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Dot.hack//The World:R1 Mafia(Game thread)


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@Baldrick: I fail to follow you, care to elaborate?

@Via: Simply put, you're striking a minor pet peeve of mine and you're also trying to paint me in a scummy light with little to no justification. No one likes finger pointing and loud noises for absolutely no reason, and that's all I've seen/heard from your posts wrt "I think Eury is scum, therefore she should be lynched". So am I mildly annoyed? Possibly.

I also have a gut feeling that Kirsche was right to doubt your player slot from the get-go, so there's that as well.

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Can we lynch Baldrick, his case on me is easy, vague and scummy. He draws the assumption that rethinking your moves equals scumminess and affirms Weapons' former case on me was solid, sheeping it without elaborating on what was 'solid'.

Haven't read Eury yet. Can't find why she thinks Randa is scummy.

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my read isn't for no reason... I don't know where you're getting that. I've stated reasons why already. I just like to put a lot of work into my cases and I lost a huge post yesterday & it's taking me a while to rewrite it because lack of internet/time and honestly I'm being lazy today so fuck me I guess. also who else thinks my case against you is shitty? I'm pointing Refa specifically out because HE'S the one that flipped scum today.

also I don't have any strong reads on anyone else aside from my townreads which I emailed earlier, you're my only strong scumread right now, sorry but it's the truth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it doesn't feel any better that it seems like you aren't reading any of my other interactions and just basing your scumread on my scumread on you, which... is omgus...

also kirsche doubted my slot because of Refa's lying about who I told him to target <------------ reminding everyone of this btw

PEDIT: yes rapier I don't get her randa read either tbh but he's a null read for me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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basically kirsche gave me a list of the people with night actions & he told me to tell refa to target him. apparently refa told him he was told to target someone else. this is why kirsche voted refa after the stuff that happened w/ the emails and email spec.

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also why he started to doubt me bc I know everyone who claimed night actions and he figured I tried to screw with shit w/ the info

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@Rapier please be quiet and resume flaking, we're trying to determine who is scum here.

@Eury I just realised kirsche seemed to be saying BBM was vanilliser vig and Rapier's not dead, so I'll exxplain after I work out this clusterfuck.

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sorry that im lazy & shit at mafia im gonna go take a nap and stall the eury case more because im shit, will read baldrick sometime i guess.

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70 pages 24 hours into D2 gg

Going through Refa's D2 I'm still confident in my Rapier read. Following Blitz's death immediately after phase start he puts together a reads post and votes Rapier because he feels that Blitz was trying to distance himself from Rapier, but then this vote is unceremoniously dropped with no explanation. He then starts encouraging Weapons to list reasons why Rapier isn't scummy anymore:

"I know you said something before about your case on Rapier weakening, but like I don't know why?"

and why there are better lynch candidates:

"But dude, what made you feel so strongly about it in the end (considering you were willing to vote him over Rapier)?"

Refa goes from voting Rapier to inexplicably not voting him to trying to nudge people towards stating why Rapier isn't scum. This change of heart is probably because he wanted to appear supportive of the Rapier wagon at phase start and then edged off of it when he started to realize that he could possibly save his scumbuddy.

Blitz ISO:

"@Hugh, if you have any questions after reading the rules, go on ahead and ask in thread"

If I were saying this, idk if I would add "in thread"?

I'm probably trying to read too much into this but I can see Blitz adding it for emphasis so that scum!Hugh understands the distinction between the thread and scumchat

I don't see many Blitz-Rapier interactions that are very telling. Blitz does try to push a kirsche case and gets a townread on Refa more or less from a nulltell, both of which are pretty understandable in retrospect. The only thing that's weird to me is how his last post votes Poly for allegedly wanting to quickhammer him and not answering questions. Considering that everyone was throwing around votes rapidly towards the end of D1, was Poly's vote somehow more particular? The last time Blitz mentioned Poly was to state that he had a townread on Poly so the jump is overall not so easy to follow.

Also, Via is obvtown because

1. he was vocally opposed to being town leader despite having the best role for it

2. if he's scum, his role has no utility for his faction and is entirely a misdirection role meant for safeclaiming. his role actually makes sense as town because it gives LOC to a faction that does not have full OC

3. Blitz & Via situation in ED1 doesn't look like scum-scum interaction

Now to read the 30 something posts that sprung up as I was typing this.

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idk he didn't give me reasons for who he wanted to target who, he just gave me the list.

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@Rapier; You want me to answer you immediately, but are content with not responding to me for several days. Who's a hypocrite?

@BBM; Why did you choose Rapier over me?

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