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Looking for love in all the wrong places... and manners...


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On this note, try f.lux. I have it and it seems to work. It makes your screen dimmer when the sun goes down so that blue light doesn't bother you so much when you finally decide to sleep.

I use this all the time. I love this program, it's actually noticeably helped me sleep. Though I still use lots of melatonin and related otc meds haha

It's good you're going to the doc for that Snowy, they'll be able to prescribe something that will help your situation, or at least direct you to someone who can.

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What the hell is with your name T____T

Girls don't find this self-depreciating shit attractive.

You have a lot of positive sides to you too, you know. You're very kind, caring and nice. You'd make a great father and a husband if you matured.

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Last night I cooked Steak Champignon for the family. I had a cookbook to help, but was on my own.

1TBS margarine

1 cup sliced mushrooms

2 tablespoons dry red wine

3 tablespoons sour cream (yum!)

2 boneless beef steaks.

I cooked the margarine over med heat until it bubbled, added the mushrooms until browned, reduced heat, added wine, cooked about 2 min, then added sour cream before setting aside. I then took the steaks mom had broiled prior and put the sauce on the steaks. I had a small salad but my parents said it was good and it smelled good.

Tonight mom made a casserole. She told me to put it in the oven at 400 for an hour. I put it in the oven at 375 for 50 min. It came out blackened and crunchier than most cereals. I cannot cook in an oven. The oven hates me.

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Don't use margarine...

She told me to put it in the oven at 400 for an hour. I put it in the oven at 375 for 50 min. It came out blackened and crunchier than most cereals.

That would literally violate the laws of nature. That's impossible. You must have fucked something else up.

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Don't use margarine...

That would literally violate the laws of nature. That's impossible. You must have fucked something else up.

I did exactly what mom told me to do.

What I made yesterday: http://www.ideechampignon.be/siteContent/images/Recipes/small/cd087e7d-c296-a480-aca1-22f102d4054a.jpg

What happened today: http://s319.photobucket.com/user/john_l_and/media/FoxTrot-BBQ.jpg.html

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Sometimes oven strength varies- my oven for instance takes an extra 10-15 minutes past what the recipe says.

Yes, but I'm guessing from the fact his mom told him that she's done it before.

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Yes, but I'm guessing from the fact his mom told him that she's done it before.

Perhaps WHERE he put the dish in the oven, or the type of pan he used? I know mine will refuse to cook certain things properly if the food's on the top shelf, and stuff like pan color/material is relevant when it comes to baking.

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Perhaps WHERE he put the dish in the oven, or the type of pan he used? I know mine will refuse to cook certain things properly if the food's on the top shelf, and stuff like pan color/material is relevant when it comes to baking.

Maybe where he put the dish in the oven could explain it. Not the pan though.

I need to go and watch Snowy bake.

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On the plus side, when I was down at Gamestop today I struck up casual conversation with some of the employees there and even started trading stories about games without prompt or even effort as well as helped a woman who came in find a good game without feeling awkward or off-balance in the slightest. I'm in my element when I'm in the gamestore and it's easy. I can be helpful and kind and I like that.

On the down-side I had a fight with my parents tonight. One of my friends canceled our usual Friday night get-together and rescheduled for tomorrow and dad is mad cause he wanted me doing yardwork and mom is mad because she wanted me to deliver a package and I have no idea when he's coming over so a fight broke out which devolved into dad basically threatening to kick me out if I didn't help him out tomorrow. I didn't even say I wouldn't. Just that I wanted to talk and see what could be done about the conflicting schedules.

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I guess baby steps aren't too bad! Although remember, you will have to break out of your rather limited bubble eventually. Had you promised to do these things in advance? Truth be told, whilst your parents did sound a little hostile about it, you need to make sure you emphasise that you will still do it. Do you usually keep your promises? This sounds bad, but I can imagine your parents would be annoyed if you don't do little things when you aren't really contributing much to the household or doing much otherwise.

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I keep about 95% of the problems I make that aren't rendered impossible by outside forces. I know I'm limited in my bubble of comfort but hey! Baby steps and I feel great helping people out like this. I've also started RPing on WoW trying to approach people and hold a conversation and decided to take on Moon Guard and have had some success last night.

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On the plus side, when I was down at Gamestop today I struck up casual conversation with some of the employees there and even started trading stories about games without prompt or even effort as well as helped a woman who came in find a good game without feeling awkward or off-balance in the slightest. I'm in my element when I'm in the gamestore and it's easy. I can be helpful and kind and I like that.

On the down-side I had a fight with my parents tonight. One of my friends canceled our usual Friday night get-together and rescheduled for tomorrow and dad is mad cause he wanted me doing yardwork and mom is mad because she wanted me to deliver a package and I have no idea when he's coming over so a fight broke out which devolved into dad basically threatening to kick me out if I didn't help him out tomorrow. I didn't even say I wouldn't. Just that I wanted to talk and see what could be done about the conflicting schedules.


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Hey! As a gun-owner I take offense at calling my rifle-skills 'immature'!

On a more serious note... Yea. I know. Threatening to kick someone out of the house should not come up, not like this. IMO it should have gone down like this. 'Okay. You need to deliver that package first, but if you can't you need to spend 10 more minutes doing yardwork. If your friend comes over any unfinished work will need to be finished tomorrow/he will have to wait for you to finish'. Nice, clean, simple, no fight.

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IMO if Snowy wants to stay with his parents for the time being he should try to help the household, but doing menial tasks is worthless and a waste of his time. The parents own the house so they're the ones who should be doing the bulk of the work, but Snowy should help unless he's tired from work and cherishes his leisure time.

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Honestly it seems more like an overreaction from the moment than a real threat. People can be nasty when they're too angry. But then again, I don't know his parents, so I can't say if it was just an spontaneous outburst or a serious threat they're willing to hold.

That said, glad you're making proggress and willing to continue heading that way, Snowy.

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I used to have very similar problems (even the sleep one) and the most helpful I can be won't be helpful at all. Stop looking. Girls (and I think guys too?) can sense desperation and that can be a turn off, also to find the right person you need to fall in love with them, wanting someone so you can fall in love is natural but sadly doesn't work well. Also, you are making a whole lot of presumptions that are undermining you before you begin.

For one, don't go on the internet in places that support those ideas. MRAs and hard core feminists can be a mean bunch that are mostly slinging mud at each other. I can promise you that there is a girl out there who thinks talking to a guy will get her in an abusive relationship and forced to never have a future, and eventually kill her. Irrational fears on the most part caused by a vitrolic internet that only really says most of these things on the internet.

Also be honest, Christian who doesn't drink is fine, I am a Agnostic who never drinks and I found someone who practically doesn't either by just going to a game store. 4 years later I am engaged. Looks don't matter as much as you may think they do, but self conciousness about appearance does. Overweight and have acne scars? Greasy hair you have to wash twice a day just to make it clean for the next 12 hours and usually too apathetic to try? I was all of these things, and I had several people when I started to manage some things that admitted they had feelings for me, one dude I barely knew called me up at 4am to confess he loved me. And when I say manage things, i don't mean become good looking, successful flirt and businessman, just care about yourself you know?

Money? Now here I admit that girls and guys deal with this differently. I was lucky to find someone who doesn't need ambition in a partner, and I work hard to pay the bills, but we make ends meet and have enough for a treat in a blue moon, we are happy. See, happiness is partly finding the right person, not just any person that will have you.

I had all these thoughts too, scared of girls(lesbian), unable to fit quite in, uncomfortable home life(with parents), sleep problems that developed since I was a kid, severe lack of ambition, poor and struggling to just make ends meet, and ugly as sin. I also had severe depression since I was a kid, but I eventually made peace I wasn't going to get all my goals and to be satisfied as much as I could with myself.

Now, I have a loving fiance (who I just met at a gamestore and befriended, a total straight girl, who turned out to be a Bi girl, but most importantly someone I grew to like and love before wanting a relationship, and was joyful to have as a friend), still ugly as sin, but the sleep problems got much better when the anxiety did, depression gone, and I make money where I can to help support us. Most of all I am happy and manage to be me, and found someone who likes that person. For me, this is almost like fairy land to before.

It's about self care and acceptance, don't beat yourself up, stop the desperation and slow down. Try to be kinder to you, and ignore the mean parts of the internet. A little at a time. And don't try to be something you aren't to achieve something you later learn won't fit you.

Sorry so long, but had to say i empathize, and it really can get better.

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So, I just got offered a potential job working at an insurance firm from a friend of the family. On the plus side, work and pay! On the down-side the entrance exams are expensive. I have to buy a textbook that costs 130 bucks just to start studying, never mind the actual tests themselves. And, even if I pass with flying colors, it will likely be about 3 months before I can start working. I haven't decided if I'm going to try for it but I certainly think it would be worth it if I got it. I'm... just not certain I can pass the test.

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So, I just got offered a potential job working at an insurance firm from a friend of the family. On the plus side, work and pay! On the down-side the entrance exams are expensive. I have to buy a textbook that costs 130 bucks just to start studying, never mind the actual tests themselves. And, even if I pass with flying colors, it will likely be about 3 months before I can start working. I haven't decided if I'm going to try for it but I certainly think it would be worth it if I got it. I'm... just not certain I can pass the test.

If you don't try your best, it means that you're not serious about self-improvement at all and you're just as lazy as we all thought you were.

Get your parents to pay for the textbook and the tests.

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I fully intend to work as best I can for this assuming it doesn't fall-through. I'm just not sure I can get my parents to pay. If I do, yay. If I have to buy them myself it's going to be hard.

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So, I just got offered a potential job working at an insurance firm from a friend of the family. On the plus side, work and pay! On the down-side the entrance exams are expensive. I have to buy a textbook that costs 130 bucks just to start studying, never mind the actual tests themselves. And, even if I pass with flying colors, it will likely be about 3 months before I can start working. I haven't decided if I'm going to try for it but I certainly think it would be worth it if I got it. I'm... just not certain I can pass the test.

It's better to have an estimated start date than none at all. Give it a shot, if possible!

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Strange. Can't you divide the price with a credit card? Or would it still be too expensive for you even if you were to do so?

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I fully intend to work as best I can for this assuming it doesn't fall-through. I'm just not sure I can get my parents to pay. If I do, yay. If I have to buy them myself it's going to be hard.

Offer to pay it back when you have a better job.

If your parents can't even give you a few hundred dollars to help you do something better with your life then they are disgusting selfish people.

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