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Looking for love in all the wrong places... and manners...


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Fruits contain a LOT of sugar. So do hot dog buns. "Whatever mom cooked for dinner" doesn't say much - beef stroganoff is drastically different from grilled chicken breast.

I don't have hot-dog buns, or much of a choice when it comes to dinner. I can cop out of spicy food and sea-food but she don't cook the latter and only rarely makes the former. Sides, I thought fruits and veggies were good for you?

Edit: I'm also doing crunches while watching One Piece. Mom suggested this exercise where I act like I'm sitting without the chair.

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Veggies - Yes, the more variety, the better (but do mind the starchy veggies like potatoes and carrots).

Fruits - You get a lot of good nutrients, but most of 'em are chock-full of sugar. Fresh fruit is better than fruit juice, in terms of sugar. However, you don't want to gorge on them, if your goal is to cut sugar!

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Don't forget that you won't have any visible abs even if you do crunches 24/7 until you have got rid of all your body fat. Your belly might even get bigger in size if you do that!

mmm quark

i've gone from 200 lbs to 185 lbs in the past 2 months eating mcdonald's every other day so

I eat quark every night before going to bed actually. It works wonders, though it's hard to eat (mine is 0,1% fat, so it's like eating a liquid brick).

And that sounds like taking the 'cheat meal' concept too far!

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I walk up and down a giant hill as well as around the local seaside parks for an hour or so (takes about roughly that long to complete two laps around the streets).

And I can cut the calories down. I'm currently focusing on some low-calorie soups and have cut back immensely on dinner portions. Also, before you ask, before I started dieting I would eat a salad, whatever mom cooked for dinner, and a light lunch of a home-made chicken patty or hot-dog with maybe some snack-foods, usually fruits, in the house.

"Whatever mom cooked for dinner." Do you honestly count your calories? Accurately? I doubt it.

Also, walking is good but walking an hour a day won't do much for your weight.

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holy fucking shit people are judgy in this place.

Did you not listen to a word I said? Go to a BAR and talk to people who DON'T live in their parent's bedrooms.

Stop asking for help if you're going to pretend like you're trying but refuse to listen to the real advice. You'll never turn your life around because you refuse to acknowledge that you are the problem.

let the dude hang out with the people he wants to hang out with. you don't need to go to a bar to meet people. you can go literally anywhere.

WTF? That's how much you're supposed to eat when you're not dieting. When you're on a diet, 1400 calories per day for men is ideal. You need to stop eating so much.

And what's your workout plan? Walking from the computer to the toilet and back? I hope not.

that isn't true.

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Ok, I noticed that we won't get anywhere with this. Snowy, can't you look for a professional? Or pick a book that will explain to you what you ought to do? Or just google over the internet? I doubt you will be able to find factually true advices regarding technical stuff here, such as how much you should exercise and how you should exercise etc. Most opinions (I am also guilty!) seem to be based upon common sense, which isn't reliable at all in terms of technicalities. You need scientifically comproved facts and a professional's counceling.

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Alright. Today I walked up and back across the city to spend time at the game store. I met some people while playing Magic with them and even got involved in a few minor conversations. Nothing major but it is a start and there are people of both genders there, though I didn't get much of a chance to talk to the girls (I'm not going to butt into a conversation). By my best guestimate that was 2 1/2 - 3 hours of walking and 2 hours of mingling. I also avoided butter and mashed potatoes entirely at dinner (though a huge part of that was that they were spicy foods which I cannot eat). Tomorrow I will be working a bit on sidewalk repair for which I WILL be paid for at $10 an hour as well.

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Why can't you eat spicy foods?

My body just can't take anything spicier than cinnamon. When I do so I end up on the toilet for the rest of the day needing to make frequent visits. I dread what a jalapeno could do to me. I can handle almost any food (within reason) and outright enjoy bitter foods to the point where I eat them by the mouthful but spicy... *shudder*

Just a bad idea.

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My body just can't take anything spicier than cinnamon. When I do so I end up on the toilet for the rest of the day needing to make frequent visits. I dread what a jalapeno could do to me. I can handle almost any food (within reason) and outright enjoy bitter foods to the point where I eat them by the mouthful but spicy... *shudder*

Just a bad idea.

Ouch man, maybe you should see the doctor about it? Missing out on a whole bunch of good food man

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Speaking of SJWs and feminists, don't judge the real life by what you see on Tumblr. On the internet you see a lot of weird shit, but this weird shit is but a very small fraction of real people. Minorities seem bigger than they are on the internet, because they're more vocal here, but IRL the non-minority people vastly outnumber them.

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Speaking of SJWs and feminists, don't judge the real life by what you see on Tumblr. On the internet you see a lot of weird shit, but this weird shit is but a very small fraction of real people. Minorities seem bigger than they are on the internet, because they're more vocal here, but IRL the non-minority people vastly outnumber them.

This is actually valid for most polictical groups out there, except the batshit insane ones such as neonazists and communists, those are unredeemable. Radicals are more vocal on the internet than anywhere, and they make it seem as if the polictical party they are ideologically inclined to are also as crazy as they are. Don't mistake their interpretation of an ideology for the ideology's meaning itself, and don't judge the whole from a small part. A meaning is given by what most people believe and declare as such (language is one of the things which are mostly relative)[1], so unless the majority is radical, then the radical's interpretation is wrong.

But of course, radicals are meant to be pierced by Dlanor A. Knox's Red Sword of Truth whenever they are engaged, whoever they are or represent.


[1] - I'm using the definition of Etymological Fallacy to back this up. I've done a bit of research this time. :v

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I'm curious to know how you know what I look like.

...I didn't literally use the verb "look." You seem like a momma's boy. Someone can't physically look like a momma's boy.

You rely on your mom to get a job for you, she cooks dinner for you, she's late to meetings because of you, you rely on your mom to tidy up the house for you as you said here:

I still haven't found the 20's and, considering the clutter my mom has in the house, it's unlikely to be anytime soon.

Why don't you tidy the house yourself? Stop being lazy. Also another problem is here:

Not just on a lustful level either, but I'm someone who wants to be married and settle down with a wife and start a nice family where I can stay at home, tend to the house, tickle the kids, and kiss my wife happily as she heads out to work and I prepare dinner for her. I'm that kind of guy.

Do you realize how lazy this sounds? So you wanna sit on your ass all day playing video games and not get a job while your wife does all the work? That's a huge deal breaker.

So unless you:

1. Start a diet and exercise

2. Get a better job

3. Stop being lazy

4. Stop relying on your mom for everything

You're never, ever going to get a girl, trust me. I want to help you, because I feel sorry for you, but it's not enough that you get a diet and a better job. You also need to change your entire attitude towards women and life in general.

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Leaving home, paying taxes and filling your own fridge with food is not easy at all. I don't really blame him for not being able to do it right now. I doubt someone in the same situation as he could satisfy all the four criteria in less than one year. Asking him all this stuff is crazy, it serves only to overload the burden on his shoulders and frustrate him. Why not take it easy and focus on one problem at a time, improving slowly but steadily?

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Leaving home, paying taxes and filling your own fridge with food is not easy at all. I don't really blame him for not being able to do it right now. I doubt someone in the same situation as he could satisfy all the four criteria in less than one year. Asking him all this stuff is crazy, it serves only to overload the burden on his shoulders and frustrate him. Why not take it easy and focus on one problem at a time, improving slowly but steadily?

He's 25... most people have already left alone and started a job by then. And I never said he should do it in one year.

The problem is not just that he can't take care of himself, but that he doesn't even want to. He wants to be a couch potato and sit on his couch playing video games all day while his mom/hypothetical wife does all the hard work. That's the kind of guy he is and what he needs to change.

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He's 25... most people have already left alone and started a job by then. And I never said he should do it in one year.

The problem is not just that he can't take care of himself, but that he doesn't even want to. He wants to be a couch potato and sit on his couch playing video games all day while his mom/hypothetical wife does all the hard work. That's the kind of guy he is and what he needs to change.

I mentioned the one year part because these things take a long time to be fulfilled. He won't be able to accomplish most of the things you said without years and years of work and dedication. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but it's been very hard to find a job in America for quite some time.

I don't disagree with what you said. I disagree with you pilling up tasks on his shoulder and expecting him to move like a mule with a huge package on their shoulders. Hence why I said to work on one problem at a time instead of 'overheating'.

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You rely on your mom to get a job for you,

I do not. While it is true that I have asked her for information regarding any upcoming jobs all my searches and applications have been self-motivated.

she cooks dinner for you,

Quite the opposite. She's gone plenty of evenings and I already am decent at cooking so I'm often left making dinner for dad and me. It's true that, when she is home, I rely on her cooking, but that is becoming more and more rare.

she's late to meetings because of you,

Ummm... No. Firstly we work in (usually) the same city hall and our meetings usually happen about the same time. When we're 'late' it's because there is a ton of traffic and, in the past year, we've been 'late' only twice and both because of gridlock traffic and both times they couldn't have started the meeting when we got there anyways.

you rely on your mom to tidy up the house for you as you said here:

Nooooo... I'm actually the clean one who prefers tidying things up. The problem is that SHE makes the clutter and, when I even suggest trying to deal with it, she staunchly puts her foot down and gets furiously defensive. A few days ago I tried to clean the sofa off when looking for those weights. 90% of the stuff on there was her binders, socks, bins full of things that I've never seen before, and she got mad and told me to put everything back. My room and anywhere I hold domain is orderly and clean.

Do you realize how lazy this sounds? So you wanna sit on your ass all day playing video games and not get a job while your wife does all the work? That's a huge deal breaker.

WTF? I want to be a stay at home father who spends time with his kids and keeps the house clean and in-order, not a couch potato. Give me a choice between filing papers and cleaning up a messy childs room and preparing lunches for them before making a good dinner for my family and I'll choose the latter 50 times over.

Edit: I should also mention that I've been trying to get back into college so I can study to become a teacher to help kids out and help them learn. I like being with kids and I've applied to daycares and childrens museums and even the local aquarium at one point.

You're never, ever going to get a girl, trust me. I want to help you, because I feel sorry for you, but it's not enough that you get a diet and a better job. You also need to change your entire attitude towards women and life in general.

You condescending and stuck-up ass! You come in here and take my asking for help as a justification to belittle me, ignore what I say in favor of your own interpretations, then feel righteous in mocking my problems? I HAVE been working ever since I opened this topic. I HAVE started dieting more and more, reducing my food intake and keeping a closer eye on what I eat. I HAVE started working out and exercising more. I HAVE applied for jobs both at the temp agency and at several other places. I HAVE put in efforts to meet women and people in general. Yet you're willing to mock me and call me a couch potato unwilling to leave my comfort zone? I was walking home in the dark instead of asking for a ride because I wanted the exercise more. I was lifting concrete today after church for cash because I wanted to work. I had to take down an entire TREE over lunch, WHICH I MADE MYSELF! I'm going to be going to cook dinner for the family after this post like I do every Sunday just so my parents can nap a little while longer.

So please, if you want to help, help. If you want to condescend, go somewhere else.

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WTF? I want to be a stay at home father who spends time with his kids and keeps the house clean and in-order, not a couch potato. Give me a choice between filing papers and cleaning up a messy childs room and preparing lunches for them before making a good dinner for my family and I'll choose the latter 50 times over.

If you want to do stay-at-home, maybe you could try finding something to do at home that still brings in some income. Depending on what you're doing, that might even allow you to work your own schedule and fit family in down the road To be completely honest, this is probably a terrible suggestion since I assume most stay-at-home jobs are scammy unless you're self-employed (in which case I imagine you need to be very driven), but maybe consider looking into them if you haven't before? Just a thought.

I think it's going to be hard to attract a spouse with "I'll take care of the kids!" before you've even had kids, so I do think you should seek out a more conventional career first.

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If you want to do stay-at-home, maybe you could try finding something to do at home that still brings in some income. Depending on what you're doing, that might even allow you to work your own schedule and fit family in down the road To be completely honest, this is probably a terrible suggestion since I assume most stay-at-home jobs are scammy unless you're self-employed (in which case I imagine you need to be very driven), but maybe consider looking into them if you haven't before? Just a thought.

I think it's going to be hard to attract a spouse with "I'll take care of the kids!" before you've even had kids, so I do think you should seek out a more conventional career first.

I've been working on various reviews, journalistic articles (NOT all about gaming), and even attempted to make a few games with RPG-maker. The first two are hard to get cash from and the latter takes a lot more work than you'd think. I actually gave kudo's to someone who had used the tool for their game in a review. Don't worry, I brought it up after the review was over and didn't let it affect my score.

Scores are such a bad way to rate video games. *sigh*

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I do not. While it is true that I have asked her for information regarding any upcoming jobs all my searches and applications have been self-motivated.
my current one where my mom got me employed.

The info you give in previous posts contradicts the info you're giving in this post. Not just the previous one either:

Quite the opposite. She's gone plenty of evenings and I already am decent at cooking so I'm often left making dinner for dad and me. It's true that, when she is home, I rely on her cooking, but that is becoming more and more rare.

It's still true that she generally cooks dinner for you. Why do you rely on her cooking when she's around? Do it yourself. Does your dad do anything at home?

Ummm... No. Firstly we work in (usually) the same city hall and our meetings usually happen about the same time. When we're 'late' it's because there is a ton of traffic and, in the past year, we've been 'late' only twice and both because of gridlock traffic and both times they couldn't have started the meeting when we got there anyways.
3) Amount of meat I've eaten. Seriously. If I don't have a good serving it makes me light-headed and such. Mom will actually delay going to meetings to ensure I get something beforehand if things work out badly
Nooooo... I'm actually the clean one who prefers tidying things up. The problem is that SHE makes the clutter and, when I even suggest trying to deal with it, she staunchly puts her foot down and gets furiously defensive. A few days ago I tried to clean the sofa off when looking for those weights. 90% of the stuff on there was her binders, socks, bins full of things that I've never seen before, and she got mad and told me to put everything back. My room and anywhere I hold domain is orderly and clean.

If this is true and you're not exaggerating, then I forgive you.

WTF? I want to be a stay at home father

And there's the problem!

Give me a choice between filing papers and cleaning up a messy childs room and preparing lunches for them before making a good dinner for my family and I'll choose the latter 50 times over.

Most people would, myself included (assuming of course the job really was filing papers). But that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a job. To women you just look lazy.

You come in here and take my asking for help as a justification to belittle me, ignore what I say in favor of your own interpretations, then feel righteous in mocking my problems?

None of my interpretations were wrong though, they're things you've said. And I'm not mocking you.

Yet you're willing to mock me and call me a couch potato unwilling to leave my comfort zone?

Well, you want to be a stay-at-home dad, even if you're making efforts now you want to stop in the future.

I'm glad that you're working on getting more money and losing weight, but you also need to change your attitude towards women and your future career. That's all I've been trying to do.

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