 60% of the time at least.

Leaf gets pursuit on promotion so Arthur could probably grab it then anyway. It's only weird stuff like Jamka!Lester or Lex!Delmud (lol), who would otherwise contend for it.

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Getting Leaf promoted before Ch.10 isn't really a stretch. Due to Ch.7's backtrackish nature it isn't even a huge stretch to have him promoted before or in the beginning of Ch.8. You can easily have him solo a wave of Armors near Lenster, return him to Rivough castle, have him clear the arena with the Elite Ring and then destory Jabarro's squad to get him to level 20. I'll actually do that in my LTC run, it's pretty easy and rewarding because after Leaf hits level 20, you can return him to Rivough again, promote him and then Warp him up to Melgen to do his stuff.

Oifaye ORKO's a grand total of zero enemies in chapter 8 without the magic ring with a magic sword. With the magic ring, this number jumps to every enemy that's not a boss, magic user, or armour knight, so about 70% of the chapter. It's a pretty huge difference.

Yeah but Oifaye can still function as a physical fighter without the Magic Ring. Lex!Arthur doesn't get to choose so imo he'd have a stronger claim on the Magic Ring than Oifaye does.

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Just out of curiosity, but aren't status effect staves guaranteed to work as long as the user's Mag is higher than the target's Res? I ask this because I saw berserking Gallus being suggested a few pages ago. And barring the obvious, that would require 26+ Mag to work. (I also caught the part about it not being reliable, but it still caught my interest here.)

Also, forgive me if I'm unfamiliar with the strategy berserking Gallus just so he could use Heartless Angel on Julius.

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It's with the Berserk Sword, although the Berserk staff would be infinitely more reliable yes.

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I forgot about the Berserk Staff; I guess we can add Sety and Hawk to a list of "reliable Julius bosskillers" then? Or does it not count since it requires Sharlow to be in play?

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Yeah, I guess that's not really that bad.

If you do a nonmagic pairing for Sety though he might not have enough magic, although like, motherfucking SHARLOW could do it since his magic growth is actually pretty good.

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Motherfucking Sharlow saving the day as usual, just like his old man Sigurd always wanted too. Brings a tear to your eyes, you know? ;_;

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Sigurd Tier:

(The greatest unit in Fire Emblem history. Enough said.)

  • Sigurd

S Tier:

(The paragon of the game. Units highly reliable who do require almost none, or not any resource at all or team to do a certain job. Not using them makes the game more difficult.)

  • Sylvia
  • Lewyn
  • Lex

A Tier:

(Great units. Solid combat units, or supporting units who are integral in the game. They have an important impact in the game, and they barely need resources to work effectively and reliably.)

  • Ayra
  • Holyn
  • Quan

B Tier:

(Good units. Useful units who are reliable on their job, but need some help to stand out or have flaws that prevent them to stand out.)

  • Finn
  • Jamke
  • Briggid
  • Ferry
  • Adean
  • Ethlyn

C Tier:

(Decent units. They don't contribute a lot, but aren't a net negative. They need help to work and are not very reliable.)

  • Beowulf
  • Alec
  • Claud
  • Noish
  • Midayle

D Tier:

(Mediocre units. They require a considerable amount of work to do a certain job without affecting the playthrough negatively.)

  • Raquesis
  • Azel
  • Tailto

E Tier:

(Units who affect the playthrough negatively since they require a lot of resources to be useful. In some cases, they have no redeemable qualities. Using them makes the playthrough more difficult.)

  • Dew
  • Diadora
  • Arden

A group of members in this Fire Emblem group helped contribute to this list. Thoughts?

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Look at the first page. You seem to miss MANY ways that some "low" units can change the game. Like, Dews money dumpin ability is definitely not bottom. Neither is Deirdre's prayer tanking in ch 2. Lachesis can use rescue on promotion. Not low. Midir has charge. Not low.

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Again, the only way we're getting Lachesis Rescue is Azel or Claude and Aideen. Claude Aideen is the only one with any purpose, giving us Rescue the entirety of Gen 2, and we'd only get it for chapter 5 depending on how long it takes us to pair them. Rescue is not a point in Lachesis' favor.

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