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Nintendo Direct Announced For April 1st (Not a Joke)


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Here's a summary list that I attempted to compile. So may have errors. You can correct them if you want.

Super Smash Bros 4 contents:

Mewtwo Release: 4/28. 3.99 for 3DS / 4.99 for WiiU

- Download code for April 15

Smash Version 1.0.6

- additional character balance

- sharing features

- more costumes for mii fighters Zelda, Xenoblade, Megaman DLC costumes

Lucas is back

- DLC release June

Smash Bros Figher Ballot

- poll you can vote the next fighgter

- October 3rd, 2015

Wave 4 Amiibo

- May 29

- new waves coming soon in July and Falls.

Amiibo Tap

- lets you play demos of old games

- Available spring

Mario Maker

- 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros.

- upload your creations

Yoshi's Wooly World

- Mellow Mode

- Yarn amiibos (Green, Pink, Light Blue)

- Available this Fall


- Ranked Battles

- Splatzones

- Battle Dojo

- 1 on 1 battles

- pop most balloons

- Splatoon Amiibos

- Get extra contents

- Three packs in one or individual

Wii U Virtual Consoles

- Nintendo DS games

- N64 games

Indie Titles

- Adventures of Pip (May 2015)

- Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Summer 2015)

- Mutant Mudds SUper Challenge (June 2015)

- get the 3DS and get the Wii U version free

- Don't Starve Giant Edition (May 2015)

- give your free 2nd copy

- Forma 8

- Demential remastered

- Affordable Space Adventures

- Starwhal

- Never ALone

- Ninja Pizza Girl

- Antipole DX

- Life of Pixel

- Badland GOTY Edition

- Slain

- Runbow

- Back to Bed

- Space Hulk

- Race the SUn

- Doors

- Dot Arcade

- Swords and SOldiers 2

- Lionel City Builder 3D

- Toto Temple Dexlue

- The Bridge

- Shutshimi

- Nova-111

- Windup Knight 2

Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei

- new trailer

Fata Frame

- later this year

Box Boy

- April 2

Pokemon Rumble World

- April 8th free to play

Puzzle & Dragons

- Puzzle & Dragons Z and Mario Edition

- May 22nd

- Demo April 30th

Attack on Titans 3DS

- first 2 episodes available on eshop

- available May

Code Name Steam

- Marth Amiibo may

- April 1st to 5th Tournament

Streetpass Mii Plaza games

- Ultimate Angler

- Battleground Z

- Streetpass Mii Plaza Premium

- April 16

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

- soundtrack can be played with sleep mode

- April 10th

Fire Emblem If

- Main character customizability, you are the main character

- New trailer

- Loyalty or bloodline. You decide your fate!

- 2016 NA release

Animal Crossing

- Happy Home Design

- Amiibo Cards

- Fall 2015

Amiibo extension later this year

Mario Kart 8

- DLC Pack 2 Animal Crossing track

- Track depends on calendar season

- Crossing and Bell Cup (8 courses)

- April 23rd

- More Amiibo Costume

- 200 cc Races (Free update)

- April 23rd

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How about that crossover? FExSMT is still a thing but it looks like anime vomit. Mecha Pegknight is bamf tho. I have reservations about that.

Animal Crossing spinoff, im gonna get it. <3 Sad about no Isabelle amiibo tho.




I have a sad about we wont get it until next year, but i can wait.

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Well, that was one of the best Directs I can remember. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was how SMT x FE is turning out, but since I was next to 100% sure that it was going to be cancelled, I guess I should be happy that people who like this sort of thing will be able to enjoy it. Other than that:

1. More Amiibo (along with Wave 4 Release Dates and DLC Amiibo confirmed)

2. Smash DLC confirmed to be more than just Mewtwo only (not that Mewtwo wasn't already great), along with a poll for characters.

3. Mewtwo just two weeks away.

4. Fe If Info.

5. Mario Kart 8 DLC coming before the end of the month.

6. DS and N64 Virtual Console games.

This is literally a dream come true.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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No, fe chars where there, just dressed differently.

Also, prepare for World Waifu War III

Those didn't look anything like FE characters to me. And FE is kind of anime styled.

I'm probably passing up this game. And after I waited so long to hear more about it... Such a let down.

Also, NEW FE INFO, omg that looks so awesome. :D

But we have to wait until next year to get it while Japan is getting it in the summer? That really sucks ass. I'm sick of waiting way longer than the Japanese for my FE games. -_-

Overall, I felt that this Direct was a complete letdown except for that FE trailer, the new Smash Amiibos (Bowser Jr. yes. :D), and that Smash character poll (I'm voting for Vaati!). Florina/Loki must be going nuts over that SSB Wii U/3DS Dunban costume though. And Carter is likely squeeing with excitement for that Lucas DLC. I'm happy for them.

Oh hey look, amiibo cards. Guess Nintendo is doomed in Ana's eyes.

1. I never said Nintendo would be doomed if they made Amiibo cards, don't twist my words.

2. They're only for Animal Crossing so far, don't count your wyverns before they hatch.

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[6:42:27 PM] Makaze: I get it

[6:42:38 PM] Makaze: you play Fire Emblem on a 3DS in-game

There is nothing else to say.

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And Carter is likely squeeing with excitement for that Lucas DLC. I'm happy for them.

YOU KNOW ME SO WELL. I'm so glad I was the only one home. I would've broken my familys' ear drums with my scream once I saw Lucas XD

I have to say, that was an amazing direct.

But the only thing I can really keep my heart locked on is that Lucas reveal... how?! I'm so incredibly happy! I remember being upset when SSB4 was first released... but now, Lucas is actually back! OH MY GOD OH MYGODOHMYOGD

I can't even believe that FE14 news if enough to keep my mind off! Especially on a Fire Emblem forum? For shame, myself! Welp, guess there's no need to hide love for Lucas!!!

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1. I never said Nintendo would be doomed if they made Amiibo cards, don't twist my words.

2. They're only for Animal Crossing so far, don't count your wyverns before they hatch.

1. You said it was the worst decision Nintendo made, which would put them in an extremely awful situation given some of their past decisions.

2. And? All I said was they showed amiibo cards, which they did. Whether they're for one or multiple franchises so far is completely irrelevant, so your wyvern comment makes no sense.

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Someone needs to start a thread for an organized voting for another FE character in smash. Please, if SF doesn't do this then we'll probably get someone stupid like King K Rool or Ridley.

As much as I wouldn't mind another FE character in Smash (especially if it's Ephraim), I think we have enough reps for now and I don't want to see a bunch of people complaining that we have too many FE characters. It'd get annoying. I've already seen some people complain this because of the four we already have, in fact.

So yeah, sorry guys, but I just had to place my vote for Vaati, for the Zelda series.

1. You said it was the worst decision Nintendo made, which would put them in an extremely awful situation given some of their past decisions.

2. And? All I said was they showed amiibo cards, which they did. Whether they're for one or multiple franchises so far is completely irrelevant, so your wyvern comment makes no sense.

1. That doesn't mean I think it would make them go bankrupt and close down or anything. Just lose more money.

2. They were still only shown for Animal Crossing, which means there's a chance that the figures we got won't have card counterparts.

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...Are you SHITTING me, Atlus? That looks like cheesy anime crap. And you didn't show a SINGLE FE character. Crossover my ass. Sounds more like FE is just a cameo. :/

I think I spotted Tiki at one point but I'm not sure. I'll rewatch the trailer and see if I can screenshot her.

Also I thought it looked really cool graphically.

I'm kinda meh on If's Avatar lord route, though. I guess it's fine if it's pulled off well. Also Marx is playable asdf




Also Lucas comes out of nowhere so true I honestly was very surprised.

And already cast my vote for FE Roy

It's gonna happen people.

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Im going to apologise for not voting for an FE character in the Smash Bros fighter Ballot- I went for Felix from Golden Sun instead. If we can vote for multiple characters, I'm going for Ephraim and Michiah from Fire Emblem, Alex and Sveta from Golden Sun, Stocke from Radiant Historia (if they can get Atlus' permission) and Melia from Xenoblade Chronicles.

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Oh, if we can vote for multiple characters, then my other votes are going for Dixie Kong and Daisy. I'd vote Ephraim too, but, I already explained my stance on additional FE reps for right now.

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If we vote together we can achieve anything. Come on guys lets get Shrek Roy in smash.

EVERYONE VOTE ROY, HE IS THE MOST LIKELY TO BE PICKED IN THE SMASH COMMUNITY. Compared to your less wanted character we have a chance with Roy.

Roy is already in Smash Bros.

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As much as I wouldn't mind another FE character in Smash (especially if it's Ephraim), I think we have enough reps for now and I don't want to see a bunch of people complaining that we have too many FE characters. It'd get annoying. I've already seen some people complain this because of the four we already have, in fact.

So yeah, sorry guys, but I just had to place my vote for Vaati, for the Zelda series.

1. That doesn't mean I think it would make them go bankrupt and close down or anything. Just lose more money.

2. They were still only shown for Animal Crossing, which means there's a chance that the figures we got won't have card counterparts.

Vatti may be somewhat of a popular villian, but if people just vote for what we want, ignoring the extremely low chances of that character being included, then we will get something like Shrek.

Roy and Mewtwo are the most popular cut characters in smash. Considering the fact that Mewtwo has already been confirmed, this is a Fire Emblem forum, and that the Smash community (specifically smashboards) love Roy, I think it's a pretty good idea.

Edited by Rabbattack
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I checked the website- it said "Please limit yourself to one vote a person" Umm... I doubt that is going to happen for some reason. I am going to bet that someone out there has already voted twice. Probably for Shrek as well... ;(

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