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MU as a main character


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While the MU concept is not new at all, it is new to have him/her as a main character this time around. I can't think of how IS will sort this out without making the story suck, because MUs can't be given a personality nor written in much depth since they are the player's avatar. My fear is that we'll have a bland and uninteresting main character about which the story spins around.

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Actually they have the chance to be more fleshed out. Kris and Robin served as a secondary to Marth and chrom but in the end took their spotlight.

With this PC being the main we have a chance to actually see how our new writer writes as well. I'd say give it a shot before you shoot down the idea entirely.

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Yeah I'm not a fan. I don't get the point of avatars in FE. It doesn't immerse you in the story any more than not having one. In fact to me it's less effective because it's simultaneously trying to pretend the avatar is the player but also treat them as a real character. Like, Kamui has this whole backstory and ties to this world, but I'm supposed to feel like this is me? It just doesn't work. Even with the "choices", and them saying the avatar takes them to a whole other level and makes them more personal... I mean, I wouldn't have a problem empathizing with just a regular lord in that position.

The customization is also pretty meh because as Robin proves, and now Kamui, the character is still gonna be referred to and portrayed as their default by IS/Nintendo anyway.

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Actually they have the chance to be more fleshed out. Kris and Robin served as a secondary to Marth and chrom but in the end took their spotlight.

With this PC being the main we have a chance to actually see how our new writer writes as well. I'd say give it a shot before you shoot down the idea entirely.

They took the spotlight because they were important in events, not because they were good characters. Kris is a self insert with generic dialogue, Robin is mixed between being an IS developped character and a player's self insert (which I never see MUs as, but that's the purpose behind it).

My point is that it is not possible to write a MU character with as much depth as an original character, for it is shaped around the player's tastes and IS would be violating that principle by giving him/her too much originality. So all that IS can do is make him important in events and give him generic dialogue and branch options that help make him less generic. MUs will always be worse than original characters, and make the story worse when they substitute original characters.

Edited by Rapier
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It would be nice to have an avatar that isn't crazily pandered to. I mean if an avatar is meant to be a player insert, it makes sense that such a character would be kind of passive and is more focused on absorbing this new world around him, rather than being being all-powerful and crucial to the story like Robin.

I would basically do it like FE7's tactician, except he can go ahead and be a unit as well.

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Yeah I'm not a fan. I don't get the point of avatars in FE. It doesn't immerse you in the story any more than not having one. In fact to me it's less effective because it's simultaneously trying to pretend the avatar is the player but also treat them as a real character. Like, Kamui has this whole backstory and ties to this world, but I'm supposed to feel like this is me? It just doesn't work. Even with the "choices", and them saying the avatar takes them to a whole other level and makes them more personal... I mean, I wouldn't have a problem empathizing with just a regular lord in that position.

The customization is also pretty meh because as Robin proves, and now Kamui, the character is still gonna be referred to and portrayed as their default by IS/Nintendo anyway.

Having and MU actually immerses me more because i feel like i'm actually part of the game instead of an outsider just watching the story unfold.

Edited by PhoenixX
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Since the Avatar is the main character this time around, instead of co-starring with a lord, I feel like it might work out better than Awakening and New Mystery of the Emblem. I mean there's no "Main Lord" for them to completely overshadow this time around (Chrom in Awakening), and they won't have their every line be them kissing the the Lord's ass (Marth in New Mystery). How they are handled as the lead character though, that remains to be seen.

This'll be an interesting experiment.

Edited by Monado Boy
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I'm not too keen on the idea of an MU main character, but since this game is supposed to be centered around choices, giving the avatar dialogue options would be a cool way to both add characterization and make the player feel more immersed in the story. They did it, like, once in awakening(and even then it wasn't very good), but if they did it more often, it could add a lot to the quality of the avatar and maybe the story in general.

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I'm hoping Kamui will be more like Ramza from FFT than Robin.

I played only the starting chapters of FFT, but I second this idea.

I'd rather IS turns Kamui into an original character that is a semi player insert, than a player insert that is a semi original character.

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Having and MU actually immerses me more because i feel like i'm actually part of the game instead of an outsider just watching the story unfold.

That's the selling point, but as long as the avatar is treated as a legit character how is it any different from just not having one? Like what about Robin for example makes it any easier to feel like you're part of the story than say just having Chrom and Lucina? (Serious question, not trying to sound rude.) Robin still has his own personality and history. He doesn't represent me any more than Chrom does, but since he is supposed to he ends up feeling like a Mary Sue (excuse the term, I hate it too).

To me, I've always felt that FE already did a good job of making you feel personally involved since you have complete control over all the characters including trying to keep everyone alive as you grow more attached to them (classic mode only I guess).

Anyway, maybe Kamui will change my mind if this choice-making is executed well enough. I'm just going to approach him/her as a regular lord though.

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Well, what if the three routes were just basic structures, and there was still plenty of room for deviation? In games like KOTOR, you completely shaped your characters personality; it could be similar here.

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That's the selling point, but as long as the avatar is treated as a legit character how is it any different from just not having one? Like what about Robin for example makes it any easier to feel like you're part of the story than say just having Chrom and Lucina? (Serious question, not trying to sound rude.) Robin still has his own personality and history. He doesn't represent me any more than Chrom does, but since he is supposed to he ends up feeling like a Mary Sue (excuse the term, I hate it too).

To me, I've always felt that FE already did a good job of making you feel personally involved since you have complete control over all the characters including trying to keep everyone alive as you grow more attached to them (classic mode only I guess).

Anyway, maybe Kamui will change my mind if this choice-making is executed well enough. I'm just going to approach him/her as a regular lord though.

Because people like it, when Smash included Robin over Chrom you should know how popular the Avatar character is. Not to mention the inclusion further more popularized Robin. They are trying to retain the audience that was created by Awakening, sample as that.

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If anything, Smash solidifies how hard it is to see Robin as an avatar character. Especially since he's the default non-customizable Tactician class avatar.

Edited by Radiant head
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Because people like it, when Smash included Robin over Chrom you should know how popular the Avatar character is. Not to mention the inclusion further more popularized Robin. They are trying to retain the audience that was created by Awakening, sample as that.

Yeah I know I'm in the minority. I just don't get why people like it. :/

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Hey, the Lord has never been really fleshed out, except for a few cases. Most of them are just goody two shoes Boy Scouts who are just like "I gotta save the world and stop the bad guys protect the innocent and help these kittens cross the street and help this old lady carry in her groceries" such as Marth, Eliwood, Chrom, and Roy. A Lord that is split between the two sides, neither of which necessarily "good" or "bad" will be a nice change.

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For me, the appeal of an avatar is less about self-inserting (though there will always be some extent of vicariousness I guess?) and more that I like being able to customize the look and class of a unit for the sake of creativity.

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Eh, To me it's basically just another main lord you happen to be able to customize the look of. Not really more immersive than any other, and still with the vast majority of their personality already written, just like every other main lord. I don't really see why I'd love or hate the character any more than any other lord.

Edited by Eveangaline
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Because people like it, when Smash included Robin over Chrom you should know how popular the Avatar character is. Not to mention the inclusion further more popularized Robin. They are trying to retain the audience that was created by Awakening, sample as that.

I'm pretty sure it's been established that Robin was chosen over Chrom due to being a mage, not popularity.

Edit: Not denying that the Avatar thingy isn't popular though.

Edited by #RR. shinpichu
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It seems to be a mix of SMT style protagonist and Denam/Ramza. Honestly if you're going to implement an Avatar, this is pretty much the way to go. I never got why IS didn't do this earlier. It'd be even better if they're a silent protagonist but eh.

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