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Fire Emblem 6 LTC Playthrough - Will be streaming it Sunday 6/19 at 11am PST

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Bonus commentary provided by Irysa!

13/51 Turns

Name    Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat boosts
Roy     07.17  29  11  07  12  09  05  02 Angelic Robe
Lance   01.70+ 34  19  17  20  05  13  05 Level 13.25 Promotion
Thany   10.81  23  13  13  20* 12  06  08
Saul    07.93  20  06  06  12  02  02  07
Sue     05.46  20  09  11  12  06  05  00
Lilina  01.83  16  05  05  04  04  02  07
Marcus  03.60+ 32  11  14  13  11  11  08
Zealot  02.08+ 36  11  13  14  05  11  08
Astol   10.59  25  07  08  15  11  07  03
Pegasus EXP: 981

Nomad EXP: 446

Thank god that's over. Jesus.

At any rate, onto the characters:

Astol is the best thief in the game because he can enter combat in the short term without too much trouble surviving. There's no speed requirement for stealing items but it does help to have someone who isn't high maintenance. This also lets him do some stuff on his own in a relatively efficient manner as well due to not worrying about death, and 6 movement aids that.

Lilina... lol she's so bad but she's gonna be a long term unit. It's really funny. Stay tuned. In all seriousness, she has a very high magic stat and the highest magic cap in the game, she has a very quick support with Roy (which, given their status as infantry, they could make use of for much of the game), and her deficiencies in Skill/Speed can be dealt with. Lilina is a bit of a savior, and her excellent combat (well, when we rig her) allows us to do plenty of things. In a vanilla playthrough, she's generally pretty bad due to terrible bases and mediocre speed growth. Her poor skill growth is somewhat salvaged by the accuracy of Anima tomes, but her poor durability isn't.

Wendy is okay I guess.

Barth is probably the best armor knight in the game, but that's kind of like comparing an apartment without a roof to homelessness. You really don't win either way, but at least you have a bed.

Oujay is pretty bad too, but he comes with an Armorslayer and that's something. Whether or not we use that Armorslayer is a different matter entirely.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Name    Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat boosts
Roy     07.81  29  11  07  12  09  05  02 Angelic Robe
Lance   01.75+ 34  19  17  20  05  13  05 Level 13.25 Promotion
Thany   01.78+ 29  15  16  22  13  09  11 Level 11.05 Promotion
Saul    08.61  21  07  06  13  02  02  08
Sue     06.07  20  10  12  13  07  05  00
Lilina  03.94  16  07  05  06  04  03  09
Marcus  03.72+ 32  11  14  13  11  11  08
Zealot  02.18+ 36  11  13  14  05  11  08
Deke    08.89  20  12  13  13  06  06  01
Astol   10.82  25  07  08  15  11  07  03
Roy/Lilina C (60)

Pegasus EXP: 1183

Nomad EXP: 507

I'll be keeping track of Roy/Lilina's support points from here on out.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the hiatus, life has been hectic since June, and even my vacation wasn't particularly relaxing (but it was rewarding).

Chapter 9



Name    Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat boosts
Roy     07.94  29  11  07  12  09  05  02 Angelic Robe
Lance   02.74+ 35  20  18  21  06  13  05 Level 13.25 Promotion
Thany   02.11+ 29  16  17  23  14  09  11 Level 11.05 Promotion
Saul    09.47  21  08  06  14  02  03  09
Sue     06.70  20  10  12  13  07  05  00
Lilina  06.81  18  10  08  08  07  04  10
Shin    05.53  29  09  11  13  09  08  01
Marcus  03.82+ 32  11  14  13  11  11  08
Zealot  02.37+ 36  11  13  14  05  11  08
Astol   10.82  25  07  08  15  11  07  03
Fir     02.34  25  10  13  14  06  04  02
Roy/Lilina C (68)
Pegasus EXP:  1216
Nomad EXP:  623
Fir won't really be too useful in this playthrough. Imagine Rutger's flaws x100 and then take away some of his strengths; she has great bases and good enough growths (her str is mediocre) and Wo Dao usage but no movement, she's frail, and swordlocked.

Shin, on the other hand, has like 17 Aid after promotion and even more before promotion due to the 25-CON formula for Aid for mounted male units, therefore he'll be useful utility wise. Bowlock can be worked around, especially since we need to go to Sacae and we may need to snipe a few Wyverns, but we do have room for a second mounted bow user especially since Thany's probably gonna get more levels than Sue alone. Shin will help bridge that game of 600 really really quickly. If this weren't LTC btw Shin would be much better than Sue due to his much higher HP/Def/Str for a bit of speed and skill.

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FUCK did i say that in the video? God DAMMIT.

I think I thought "Ilia sounds cooler so Sue and Shin must be from there." Anyway, I corrected it in the ROM, because Sue and Shin are now from Ilia.

(just kidding... my bad :()

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Chapter 10


Chapter 10


Name    Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat boosts
Roy     09.64  29  13  09  14  11  06  02 Angelic Robe
Lance   03.70+ 36  21  18  22  07  13  05 Level 13.25 Promotion
Thany   02.28+ 29  16  17  23  14  09  11 Level 11.05 Promotion
Saul    10.46  21  09  07  15  03  04  09
Sue     08.63  22  12  13  15  08  05  00
Shin    07.50  31  11  13  15  09  08  02
Lilina  09.59  21  13  11  11  10  04  11
Marcus  04.09+ 33  12  15  13  12  11  09
Zealot  02.70+ 36  11  13  14  05  11  08
Astol   11.85  26  08  09  15  12  07  03
Rutger  09.01  28  14  18  18  05  06  02
Roy/Lilina C (84)
Pegasus EXP:  1233
Nomad EXP:  1113
Geese is a lost cause, he goes out the back of the village. I guess pirates follow the big dipper.

Gonzales would be great if this were like FE9 or FE10. Sadly, it isn't, and like 5 base skl and 15% growth will not help him rip and tear like the Hulk. He does have the best support conversation ever with Treck though. I'd like to quote Baldrick on his insightful analysis of their conversation.

Obviously, Treck/Gonzales explores the impersonal brutality of war and the futility of maintaining one's humanity in way. Each level depicts two different soldiers, the previous two having died uncerimoniously after their conversation. Both have trouble remembering each other's name; this is indicative of how it is impossible to form friendships and view your comrades as fellow human beings in a warzone. In the end, the A-Treck characters forgets his own name, symbolising in you survive long enough, you will be changed by the experience, to the extent that you are a different person and no longer know who you are.

Also, funny thing: I should've recorded my bloopers here because I know I made it a point to make sure Lilina had a Fire tome equipped before being dropped near Gonzales. There was actually one runthrough where I didn't (it was Elfire instead) and Lilina ORKO'd Gonzales as soon as he came out, it was actually pretty funny.

Anyway, RIP Rutger, it's a shame all my units aren't shitty enough to make use of you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 11



Name    Level  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stat boosts
Roy     12.25  32  16  11  16  13  07  02 Angelic Robe
Lance   04.45+ 37  22  18  23  08  14  05 Level 13.25 Promotion
Thany   04.15+ 30  18  19  25  14  09  12 Level 11.05 Promotion
Saul    12.03  22  11  08  17  04  04  11
Sue     09.77  22  13  14  16  09  06  00
Shin    09.25  33  13  14  17  09  09  02
Lilina  15.09  23  19  17  16  15  05  13
Lalum   01.81  Base
Marcus  04.24+ 33  12  15  13  12  11  09
Zealot  02.92+ 36  11  13  14  05  11  08
Astol   12.81  26  09  09  16  12  07  03
Tate    08.00  27  09  12  14  06  08  09
Roy/Lilina C (112)
Pegasus EXP:  1420
Nomad EXP:  1302
We discussed these characters in the video generally but in general, we get 4 at worst solid units in this chapter and the only one with any long-term use in our playthrough is Lalum. Tate is a pegasus knight so she obviously has her uses as a rescue dropper until we get Miledy, but from a combat standpoint she can't reach our hax Thany. Klein and Echidna are solid units on their own but their low movement is what hinders their long term use, as well as Klein's bowlock, however they do see a lot of use in many other types of playthroughs, namely ones where our characters aren't rigged to have high combat because Klein's ability to use Silver Bows and Echidna's raw speed are a blessing to us. This also gives some credence to Tate being at worst solid due to having a decent base Strength stat, despite her pitiful speed.

Lalum is absolutely invaluable and I really don't feel I need to go into why she is. The fact is that she can give another unit an extra turn is a blessing because it gives us an extra 8 tiles to work with, and we can also rescue drop her to give her more effective movement if we need to.

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  • 7 months later...

So this playthrough is effectively dead. I actually have the entire thing finished and frankly the editing part is frustrating.

What I'm thinking is just streaming my playlist and the commentary will be in real time. I'll make some strategic pauses and I can answer questions in real time as well during a stream as opposed to just individually uploading chapters. The playthrough is honestly finished but the commentary/editing just takes so long and I don't have enough energy to make a relatively stiff commentary. How many of you guys would actually watch this if I did it?

If there's enough interest I'll set a date and time.

EDIT: I'm thinking around 11am PST this Sunday.

EDIT: I will officially be streaming this on Sunday at 11am PST.

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I finally finished the stream! Here is the link to Chapter 1 and the rest of the playlist for the actual LTC run without my commentary, I'll link the youtube video of the stream later.

Thanks to anyone who stopped by, it was only around 15 viewers at the max but it's still nice.


Full stream with commentary. Some weird noises here and there but it's generally fine! I had fun doing it. Guest appearances by Irysa and Mekkah.

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