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I hate it when they draw big breasts on female characters


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I hear once you start getting into body-builder territory it's hard to get vanity-swole without starting to look kinda dried-out

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for a second I thought you were talking about me

"shit how do they know I'm so ripped I thought my secret was safe"

I was concerned for a second there

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for a second I thought you were talking about me

"shit how do they know I'm so ripped I thought my secret was safe"

I was concerned for a second there

oh, that was my response to that


you posted a few pages back

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devil's advocate: just because I don't have to deal with something I find objectionable doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to complain about it

like I have no obligation to read youtube comments but they're still shit

True, but the point ZM was making before he forgot about it was that: Just because a portion of the touhou fanbase artists make "crappy" art, doesn't mean it is so prominent that someone would dislike touhou for the sole reason that this small portion exists.

In essence: //defensive when it comes to touhou.

(Though really, there is a portion of every fanbase that does this 'crap'.)

Edited by Aki
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"Sexy men are just a male power fantasy" is the single most stupid argument and a retarded double standard I keep hearing in various places.

Let me try to explain it this way: there is a fundamental difference to me in what feels like it's actually trying to appeal to me sexually (just personally, as a dude who would fuck other dudes) between


(although I do think the guys in Awakening feel like they're at least somewhat designed specifically to be attractive and not just functional as heroes, which I appreciate to a degree,)



Is it easily apparent? I'm honestly not sure how easy it would be to see that they're even any different at all for somebody who doesn't feel the attraction. Again, between something like




, the person in one image looks a little bit like they're, y'know, trying to seduce me, and the other is an intimidating-if-handsome guy about to put a fist through somebody's skull.

The line can get blurry, to be sure,

[spoiler=like so]Tfh0F9l.jpg

(and again I do honestly think JoJo's blurs the line a lot in general such that I'm not sure what the intention of its creator is (as in whether buff dudes in fab poses are just what he thinks looks "cool," or whether there's anything else to it)), but it does make a real difference, at least to me personally whether the artist is (or at least appears to be) actively trying to get my attention in that specific way.

Not the most substantial explanation, sorry, but I do feel both that guys being drawn slightly differently can change how sexually attractive the figure is, and that the intention of the artist can at least to an extent be gauged by it.

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It goes both ways. People complain about Bayonetta like idiots when her designer is a woman who designed her with her own power fantasy.

I don't object to the power fantasy argument. What I object to us that it or thrown around every goddamned time when talking about males and always ignored when talking about females.

Also, when it comes to poses, men and women generally look sexy in different poses, just like different clothes.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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True, but the point ZM was making before he forgot about it was that: Just because a portion of the touhou fanbase artists make "crappy" art, doesn't mean it is so prominent that someone would dislike touhou for the sole reason that this small portion exists.

In essence: //defensive when it comes to touhou.

(Though really, there is a portion of every fanbase that does this 'crap'.)

Except... I like Touhou. I play the games, I enjoy myself playing them, why should I be unable to complain about the Hentai?

And the pixiv filter didn't work! So it's hard to avoid there.

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there's a huge difference between sexy and sexual objectification

sexy is when you're owning it, you look like you want to actually do the thing - jojo is actually a pretty good example of that, since the poses are something they actively do instead of feeling just being put like that, regardless of gender

Joseph poses, Lisa Lisa poses, everyone does their poses regardless of who they are, the fucking dog poses, it feels fabulous, it's a core part of the jojo aesthetic even after araki changed his artstyle to be 300% less muscles, it makes sense given context

objectification is when it doesn't actually make sense for the character/situation/setting to happen, but it happens anyway because someone wants to look at the character like a piece of meat, there character is put into positions that don't actually feel natural for them to be in given context and character

Now I know some people object to all forms of skimpy clothing on women; this is not such argument. This is merely examining that men are not usually drawn to be oogled at (but can be attractive based on personal taste like, idk, normal human beings) versus emphasis on sex appeal before all else about the character. Skimpy clothing can make sense. It can look great and work out well for the character. Sheryl Norne's wardrobe is very skimpy, but it makes sense given the context of her character. It does not in many, many, other cases.

it's not like in the real life women's perceived worth by society hinges on their looks more than their abilities, either, oh no you run a successful business or, invent something great, find the cure to this disease but god forbid you're not conventionally attractive, god

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It goes both ways. People complain about Bayonetta like idiots when her designer is a woman who designed her with her own power fantasy.

I don't object to the power fantasy argument. What I object to us that it or thrown around every goddamned time when talking about males and always ignored when talking about females.

Also, when it comes to poses, men and women generally look sexy in different poses, just like different clothes.

Personal opinion, to be sure. It's a lot less true to me than it seems to be for other people

(hence this:

Hell, I wish more people would draw boys like girls are drawn for fanservice's sake. I get nothing out of guys just standing like they gettin their height measured at the doctor's, Conanesque or not. Seduce me damn it

Pictured: men with physically attractive bodies, who are not trying at all


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idk man i also really like guys in dresses and I personally prefer suits for myself for looking-nice-wear so count me in that too

and a lot of poses neutrally convey different meanings like, the world doesn't fit so neatly divided by gender as one may think

But yeah, even masculine coded poses for sex appeal, actually trying to do that, looks vastly different than what most media throws at us, recently there's been more of it since, hey, if we can't get rid of all the objectification let's join them instead, i will honest to good say that, both shirtless scenes in Thor are actually, for once, filmed to suit the female gaze and you'll notice that it's vastly different in terms of camera angles and movement and composition than most scenes involving men, clothed or not. That is an example of actually trying to sell sex appeal for the sake of sex appeal in men, and it's very rare compared to the vast amount of the female equivalent thrown at us that so many people have been so accustomed to it that it becomes natural for them to just see women that way when it isn't at all.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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