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The ROLLING REQUEST THREAD(Currently doing: A Hiatus)


What hack/s would you like me to play soon?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Here are the choices:

    • Decay of the Fangs(mediocre)
    • League of ASDF(pretty good)
    • Yuri's Sidestory(okay I guess)
    • Shattered Realms(good)
    • Exalted Legacy(no idea)
    • Shatterlight(excellent)

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They could, like...do the Dragoon jump. Or be like Frog from Chrono Trigger. Or something completely different.

You think?

I mean, I admit, 'tis pretty ridiculous. I'm not a writer for a well polished hack though, so what do I know?

I was thinking Beret-wearing mustachioed Frog who fight with Baguettes (Either Dual Wielding them like sxords, or magic baguette, becuase the pun is too good to miss.)

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i think the author just loves to write dialogue.


You know, just because he couldn't be healed doesn't mean it couldn't have slowed his death at the very least. Just a thought (and possibly a writing slap patch).

Writing slap patch... I'll forgive the whole thing for that pun!

I seem to recall Malcolm saying in the chapter intro that the party was a day's travel from Amphret, meaning that even if Kadven had hours left it wouldn't be enough to get him to anywhere with meaningful medical care. Also, the fact that a staff can't heal him makes me think that there's something majorly, physically wrong with him, like a broken wing, limbs bent the wrong way, etc. I would include "severed limbs", but with those he would die from blood loss long before getting his whole speech out. I'm not saying that there aren't problems with the scene, but there are ways of at least partially rationalising it.

If you make it, they will come. I mean, given the precedent set by the bees and all...

Annnd this shows how little I know about medical stuff. Of course. Still, I think there should have been some small explanation given.





And now, we are officially in the "big allied castle"! Is this going to turn into a crazy defense mission?


I know, FINALLY. We spent 2 levels traveling here!


Agalli: and most definitely the richest. Tyren, my bespectacled friend, have you ever been inside a castle before?

Is this how every new place we end up in is going to start? Agalli giving us a brief explanation on where we are?


But wouldn't that be a GOOD thing?


THIS I want to hear about.

Agalli: The theory that it exists is not debunked, so…

Tyren: Really? Maaaan… Can you imagine that?


Is that... really a priority?

Kael: As if! We’d sell that and make enough money to buy this castle!

Agalli: Ugh, here we go again.


Tyren: Bah! Whoever finds it first gets to choose what they do with it!

Kael: Fine! Let’s go!

I don't think the treasure exists for us to find, gameplay-wise. I could be wrong, though.


Agalli: Our story is quite amusing. Despite our more… dissimilar thoughts on more serious matters, we have many common interests and habits. As I said before, their youth is nice to be around again.

Bram: Oh. Well, that’s good I guess. Anyway, let’s just get this over with, eh?


Hey! That's a really nice generic portrait!


Generiguard: Please wait here. I shall notify Duke Loyis.


Good, at least they're not giving us any trouble.

...Wait, who exactly went ahead of us to tell them of our arrival? Ah, it's probably nothing.


Bram: Nope, and I don’t really care to be honest. I just want to discuss Newood… and get paid, of course.

Malcolm: Hey, as long as you split the pie with me, I’m content. I’m glad that you didn’t accept Sadaati’s gold offer.


Do I need to comment on this line?

Malcolm: I wonder where they had to go…


Hello, obviously recruitable character!


Malcolm: It’s so… not designed for flight.

I have to wonder what a castle designed for flight would look like.

...Come to think of it, that's a really good chapter idea. Here's to hoping we see it eventually!

Bram: You should see the one in Doldrum.


Malcolm: It go south?

Bram: Yeah. Been a long time now, though.

Malcolm: Yeah, that happens with distance, I guess.

We learn more about Bram's past... But IS IT THE TRUTH?


We made it to the king person!


Rallel: It is a pleasure to meet you.


Hello, other obviously recruitable character! Or maybe he is an NPC, remembering the 1-1 NPCs...


Loyis: Hand it over.

Annnnd he's already established as a jerk.

Bram: Not before you listen to what Mayor Hollis has permitted me to say to you, in regards to the recent attacks on Newood and Amphret.

Loyis: Eh? What are you talking about?

Bram: Before I hand you this parcel, I’d like you to send a small police force to Newood to guarantee the safety of the villagers residing there. I’m sure you’ve heard of the recent criminal activity that’s plaguing the area. Her citizens have become akin to squatters… There are innocent children being victimized. Children, Duke Loyis.


Loyis: in a lawless land. Now hand over that parcel; how much gold will suffice? Five thousand?

Wow, he's practically evil! Will we be fighting him this chapter? I almost hope we will!

Malcolm: Duke Loyis, you can’t be so ignorant to your own people! We traveled so far; can’t you at least consider-

Loyis: Then take this payment and hire yourself some other sellswords to protect that land. Do not believe you lot are anything more than a bunch of paid, self-righteous, pretend soldiers.


Loyis: Nobia, take care of these people.


You can't "take care" of us! We're THE PROTAGONISTS!

Malcolm: Whoa whoa! Hold on a second!

Bram: Duke Loyis, please listen to us. Unaike is a lawless land, not Newood!

Nobia: I believe this discussion has ended. Any resistance will be treated as an intent to meddle with political affairs, which will lead to imprisonment. Do you understand?


Malcolm: We probably saved your sorry ass!

Yeah, tell them, Malcolm!


So, she isn't evil!


Or... she's more than willing to have us hauled away...

Bram: !?


Whoa, what? Mysterious voice again? Is it helping us this time?


Malcolm: What? Why…? Bram?




Loyis: What!?

Malcolm: Unknown allegiance?


This makes complete sense, when we see the "strength" of their defenders in the chapter. And yes, we're doing a defense mission!



Loyis: them!

Oh come on! Don't do that!


Oh good! Our party members are here to save us!


Sadaati: Our enemies are trailing us!


Bram: Lady?

Turns out they were secretly nobles!


Yes, Malcolm, I JUST said that.


We're saved!


This guy clearly thinks money is the solution to all problems.

Loyis: Who is behind this attack!? Gah!

Rallel: Father! Enough, we must prepare!


Loyis: fight to my knights!




Suddenly, there are enemies everywhere!


Assassin-boss: At last! My minionssss, sssservants of the Grand Family, our duty is to kill the boy! Consider the headsssss of hiss allies and the royal family as a bonus… Kill in the name of the Red Lustre!

This is it! It's time to fight Shakkar, our earlygame villain dude!


Are you sure you can't work something out, Bram? He might just deny us any reward once the enemies are gone and he doesn't need us.


They are both game over characters here.


Nilou: Come now, prove yourself to your teacher!


This guy actually seems pretty cool!



Sadaati: He is in good care; our forces and Bram’s will protect this kingdom. Worry not.

Loyis: Oh, Rallel… not only are you at risk… but…


So, basically, this castle is designed really weird and has 2 thrones. We have to protect Duke Loyis on one and prevent the other from being seized. No idea what happens if an enemy actually grabs the throne.


Nobia: protect him too. Ugh, I’m torn. Should I abandon my post? No, of course not. Blast…


Recruitment hint!


Lemonie is a recruitable among the other, regular generics, which is a concept I like.

Anyways, the actual chapter starts after this! I'll do the gameplay portion of the prelude next time! Because there is plenty to cover!

(If it did it here, the update would go over 100 images, which isn't allowed by SF)

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ah shit a defense mission, i love defense missions, lookin forward to this one!

I've said this before, but defense missions are my favorite type of FE mission! I hope FE14 gets a few of them, not like Awakening's fake Chapter 6 defense mission...

The PART 1-4 PRELUDE, PART 2: Gameplay!



(Perfect cropping! Definitely!)

So, Part 1-3 was pretty major, but this is the first SUPER big battle! Our units and the NPCs are spread out around the top half, which is ours, and the majority of the enemies are coming from the bottom. While there will be reinforcements at various points we really only have a few chokepoints to hold, which is okay since it's honestly still pretty early in the game!

Note the objectives here. We don't have a specific turn limit, we just have to kill the boss before his army kills us. Should be easy enough!


We have another healer in the form of Rallel! He makes himself useful by contrasting Sadaati: Less Movement, but the ability to fight back!


The cavalier hanging out down there is Nobia, from the cutscene! It won't take long for us to recruit her, and she seems pretty ordinary, very well-rounded. Note that she's level 8, explaining her high stats.


In the top line with the other generics is Lemonie, who seems like a non-standard knight. Plenty of defense, but not absolutely sucky stats in everything else!


The generics are quite high level, and there's plenty of them. Even with the NPCs helping, we can't rush out into the crowd!


Another 500-gold gold pouch! I'll take it, but it only has 1/5 the worth of a red gem!


As is to be expected, there's a few new icons to see.


I should steal that Slam patch...


Droppable mend! Excellent!


Shakkar himself is... quite threatening. A good 1-2 range sword, excellent skill and speed stats... we'd best be careful! He can double a lot of our people!


This is the guy we're defending. We probably shouldn't let him be attacked.


The "noob knights" have defense, but not much else. The enemies will chew them up quite quickly!

NEXT TIME: Stuff goes down! Will the enemies manage to beat back my defensive forces?

Edited by TheMoniker
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Shakkar is nerfed in stats compared to the older version:


His name was different. Maybe because Seeker is also a boss in FE9.

Shakkar has only 9 AS (loses 4 speed with the wind sword). I even saw Agalli doubling him in a LP.

Wow, that guy looks a lot tougher! I guess I can be glad I'm fighting the weaker one.

Bloodlines: Episode 6: Part 1: New Units and New Enemies


Let's just run right up and grab this! Hopefully, I'm not making a terrible mistake!


This being the first turn, we're mostly clearing the forces immediately around us.


Lemonia and Nobia can be recruited on the first turn, so let's not wait!


Lemonie: Lady Nilou! You’re fightin’ too? Hahaha, how about that! Well I’ll be! This just got a whole lot easier!

Nilou: Believe your eyes, sweetie! Let’s not get caught up in dialogue now… These loons are not the most patient of people, you know? Not with an entrance like this!

Since when has anyone been penalized for spending time talking in FE?

Lemonie: You’re tellin’ me! Say, milady…


Nilou: Manners, Lemonie. Where are your manners?

Lemonie: Ah, shoot! May I be your personal knight?

Nilou: Ah! Your wish is my command. So I command you to protect me! Now do as I say! Hehe.

Lemonie: Yes, milady!

Nilou's pretty cool.


Get right to enemy-stomping, Lemonie!


Now for Nobia!


Sadaati: Why me? The duke is in need of protection as well.

Nobia: Ah… right. I forgot my primary duty. Forgive me, Lord Sadaati.

Sadaati: It’s fine. But tell me, Nobia. If it were not for your duty, who would you rather protect: me, or Loyis?

Nobia: Lady Sadaati. Pardon me, but… are you putting my loyalty to the test?

Sadaati: Nobia, please. You’re a Human before a knight. Be honest with me; that’s not an order, it’s a request.


Nobia: I only asked you so I could be closer to him. Sorry, milady…


Ooh! Love thing going on!

Sadaati: A young woman’s emotions are stronger than her spears. If you wish to protect Rallel, then proceed. I promise you the Duke and I will be safe.

Nobia: Really!? Thank you, milady. I will keep him safe!


Nobia promptly proceeds to follow up on that! EMOTION POWERS!


Nobia's quite defensive, none of the enemies around can do that much to her.


Wait, why are the mages going for Lemonie?


There are greenies right... there...



So, the thing is, I KNEW that the mages could have killed Lemonie, but I assumed they wouldn't go for her, since there were killable green generics right next to her and that the mages would prioritize them.


Okay, trying again! Lemonie retreats a short ways, and so some generic loser we don't care about dies in her place!


We have not one but TWO barely avoided deaths! Okay, maybe Tyren's wasn't a "barely", but with axe magnetism existing...


The allies help mop up on their phase. Most of them are content to hold position and not really do anything.


So, yeah... maybe sending Tyren so close to the enemy lines at the start was a bad idea.


Heal him up, buddy!


The next bit is me killing some enemies and getting bad levels.


Miss and a miss! Hey, at least we survived the turn!



Huh? It's the dream-seeker again? But giving us helpful advice this time?


Yeah, come on!


Wait, what? That mostly-generic boss from Part 1-2? He's helping us now?

Bram: That man… from the forest? Why?


Bram: Another battle!? Who the hell are you!?

And then the event ends! I'm guessing we're going to have a massive exposition dump once things settle down.


Not that there was any doubt they were going to come, but the reinforcements have started coming now.


Woah! Malcolm is like the best flier ever now!


Pffft. Melonie knows this guy can't damage her, she just has to rub it in.


Okay, so, the good news is, we have the top mostly safe-inated, and the bad news is the amount of enemies coming from the bottom is increasing.

Not to mention, the enemies in the bottom-right corner room... I feel as though they're going to give us some kind of surprise.


With skillful maneuvering, I keep the top safe! And it's definitely skillful, and not random!


Good news: Nilou gets a level, since she's a bit behind!


Bad news: ...Wow, each side has 1 HP.


The bottom guys refuse to be lured out, even. They're DEFINITELY going to give me trouble later on.


I do NOT have enough people over here! Not everyone can one-round the enemies, so we're taking a lot of hits on enemy phase!


At least Bram's doing fine...


Crap, that's a lot of people! I guess I can't give the left side troops right now!




Malcolm's gotten very tanky, thank goodness.


We've survived and things are looking good when suddenly...


Rallel: primary goals are!


I'm guessing this is a reinforcements warning?


Yup! Pretty much right after he says that, a thief comes! If you let the knight line get worn down and then put all your troops on the left side, these guys could probably make it to Loyis and kill him. Luckily, I've anticipated this and have troops ready to stop them!


Rallel gets his first level. It's good!


Even with Sadaati on healing duties, my left-side troops have gotten so worn down I have to pull them behind the knights.


The knights, of course, pay dearly for it.


See this cavalier? On the start of player phase, he basically ran out of that left staircase over there(along with the fighter and merc on the right staircases). Counting his range, his movement lets him reach the left throne. In other words, if there's no defenders around, this cavalier could end the chapter on the turn he appears. Of course, you'd have to be pretty stupid to not have ANY troops over there!


These jerks! Every time I think the middle area is safe and I can make that group go somewhere else, more enemies come!


I try to make the cavalier head for the throne, just to see what happens. It doesn't work out, the enemies basically always prioritize attacking you for some reason.


Rallel has to fight too, now! I have to get the center group over to help!


Dewey! Guard throne! Clearly, this is the best place for a dog to sit!



That was random. Yeah, sitting on the throne gives you this. I have no idea what this is, I'm assuming it's just world building? If it's a clue for a hidden item, it's the most cryptic one yet!


Oof! Dangit, why did I let my squishie be in range!


I'm resetting for her, even if for story purposes she's kept alive.


Nomads from the bottom! The knights aren't doing so well...


Also, note that the bottom group's thief has an armorslayer. The knights WILL be defeated if you don't have people over there, and Loyis WILL die!


Despite all the disaster, things are coming to a close. Most of the troops are gone at this point, and-wait, is that Shakkar speaking?


Shakkar: biggest pest I’ve been told to ssswat away. Master, why do you send me ssuch weak sssoldiers? And I could kill the flying one on my own! And those tools can’t even kill a young boy with a stick!


Shakkar, you're the one that chose to let the obviously wimpy generic enemies do your work for you. That's the plight of many a defensive mission boss, they actually have to risk their lives if they want things done.


Shakkar: rat you’ve become!

So, if it wasn't obvious, he's going to move now! This is bad news, as it means we can't just sit for a while and heal everything up. We're on a time limit!


The last few enemies come in, including another one-turn-game-over cavalier. WILL WE SURVIVE IT?

NEXT TIME: We totally ignore Shakkar's advance and do lots of talk conversations instead!

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Sorry about the wait guys, things have been hectic. Still, I'll update whenever I can find time.

Interesting fact:

In the closed room were two chests in the older version.

Now there are three enemies inside including a dracoknight, which makes the chapter a bit harder.

Therefore the boss is easier.

Two chests? I wonder what was in them... it kind of strikes me as odd that this chapter basically has no chests.

Bloodlines: Episode 6: Part 1-4: Part 2: Assault of Shakkar


No, really! These guys are a threat you need to be scared of, honest!


You two! Build a relationship! NOW!


Rallel: Nobia! I am pleased to see you well. But shouldn’t you be protecting me father?

Nobia: He is fine; he is being guarded. I was… ordered to protect you instead.

Rallel: Oh? Peculiar. That has never happened before. F-First time for everything, I suppose. In any case, I feel safer now. Please protect me, as you were ordered.

Nobia: I will, milord. I will.

Hmmmm... Rallel stuttered...


Hey, Sadaati! You're supposed to be the better unit, since you can't attack!


Hah! You'll never take down murde-


Crap. I guess that WAS pushing my luck super far.


This wasn't RNG abuse! I just re-arranged my units and actions! Definitely!


Thought you didn't have to worry about this guy because he was a priest? WRONG.


The allies are still helping out! At the point we're at things are mostly wrapping up now.


Crap, he really is moving! We have to get everyone over there and fight him!


But first, this is clearly more important.


Malcolm: Huh? Hey, what are you doing! You should be somewhere safe?

Rallel: Please, do not worry! Sir Bram and my father came to an… agreement.

Malcolm: Really? Well, alright. What can you do? Heal?

Rallel: Yes, I can mend wounds.

Malcolm: Figured, but not bad. Stay by me, okay? I don’t want to have to save you again!

Rallel: Oh… Yes, Sir Malcolm.

Malcolm: Come on, enough chit-chat!

Rallel: Wait! Sir Malcolm…


Malcolm, don't rush! This is FE here!

Rallel: Thank you. For… helping us.

Malcolm: Oh, that? Don’t sweat it!


Wrapping up more...


Yup, the only remaining threat is Shakkar.


Dewey and... Nobia?


!!! She insulted murderdog!

Dewey: ?..


Run, Nobia! It's your only hope for survival! You have a horse, Dewey eating it might buy you some time!

Nobia: What an insult.


Miraculously, Nobia doesn't die, and we're not done talking quite yet!


Nilou: Ah! Why hello there, Bram! Of course! What is it that you require? Oh! Let me guess. Is it about… our regal standing?

Bram: Uh… You knew?

Nilou: I’m a psychic! Wahaha! I see all, I know all through my crystal ball! Hehehe. I am a poet, it seems! Nevertheless, to answer your question clearly:


Nilou: representative? Foolish idea! Toodles!


Weird... Could Nobia seriously represent anything? Maybe Sadaati, but Nobia?


Shakkar reaches us! Luckily, this allied knight is going to help us with a totally involuntary heroic sacrifice!

Now it's time for US to fight him! Malcolm first!


Shakkar: Come closer, and DIE!

Malcolm: Kaaah!!!

That was only a few words! Weird...


Anyways, Malcolm is the only one who can hit him out of range. Still helpful!


Ugh, Shakkar STILL isn't close enough for us to kill him! We have to tank him out one more turn, then we can lay into him!


Dewey: Roo!!

Shakkar: Animals like you are sso brash. It’s quite rude. But alas, I’ll shut you up. For good, you failure!

Dewey: Owow!


I hope Shakkar likes not have a left leg!


Dewey is one of the most RNG-blessed units in the whole army, which is fitting.


Melonie wipes out Shakkar's very last mook.


Shakkar, your rulership of the enemies is being im-PALE-peached...

(okay, even I don't know what I was going for there)


Your threat is now null and VOID!


Hah! Knew that pun was better...


The only unit left who can attack Shakkar, it's time to finish things!


Shakkar: Hehe, Bram. I suppose you’re not going to forfeit to me, are you?

Bram: Not a chance. You must be Shakkar, correct?

Shakkar: Eh? How would you know that!? Who told you? Answer me, boy!

Bram: Lucky guess.

Shakkar: Hah! You like gamess, eeh, Bram? That’s what you go by these days?


Yeah, come on! Die already!

Shakkar: Okay… How about… Ortus?

Bram: Tch…


Shakkar: than that. Or am I overestimating your swagger? What a conceited little brat you turned out


When are we going to learn about Bram's past? I'm guessing we'll get a massive exposition dump when this is over?

Bram: That’s enough…

Shakkar: Oh? A little shaken up? Where’s your bravado now? Come on, ssssay more!




Enough indeed! He is DEAD!


This was not the reaction I expected!


Ding ding ding...

NEXT TIME: Phew! We're finally done... right?

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Two chests? I wonder what was in them... it kind of strikes me as odd that this chapter basically has no chests.

[spoiler=No stuff you'd really cry for.]mend + steel bow Strange: They reappeared with the exact same content in the second part of this chapter.

Good job for taking him down in one turn.

I think it was a really good indoor defend mission (even if it was a defeat boss mission actually). At least I had much fun with it.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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[spoiler=No stuff you'd really cry for.]mend + steel bow Strange: They reappeared with the exact same content in the second part of this chapter.

Good job for taking him down in one turn.

I think it was a really good indoor defend mission (even if it was a defeat boss mission actually). At least I had much fun with it.

Yup! I did enjoy the mission, and I'm glad the chest loot was never anything super special.



The game makes us wait a turn before things really end for some reason. Gives me time to point out that out of the 7 generic knights, 3 survived.


Bram: Dewey’s trying to find him.

We sent Dewey after him all alone?


Oh, he's actually here scent-tracking with us. Villains in FE games though, usually escape totally undetected.

Dewey: … …


Dewey: Rrr…


And Shakkar drops down from... the ceiling? I'm guessing?


We've got him now!


Time for our usual Dewey-torture session! I'm sure this will reduce the boss nothingness like it did Naillig... who was... good all along...

Shakkar: Or what?







Bram: Dewey!


Bram leaves the boss alone! No buddy! Go back!


Bram: he wasn’t even hurt…)

Is Shakkar going to become a "gets-more-powerful-every-fight" boss?

Bram: Come on, boy… I feel a pulse. Dewey, hang in there. What do you want with me!?


Shakkar: I’m going to do the work your father couldn’t do. I will make my Grand Mistress happier than she ever was… Yes, I’ll drag you out here and present you to her…

Bram: Tell me who it is you’re talking about!


Malcolm! Now isn't the time for wanderings! Wrap up the cutscene!


In an incredibly rare occassion, Mr. Agalli has a text skip. I think that's what happened. It may have been my fault.

Also, is Bram, who was a very non-royal hero, ACTUALLY GOING TO HAVE BEEN ROYAL ALL ALONG?


Wait, the queen of Doldrum? Huh?


Crap, Bram's down! Is Shakkar going to leave? I thought we beat the chapter! I know we've got the "bosses living after we kill them" thing going on a lot, but this is ridiculous!


Malcolm: Are you crazy? What did you do to him?

Shakkar: Oh, nothing; he’s just going to ssleep for bit. I just don’t like it when my prey sssquirms around when I want to keep them alive… I prefer a more passive approach to capture.


Could we have Bram's past revealed to us by someone who ISN'T a sarcastic villain? Then again, maybe I should just shut up and let you all enjoy the plot. Yeah, I'll do that.

Shakkar: I suppose he didn’t tell you? Hahahaha…

Malcolm: Ortus… Bram… bold. Why?! Just who are you, anyway!? What does this mean!? What does the Red Lustre want with us!?

Shakkar: Hoo hoo… Ssssso loud… It is not you petty, self-righteous fools the Red Lustre concerns itself with.


Shakkar: We of Viperae, and those who follow, will take back what was torn away from us. Make the Humansssss… Make the Humans feel what they made us feel.


Shakkar: we want it… Complete and utter vengeance! This is our goal! Djuron! You’re a fool to sssside with them! Those pathhhhetic,


Okay, enough of silence. What the heck is Shakkar doing!?

Shakkar: The same fate as them!


Ack! What the heck!? We beat him! We won the chapter!


WHOA WHOA WHOA! Flame effects and now the Viperian has gone full Viperae form!



Malcolm: You bet! Nobia! Over here!



So, this guy is basically (Shakkar's original personality)2, and I like it! He's the best villain yet! And also, terrifying!


Malcolm: Get Bram and Dewey, bring ‘em somewhere far away! We’ll hold him off ‘til you all regroup at the center! Come on!

Nobia: Affirmative! Amphret shall stand!


Nobia: Be safe, Lord Rallel!


Ahh! The chapter was supposed to be over! Why is this happening?


Nobia heads over to the noble man and we fade into...


...Bram's dreamscape, now fully realized.


Bram: I don’t want it near me… Oh, why did this happen? Why did I go out to Amphret? Why didn’t I just stay in my house? I’ll never fight again… I promise.


Bram? Are... you okay?


???: begging like a mewling child. Do you know how pathetic you look?


Queen person: How dare you, Ortus? How dare you utter such words? You escaped your fate once already by hiding from us. And now that we’ve finally found you, you beg to die? You grovel, in front of me, for death?


This is... the queen person? Bram's mom who tried to kill him? The villain person?


Notice Bram's sprite suddenly looks smaller and weaker, more like a child...

Queen person: I’m going to hunt you down. I’m going to find you and kill you myself. I’m-


Bram: I’m going to wake up from this…


Yes, Bram! Get away from that mind-wrecking villain!


Suddenly, the queen appears right next to Bram!


Bram: No way… there has to be a way out.

Queen person: Running away will only make me want to hurt you more.


What is she DOING!?


Bram sprints for the exits but she teleports and intercepts him!


Queens all over the place! ITS A CHESS NIGHTMARE!

Bram: She’s… Everywhere!!!

Bram eventually ends up in a tiny corridor that dead-ends...


Bram: Berlliarde… Olympia… I wish… If only I could see you two one more time. And know that you two are safe.


Bram: I am a coward for staying away from my home. I should have accepted my fate.


Huh? It's the voice again? WILL IT SAVE US

Bram: ?


Bram: You… the voice… you don’t sound… you don’t sound evil. You sound sincere.


Naillig(?): What are you so afraid of? Haha… You don’t recognize my voice at all, eh?

Bram: My name…


It is true!

Ortus: It was my mother that ordered him to. I never knew why… I never knew why I was supposed to be killed. But I survived anyway. I was told to run away as far as I could. So I ran west-



Naillig(?): You’re waking up.



Bram: He tends to do that, especially when I’m trying to talk to you.

Naillig(?): Just focus for one second, listen to the sound of my voice!

Ortus: Augh… Gillian… my servant…


Ortus: Naillig… Gillian, you… have been watching me.

Gillian: I am here and we are fighting the Red Lustre. Bram, or Ortus, whatever you prefer, you were rescued for a reason. Destiny made it so. I need you to wake up now. So do your friends, and so does Belliarde.


Berlliarde is a dude?

Bram: Belliarde…


And we're up! Looks like Dewey "saved" Bram again... though, we aren't on the chapter map! Where did we go?


Bram: Ooh…

Dewey: !!! Roo! Yap yap!

Bram: We’re okay. … … Dewey, looks like you saved me again. It’s bizarre; I always thought I would need to protect you. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. If I had come alone and done everything by myself, I don’t know if I’d still be alive. You really are special, Dewey. Was it fate that brought us together?

Dewey: …

Bram: Hey, lemme ask you something. Are you different from other Animals? Like, special. Er… I don’t know. Gifted? Bark twice for yes.

Dewey: Bark bark.

Bram: Do you, believe you have a destiny to fulfill?

Dewey: Bark bark.

Bark bark... looks like Dewey isn't just "the dog", he is his own major plot force!

Bram: Strange… that word is strange. Only a few weeks ago, I went through the motions of everyday life and stopped thinking about my days as a prince. I accepted the notion that I’d never see my family or friends again. But now it feels like things are changing. Was I truly supposed to be alive for just another reason than to continue to breathe? Aah… I don’t know what to think. It’s almost surreal. Okay… You and I, we will help each other fulfill our destinies. As for now… we have a Snake to catch.

We have a snake to catch! Nice boast!


Looks like the others were fighting, and ended up in totally perfect formation!

Malcolm: I don’t know… how long we can go on for.

Bram(?): Hey!


We've arrived to rescue all the other party members, who can't do anything without us!


Gillian: going to lose, Shakkar.

Shakkar: You… Redahli! Traitor? Why?! Why would you sssset him free!? Traitor!!!

Gillian: Oh, one or two reasons, perhaps even three. Here’s one right now- Red was not my color, anyway.

Hah! Hopefully he'll be wearing blue...

Shakkar: Cursssesss… yoooouuuu!!! I will get my revenge! Here, now! Come, Djuron! We will find her too!


Except for his allied Djuron generics!

Gillian: The predator becomes the prey. How painfully ironic? Well, for you, anyway.

Shakkar: Ssss! Ssshut up! Ssshut up!


Malcolm: Okay, everybody! Get ready!


Bram: turning me into a maniac. It was enough to snap me out of my trance. Do you think you can do it again? Er- not on me, on them.

Dewey: … Bark bark!

Bram: Hah… Alright, let’s end this now.


So, that was a rather flimsy explanation for it, but Dewey has gained another SPECIAL DEWEY WEAPON! Thing is, it KIND of comes at a point when using it is totally pointless.


But-wait, gameplay!

This isn't a chapter conclusion! This was NEVER a chapter conclusion!

NEXT TIME: The true final fight!

So guys, I have a sad announcement to make: Once the Bloodlines LP is over, I'm going to put this thread on hiatus. You guys have probably noticed already that the IRL schedule stuff has made my LP schedule really slow down, and I can only BARELY update these two threads at once, and not at any reasonable speed. So, I'm sorry to say that for now, since interest in my GhebFE LP appears to be much higher, I'm going to be putting the rolling request thread on an indefinite-length hiatus. That doesn't mean forever, just until I run out of stuff to play that needs full threads (so far we have the rest of GhebFE, Requiem, and Midnight Sun lined up). I hate to do this, but I just can't keep trying to maintain two threads at once and not giving either the attention it needs as a result.

I am going to be finishing Bloodlines though, for sure. So don't worry about that!

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Sad to hear this will go on an indefinite hiatus. I've been following this since around the one day hack. Hack showcases like this are cool.

Also Gillian did an excellent job on concealing his identity as Naillig.

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I KNEW I wasn't the only person who thought Berlliarde sounded female! In your face, Ghast!

Also, I'm not sure if this is really spoiler-y or not, but


Gillian/Naillig/Redahli is female

Oh. Naillig's appearance earlier in the game used he. I'll keep it as his in my post for right now.

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Oi! Just recently discovered this LP thread! I dunno if this was already answered, but the hidden item in Uroda's and Kadven's chapter is a Rat Tail. It boosts Skill by 2 points. Funny is that I managed to discover the answer at the first glance. ''Up and above'' means ''up and right'', meaning a diagonal path, and every ''up and above'' describes what tile refers to (thicket, tree...) until it indirectly mentions the item. Anyways, I'm at the same chapter in this game so gonna follow this :P

Edited by CrystalPoke
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Sad to hear this will go on an indefinite hiatus. I've been following this since around the one day hack. Hack showcases like this are cool.

Also Gillian did an excellent job on concealing his identity as Naillig.

Yeah, we couldn't tell Naillig was a good guy at all.

Oi! Just recently discovered this LP thread! I dunno if this was already answered, but the hidden item in Uroda's and Kadven's chapter is a Rat Tail. It boosts Skill by 2 points. Funny is that I managed to discover the answer at the first glance. ''Up and above'' means ''up and right'', meaning a diagonal path, and every ''up and above'' describes what tile refers to (thicket, tree...) until it indirectly mentions the item. Anyways, I'm at the same chapter in this game so gonna follow this :P

Ah, it was a statbooster! I was wondering... I'm sad to lose it but I guess it's not super-critical.

Time to defeat Shakkar in...



Okay, here we go! This is it! The final fight of the current Bloodlines patch! Thankfully, we only have 5 enemies. The strategy is simple, defeat the generics and then Shakkar!


Because there's only 5 enemies and they're relatively separated, this isn't useful... YET.


2 mermen and 2 voluprian rangers. Maybe we can test for the mermen's weakness?


And Shakkar himself...


If he seems really tough, that's because he IS really tough! He has a siege tome that can potentially open us up to be killed by one of the other Djuron, and a normal magic tome that we have to be careful of! We'll just have to have all our other units dogpile him, I can't see any other way to do this.


To begin, all our dudes attack one of the mermen next to us and kill it. Malcolm gets another level.


Shakkar goes after Dewey with his siege tome, showing off an AMAZING battle sprite. Seriously, that is so cool!

Dewey: OW OW OW!!!


He'll be okay.


Oh, hey! The mermen ARE weak to Thunder! I was right!


Wow, Rallel, you're doing really well for yourself!


Sadaati, are you going to let him catch up to you?


Okay, looks like it's just Shakkar left! We can do this!


Bram: No mercy, Viperian.

Shakkar: Pah… My power far exceeds that of a Human!!! Feel my wrath!

Bram: Die!

I guess the time for word dumps is over?


Oof! We have to be careful around this guy!


Okay, let's lure him back a bit so we can all fight him together!


Even if we do all attack him together though, this won't be easy. He's incredibly tanky, and 2-shots most of our units. We can survive one phase of combat with him, but he'll kill someone on enemy phase if we aren't careful.

Yeah, I know his stat bars aren't that big looking back up there, but at the same time nobody we have is much better.


In the end, I pull the others back and have Bram and a healer fight him alone. Sadly, no Ashyx criticals!


Shakkar: Volupris!

Malcolm: Volupris… Kadven.


Malcolm: The fight for Volupris… The fight for repatriation!

Malcolm really wants his country back! I mean, I can totally understand that. We're definitely going to be getting more of this plotline further down the line.




Ack! I though Nobia could do something, but I guess not!


One last chip, leaving him open to...




Shakkar: Urghh… No! I will not fall!

Is there a THIRD phase!?


Shakkar: With… the Grand… Mistress… Curssse you… Redahli-


No third phase, he totally died!


Is that it? Did we win?


Malcolm: I can barely fly anymore. Ugh.

Bram: Yeah, he’s done for.

Dewey: …

And now that the big boss is dead, we face our next extreme enemy: A MASSIVE INEVITABLE EXPOSITION DUMP!


You guys are a bit late! Then, I wouldn't want to protect greenies while fighting Shakkar.


Loyis: My beloved son… I am so relieved. Ahem… Sir Bram… You have done a fine service here in this castle. Though… I question whether it was your fault entirely from the onset.

Hey! Don't be like that!

???: Ahem.


Loyis: castle. Therefore… We will discuss Newood village. But first, I feel I have the right to know who these enemies are. And these fellows who protected me after Nobia rescued me. And these other fellows…

He didn't make any guarantees! Are we going to get protection?


It's Naillig!

Bram: I appreciate the change of heart… Can we… wait? I think we’re all exhausted. May we rest here tonight?

Loyis: Of course. I will arrange this at once.


Gillian: Hi there, Ortus.

Malcolm: Huh? We… fought you, didn’t we?

Bram: Naillig… Gillian.


And now...

Gillian: Yes.


Naillig polymorphs into a lady, who is now an allied viperian! Note the scales on her face.

Gillian: I apologize, Ortus. I did not want you to find out during such a chaotic time.


Gillian: Correct. We’re incredible Beings, aren’t we? My human name is Gillian. But my Viperian name is Redahli.

Bram: Redahli…


I'm going to shut up for a bit and let the game talk.

Bram: And all those times before? You acted so malicious to me. Why? Why didn’t you just tell me?

Gillian: One question at a time, please. Remember when I said that I had to find you before they did? I was referring to Seeker and his minions. But I will explain everything I can later. Now may not be the best time.

Malcolm: What’s the big idea… I don’t even know what the Red Lustre really is.

Bram: Gillian, I still have hundreds of questions myself…

Gillian: Ortus-


Malcolm: Liar!


Malcolm: Says me!

???: I second this notion.

Bram: Agalli?


Kael: tellin’ us about!


Sadaati: Ortus Brambold… I’ve never fought alongside a noble of your status before. You interest me.


(And now he's being all blush-y. Still a more realistic reaction to ladies than most FE lords, though.)


Nobia: Lord Ortus Brambold, formerly known as Prince Ortus Brambold… I apologize by calling you by such informalities earlier. Please forgive me.



And then a fade to black...


Gillian: You should rest now; for, if we are correct, this world will crumble


Well, that's certainly a nice note to end on!


Okay, I guess we won't be getting the exposition dump right now. At least we got formalities out of the way!

NEXT TIME: Words Central, the last chapter of the current patch!

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yeah chapter 5 is... different. Hopefully you can actually showcase the cryptic notes for others to see, and all of the extra features in chapter 5, mechanically I worked really hard on the next chapter.

Hopefully the chapter doesn't bug out because it does that sometimes.

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Dew the undewable! Bite the unbiteable!


[spoiler=Clarification on Redahli/Gillian/Naillig]

Redahli is female: Gillian is the name she uses when among humans. She disguised herself as a man named Naillig in ch2. The name Gillian is a variant of Jillian and is pronounced the same way, but a lot of people probably thought of Gilliam from FE8 if they hadn't seen the name Gillian before, leading to a bit of confusion.

Also, warning to those who don't like dialogue: ch2-1 contains no fighting whatsoever. If that annoys you, you may wanna skim the next episode.

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yeah chapter 5 is... different. Hopefully you can actually showcase the cryptic notes for others to see, and all of the extra features in chapter 5, mechanically I worked really hard on the next chapter.

Hopefully the chapter doesn't bug out because it does that sometimes.

I'll do my best to showcase as much stuff as possible.

Dew the undewable! Bite the unbiteable!


[spoiler=Clarification on Redahli/Gillian/Naillig]

Redahli is female: Gillian is the name she uses when among humans. She disguised herself as a man named Naillig in ch2. The name Gillian is a variant of Jillian and is pronounced the same way, but a lot of people probably thought of Gilliam from FE8 if they hadn't seen the name Gillian before, leading to a bit of confusion.

Also, warning to those who don't like dialogue: ch2-1 contains no fighting whatsoever. If that annoys you, you may wanna skim the next episode.

I would watch an anime starring Dewey for the sheer hilarity of it, as long as there was an appropriate amount of blood.

Thanks for the clarification! And viewers, that warning is entirely correct. Take heed.



This title won't make sense for a while.


Okay, here's how this will work. This prelude is going to be split into two parts. First, we'll be shown the MASSIVE exposition dump, and the next update will contain the actual chapter. Here we go!


Gillian: and that order has returned to this castle,


Uh... I assume those words mean stuff is gonna get revealed?


Me neither. There a lot of questions, but we'll get answers... right?

Gillian: Then, allow me to break the ice, so to speak. I brought some friends along for the ride. Perchance you remember one?


Two new people come in! Those map sprites are obviously new... WHO ARE THEY?


Narbid: It is indeed, I, Narbid.

It's a pig knight! Man, that's cool... Can't wait to see his animation!

Bram: Narbid, what are you doing here?

Narbid: Continuing to serve under you, my liege. My rightful duty is to serve as your royal guard, even if your title has been lost to time and mischance.

Bram: I… don’t know what to say…


Don't be rude to the pig person, Malcolm!


He's a very eloquent pig person.

Bram: S-Sure…


Oh, hey! It's a, ah, cute new fox lady!

Kylah: but Redahli said to give you my name for courageous reasons.


Bram: Courageous?


Bram: Oh, I see. Pleasure to meet you then, Kylah.


Do you guys see a character gimmick yet?

(but... in learning a new language... wouldn't not knowing proper -ings and -s be more indicative than knowing them and over-applying them?)


Now that introductions are out of the way...

Bram: Ah, right… I have a ton of questions… Here’s a good start, though… Why are you even here?

Gillian: I am here because otherwise have been found and brought back to Doldrum with Shakkar.


Queen Ajatar... she has a name now!

Gillian: I essentially raced against Shakkar to find you, under the guise that I was colleagues with them all, sent to kill you too.

Bram: Why, though? Why’s my life so important that it takes two Viperians to find me? What did I do?


Cool, scene from the beginning of the game as a CG!

Gillian: kept unmoderated could perhaps be linked to the public. The plans of the Viperae in question would have been at risk and rioting in Doldrum would have ensued.


Gillian: In a way, yes.


Seems like, unfortunately, ultimately Gillian won the race but didn't capitalize on it, making Shakkar win instead. Another question for the pile...

Bram: You couldn’t tell me in my dreams that you were Gillian, because you needed to maintain the illusion of malic. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to conceal your true motive. There were also two people doing it at once-you and him, I suppose?

Gillian: Correct!

Bram: The difference between Shakkar’s accent and yours are quite distinguishable

Gillian: Yes, Prince Ortus. If my actions toward you were any less… organic, *they* might have been able to suspect something. Or at the very least, Shakkar could.


Is it just me, or has Malcolm gotten a bit more... edgy as time has gone by?

Malcolm: Shakkar was bent on reminding us all about the Extinction again, what with all his ‘revenge against the Humans’ crap.

Sounds like they wanna repeat history to me!

Bram: When did Shakkar say that?

Malcolm: When he zapped you.

Bram: Right…


Gillian: in reverse.


Malcolm: Lunacy! There are humans all over the continent! Polloy, Arvym… Hell, even in Volupris. They’re all damn lunatics! A bunch of psychos with empty promises! Kaah! The bastards…

Gillian: Only a few members are aware of their true intentions… The rest of them are just poor souls, conditioned into thinking they have a home in the Red Lustre. Holding onto false promises and blind faith.

Malcolm: Kadven… just like Kadven.

Bram: And somehow I’m involved in this. And somehow my old servant… and my old knight are involved in this.

Gillian: Now it gets complicated…(NOW?) Ortus. Unfortunately, Voluprian crow, I do not have an answer to your question… For that is the final answer we must




(But seriously, what?)

Gillian: Trust me. I must see if you’re marked.

Oh, I see, it's his "special tattoo"... yeeeaaaahhh, suuuuurrreeee...

Bram: For what? I don’t have any tattoos, if that’s what you’re implying.

Agalli: A peculiar request. Perhaps these marks are invisible to human eyes?


Kylah: the Viperian permits to see…

Malcolm: More Viperian history? You folk like to keep things on the down-low…

Agalli: Another reason Viperiae is so foreign to us. It’s people are xenophobes, obsessed with preserving their culture to every last detail- I would say moreso than the Centaurs of Tarq’uom. At least we have seen visual evidence of their written language.

Man, the Viperians are so inscrutable. Thankfully, Gillian exists.


Well, Malcolm, that's what happens when you don't have magic protagonist everything knowledge.

Malcolm: in this conversation… Grrr.)

Bram: …


Bram: I’m not shy.

Gillian: Then turn your back to me.

Bram: … …

Gillian: Do it.

Bram: Ugh.


Gillian: Otherwise you will feel nothing.


Gillian: sangunaaa…

These don't have any meaning. See, I'm going to cast a "make this joke hilarious" spell. Wwwwrrr... Thrrrrr.... Giiizzzlllleee.... qquuuooorrrr... ddddduuuuccckkkk...


He felt something.

Kylah: I knew it. I say this would happen.

Narbid: Enough, Kylah.

Bram: What the hell!?


Sacrifice! But to what?

Gillian: A sacrifice for a specific Viperian ritual. Ortus…

Bram: What? Tell me.

Narbid: Ah… Forgive us, Prince Ortus.

Bram: …



Bram: What?

Kylah: Ah… the whole family tree… you all are cursed.


Kylah: I choose to contribute if needed… Unlike you, clueless bird.


Kylah: Clueless bird, thoughtless words.

And thus these two are marked as enemies forever.

...Am I talking too much? Sometimes, I worry that I tell too many jokes and it all gets in the way of the actual dialogue. I mean, I assume not all of you are reading just for my brilliant personality. I'll quiet down a little.


Narbid: desist!

Kylah: Hissss…

Bram: Can it too, Malcolm.

Malcolm: Yeah, yeah.


Bram: Go on, then.

Gillian: Your marking confirms that you were originally intended to be a vassal


Gillian: who will gain something from the sacrifice. We believe the Holder is, based on the knowledge that Berlliarde and Angelica are marked… Your mother, the Queen of Doldrum. How do you follow?


Anything is possible, Bram.

Bram: How can she possibly be a Holder?

Agalli: Your sister is Angelica Brambold?

Bram: Yeah, she is.

Agalli: She must have been a delight to grow up with.

Bram: She’s literally insane… How do you know about her?

Literally insane?

Agalli: What sort of scholar would I be if I did not know about royal families? But I digress… Carry on.

Bram: Let’s talk later, Agalli.

Agalli: Mm.

Gillian: As I was saying. Clearly, a Viperian must be aiding Ajatar with these rituals; Otherwise, it would be impossible for a Human to do what she’s doing. I suspect the Viperian in question is my former master. However, there are reasons to believe that it may not actually be-

Bram: What’s your master’s name?


That sounds like a cereal. Cool name otherwise, though.

Bram: What do the symbols mean… What do they say?


Worst exposition giver ever!

Bram: Great. Perfect. Just perfect.

Gillian: I know of many Viperian rituals. I’ve been a Holder myself. However, these… Markings seem otherwordly. I cannot recognize a single symbol. And truth be told, I do not think my Master is capable of such impossibly complicated magic.

Bram: Dammit… Now what do we do…

Malcolm: Wait!

Bram: Hm?

Malcolm: Zidahm; maybe HE is the Viperian your mother is tending to?

Bram: Kadven said Zidahm was Human, though.


Malcolm: fooled too.

Bram: Huh… good call.


Gillian: Zidahm? I’ve never heard of him. Strange…

Bram: So you’re telling me you have no idea what the implications are regarding the fact that my siblings are marked for sacrifice? Nor do you know who Zidahm is or what this Kalesto person is truly capable of? And Belliarde can die because of this?

(text wall incoming!)

Gillian: Basically. This is what is most concerning me to me. I fear that whatever purpose it serves relates to the Red Lustre and their plans to cleanse the world of you Humans… You see, the Red Lustre, historically, was a cult of extremists comprised of Beings bent on ending the Human race, as a final defense during the Extinction. Which, as you know, was the war between Humans and Viperians. Originally started in Viperae, it spread across non-Human-dominated countries. However, opposing Viperians quickly saw the fruitlessness of the organization’s goals, as they had not nearly enough members to survive a counter-offensive by the besieged. The leader fled; we believe he has returned, and is connect to Doldrum somehow. This time… the Red Lustre is much more powerful and prepared; their missions are more ambitious;


Bram: If they cannot adopt members to support their cause, they do away with them completely. How classically militant.

Gillian: So it would seem.

Essentially, the Red Lustre is gaining continuously more power and authority through political maneuvering and hostile takeovers, but they haven't totally taken over everything yet.


Bram: We became next on the hit-list of Beings that threatened their plans.

Gillian: Mm.

Bram: Then was it a coincidence that the Red Lustre appeared in Polloy while you two were tracking me down? Or were they sent to weed me out?


I watched a history series on the First Crusade(extra history!). It was a total disaster, and it was the BEST crusade. Crusading typically isn't good.


I agree! I'm getting sidetracked!

Gillian: I beg your pardon, Ortus?

Bram: I’m hungry. I’d like to think this over for the day. Let’s talk again, tonight.

Gillian: Hmm… If you insist.

We didn't get ALL the exposition this time, but it will shove its way into our minds the next time around!

Malcolm: Hey…

Bram: Malcolm. Just give me time to think…

Malcolm: Don’t push me away, Bram. The Red Lustre matters just as much to me as it does you.


Bram: I understand what you’re saying.

Malcolm: Bah! Come on then! Let’s eat!




Everyone leaves, except Bram and Dewey who lag behind.


Dewey? What's wrong? I thought you fulfilled your death quota?


Is... he trying to talk?

*Cue fade to black*

NEXT TIME: The actual chapter!

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The name Gillian is a variant of Jillian and is pronounced the same way

...oh...so it is. Well...that clarifies things. I don't think it's because of Gilliam, but when I first read that I did read it as being pronounced with a hard G, making the name sound...significantly more masculine.

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