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Let's talk character designs.

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So as we all know, the current character designer is super anime/JRPG, although their style in general is more comic book derivative in some of his older works like No More Heroes.

And the old character designer had a more traditional fantasy look to his designs, as well as a 90s/2000s style. It looked cool and was functional, but the character designs did get a little repetitive.

This isn't about which we prefer - it's more discussing the philosophy behind these design choices, as well as to look to the future.

Also, who would you like to see onboard for FE character designs? I personally think if we're going full anime, Yoshii Dan, the mangaka/character designer for Symphogear would be great, because why not.

If we'd like to take a step back and go for more variation in design while still being more medieval fantasy, uhh, umm, you'd actually typically find more people who can do different kinds of armor while still not being super JRPG/anime outside of Japan (as in like Korea or China) hahahahahahahhahahahaa

Edited by Yasako
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Also, who would you like to see onboard for FE character designs?

They should hire me I need a job and money and am entirely qualified outside of not speaking japanese

Anyway, design philosophy-wise I have generally tried to follow the following:

[spoiler= shit gets long, I talk character design at length]

  • I personally like designs that are at least somewhat rooted in practicality, while at the same time being aesthetically pleasing. I understand in fantasy designs, especially, it's fine to sometimes eschew practicality a little for aesthetics, and I'm not against that, but I also find that a lot of the best designs are at least based on what actually worked. Historical armor are that way for a reason, and it's because they worked well. It's also entirely possible to make things that look fresh and appealing having at least somewhat of a basis in that. I'm not asking for 100% practicality since especially if you're trying something new -and I'm about all trying out new things especially considering how I complain about certain popular design paradigms becoming stale- most of us are artists, not engineers, and that's understandable, and sometimes the aesthetic of entire works is based on everyone being kinda ridiculous and I also respect that (see latter point), so it's not a hard and fast rule. Generally I like a healthy balance of the two, though.
  • Designs should make sense for what the character is trying to achieve in universe. Take the FE universe for example. Traditionally, FE has been good at letting class designs indicate the strength and weaknesses of a character. Thus, I think it's reasonable to expect tanky classes look bulky, fast classes look more streamlined, etc etc. The practicality level between genders of the same class should be equal. I don't want to see battle panties on Great Knights, for example. Dark Mage, by contrast, is largely fine.
  • Designs should be coherent. One good way to do that is to repeat certain patterns and shapes across the same design, giving it a unified look. Colors, should, in general, be coordinated and not clash horribly with each other. There's exceptions, such as a character designed to specifically have a very ill-put-together look as a part of the character, which brings me to my next point ---
  • Characters should be designed to suit the character within whatever styles of the universe the character belongs in. This can be tricky, because I mean you can dress in a black trench coat and kick ass and you can dress in a frilly dress and also kick the same amount of ass but, it should fit the character in particular, their preferences, personality, etc. This is a very case-by-case thing. Also note that different clothing have different functions, so a character may enjoy wearing a certain outfit/clothing type in certain occasions, but would not wear it to others.
  • Consistency is a good thing as well, both within a design itself and with the rest of the setting. You don't want to put someone in medieval-styled fantasy wearing tshirt and jeans (unless they have an in-story reason such as being magically got there by means of time travel shenanigans). Come up with a consistent design scheme for each setting and stick to it. This is something I generally see done well in FE.
Edited by Thor Odinson
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Bring back Tellius's artist. Or someone else that has a really good style and won't draw a lot of ridiculous and revealing outfits on females (and males to a smaller extent). xP

Edited by Anacybele
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I want Senri Kita to come back so badly

Her designs were so good and she actually made the Pegasus Knights look reasonable instead of the standard miniskirt brigade >_>

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Tellius just has awesome designs for just about everyone, imo. Senri Kita did absolutely amazing. And of course, she designed the sexy RD Ike. <3

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I'd like something resembling Jugdral or Tellius. Sacred Stones also had sweet art.

I don't care who does the next design but Kozaki had a second chance and fucked it up so he needs to go.

I've actually been curious to see how Yoshitaka Amano would handle FE designs. That'd be sweet.

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Amano's designs tend to be sorta regal so I'd love to he how he would approach FE. How badass would it be if our next Lord looked like Firion and used the same weapons AKA everything?

Edit: I am too critical on Kozaki since Marx and the Swordmaster dude look so damn amazing. But his approach on female design is so hard to stomach. It was fun when it was No More Heroes. Not so much in Fire Emblem.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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I want Senri Kita to come back so badly

Her designs were so good and she actually made the Pegasus Knights look reasonable instead of the standard miniskirt brigade >_>

Yeah. Instead of wearing "cloth armor" like a lot of previous designs, the Pegasus Knights (along with others) wore actual armor. Only design I didn't like was Marcia's Path of Radiance design (I mean, her chest plate just looks like a pair of goggles on a chest. Thankfully her Radiant Dawn design was much better)

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I think it'd be pretty cool to get an artist like Takashi Takeuchi to work on FE. However, this is a mere pipedream, because we all know that Takeuchi only ever draws Saber any more.

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I think it'd be pretty cool to get an artist like Takashi Takeuchi to work on FE. However, this is a mere pipedream, because we all know that Takeuchi only ever draws Saber any more.

This would be way awesome.

In some dimension, Hirohiko Araki does work for Fire Emblem. I want to be in that dimension.

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Edit: I am too critical on Kozaki since Marx and the Swordmaster dude look so damn amazing. But his approach on female design is so hard to stomach. It was fun when it was No More Heroes. Not so much in Fire Emblem.

Yeah, Kozaki did some pretty amazing male designs, I have to admit (Frederick's a hottie and with awesome armor to boot. <3), and I really love Ryouma's look. But yeah, he sucks with females for the most part.

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I don't know if it's a place I'd want to go. I like Araki's old work, but I'm not too thrilled by his current everyone-has-the-same-face style.

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At least he hasn't given us zipper panties (right?)

You jinxed it...

On another note, should Fire Emblem colors be more vibrant or stay muted like they have been? The GBA entries did have muted colors on the actual GBA display screen fyi which is why they're so saturated on an emulator.

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The GBA displays a much smaller number of colors than what a modern computer is capable of. Each value of a color's R, G, and B must be divisible by 8. Which I mean, you still have the range from 000000 to F8F8F8 I guess but

I don't really mind what the colors are as long as they look good and work well with each other. There's a certain sense of soft well-blended ness with FE7's portraits and I prefer them aesthetically over FE8's on the GBA style mugs in particular, GBA portraits also have a palette limitation of 15 colors + 1 background transparency, whereas modern FEs have the same color limits as a modern computer which allows for more diverse shading capabilities. In the end, as long as it looks good, I'm fine with whatever colors that come up.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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And the old character designer had a more traditional fantasy look to his designs, as well as a 90s/2000s style. It looked cool and was functional, but the character designs did get a little repetitive.

Just how far back do you want to go? The early Archanea games, for example, featured no saddles on the pegasus knights.

I'd love it if the designs were more on the Tellius side of things - practical and believeable, without sacrificing style. Fiona may suck as a unit, but her get-up is exactly what I'd expect out of a horse-riding combat unit. Petrine's armor shows of a giant "HIT ME" on her chest, but the rest of it makes a hell of a lot of sense.

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Just how far back do you want to go? The early Archanea games, for example, featured no saddles on the pegasus knights.I'd love it if the designs were more on the Tellius side of things - practical and believeable, without sacrificing style. Fiona may suck as a unit, but her get-up is exactly what I'd expect out of a horse-riding combat unit. Petrine's armor shows of a giant "HIT ME" on her chest, but the rest of it makes a hell of a lot of sense.

I personally feel that FEDS doesn't get enough credit for the revamped Designs. Minerva and Horace have incredible armor designs that can definitely compete with Tellius.

Edit: FE12 Marth also looks incredible. One of the coolest looking Lords by far. Dem boots, yo.

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I agree that the Tellius series were the most nicely designed specially their in game portraits. I love awakening but some of the classes designs are bad specially the knight related ones. I'm not fond of the new art as I don't feel it as a FE game actually. That Camilla is even worse to Aversa in fanservice ><.

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This would be way awesome.

In some dimension, Hirohiko Araki does work for Fire Emblem. I want to be in that dimension.

*imagines FE characters with JoJo-esque designs*


Though RE my original post: I guess they could always try to get Koyama (an understudy of Takeuchi's) to work on it.

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Character designs can be sexy while still being incredibly practical.

Character designs can be show skin without being outlandish.

I don't know why it needs to be one extreme or the other. This artist doesn't seem to get it either.

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