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Why I Actually Like Severa

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Jokes aside, Severa is probably my favorite FE13 character. It's quite odd, really. Usually tsundere characters aren't very appealing to me and I don't pay them much attention. But for Severa, she doesn't tick me off as much as she should. I guess it's because she tries to hard to be a hardcore misanthrope. It's like when a cat tries to catch a laser pointer light. It's efforts are largely futile, but it's cute and fun to watch. Plus she's the only one who blushes if you kill Grima yourself. Even if she's not related to you by any means.

Whether you like or dislike my opinions (most likely dislike because I'm a huge scrub), I'm interested to see your thoughts on Severa.

Also, thanks for taking time out of your day to read a biased opinion on a fictional character in a video game.

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I rather like Severa, she's got plenty of motives to be so insufferable and angry with how things turned out, yet she cedes to her deredere side sometimes. Alas, her potential is left at that because there is zero character development for 90% of Awakening's cast.

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I can't comment on her personality since I haven't read her supports. But I've heard her combat lines, and I find them supremely grating. Bitter personalities can be compelling, but I think they could have recorded less obnoxious lines.

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Shes a bully and she tries too hard. People hate her for a reason. If you dig her, fine, but i dont find people like her at all very cute. If Severa had been on the villain's team, i think my opinion of her wouldnt be so low. At least villains have fun reasons to be assholes in-story.

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Maybe it's because we can blatantly see she's a tsundere character that ticks me off. The tsundere is the basis of how she acts and coupled with that she's always in drama mode just bothers me. Her support with Owain (one of my favorites) made me dislike her more until the A-support since she made the normally cheery dude go into a gloomy state for a while.

Being compared all your life to someone as supposedly perfect as your mother and the only praises Severa ever receives is because she got those talents from her mother excluding any personal effort she put into it herself makes a frankly sympathetic character in my eyes. She wants to try her best to stand out, but it's the way she does it that just doesn't show off her appeal to me. She turns others away for no reason instead of trying to solve matters she just causes new ones. She's not bad in my eyes, but they could have handled her better.

(Fun Fact: I married Owain to Severa.)

Edited by almi23
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(Fun Fact: I married Owain to Severa.)

Same here, but it was because of actual gameplay reasons. :P:

Severa's extremely self-centered and pleasure-seeking, to the point where it's insufferable. She does manage to eke out a couple of good qualities (being bluntly honest and trying to stick by her word), but they do NOT make up for the shit she pulled in her C support with her dad.

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I've recently given into liking Severa more than disliking her, but I'm not asking anyone else to do the same. My reasons for liking (dare I say identifying with?) and disliking her are very personal and complex, and I don't have this complicated relationship with anyone else in the cast.

Severa reminds me of a bratty teenage girl, as most tsunderes do. This would usually make me automatically dislike her for no reason other than I was once a bratty teenage girl and I hate the bratty teenage girl that I was.

But then we have the complication - that being that she's dealing (poorly) with trauma. If tsunderes hit too close to home with me, this should have been another reason for me to try and alienate myself from her. I was once a teenager dealing with trauma, and all the screwed up kids in Awakening have their own screwed up coping mechanisms, and one of Severa's is being a nearly-intolerable tsundere.

I don't like her actions; see

the shit she pulled in her C support with her dad.

But even when I don't like what she's doing, I find it very understandable. I had a huge problem understanding the motivation of a good portion of Awakening's cast, and I still have problems understanding those motivations after reading all the supports.

But pain? Lashing out against people you love but desperately don't want to love due to fear of feeling that pain again? Being an insufferable teenage brat? That's something that I understand all too well, and it hit way too close to home for me to like her for the first several months I had Awakening. I've recently accepted my love for Severa for those very personal reasons, but I still understand if you hate her. I cringe at the C support just as much now as I did in July when I got the game.

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Hey, you, above me.

That's perfectly fine, and it's a really neat way of relating to a character. I tried to read more of Severa's supports, but manipulation at someone else's expense is high on my list of "do not do this ever" things (mafia is exempt, as it's literally how to play the game, and there's an unspoken understanding that it's restricted to the game only), and it goes double for parents.

About the only thing that didn't make sense to me is how Severa picked up so many fashion tips. She learned how to act like a lady from somewhere!

EDIT: Perhaps it's a statement that Severa picked up how to act in society. . .too well. Since her motives are self-centered, she acts like how she does in her C support with her father. I don't think it's full social awareness (or her support with Owain wouldn't have ended like that), but it's something.

EDIT the SECOND: I also have to take into account that Cordelia's somewhat guilty of acting in a selfish manner, too (Freddy's supports). She might've picked it up from her mom when she was a kid. . .in which case, WTF.

EDIT the THIRD: Seems like Severa does give a hoot about what others think of her (thanks Morgan). This one, along with the Severa/Kjelle one, don't seem to highlight Cordelia at all. I wonder if Severa heard so much "you're good thanks to your mom" so often that she doesn't realize it when others complement her directly? Also, Severa/Cordelia is super-painful to read, and thanks to that, I dislike Cordelia more.

EDIT the FINAL: After mulling over everything, final verdict is that I now feel a wee bit sorry for Severa, and am pissed at Cordelia. Severa has some of Cordelia's not-admirable tendencies (the manipulative part), and her own mother pulled that on her. Still not happy with dad's C support, but it looks more like what would've happened if Cordelia was fully selfish and lacked subtlety. Let this mountain of text serve as a reminder that opinions can be changed, but it must come from within - and a heart dead-set against something cannot change until it's willing to admit the possibility that its opinion may not be fully correct.

Edited by eclipse
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Honestly I was cool and all with her until I play a file using Female Robin and have a support with her. What a fucking bitch.

Other than that I do like her as a wife or daughter (More on daughter because I love Cordelia).

Edited by Awakener_
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Hey, you, above me.

That's perfectly fine, and it's a really neat way of relating to a character. I tried to read more of Severa's supports, but manipulation at someone else's expense is high on my list of "do not do this ever" things (mafia is exempt, as it's literally how to play the game, and there's an unspoken understanding that it's restricted to the game only), and it goes double for parents.

About the only thing that didn't make sense to me is how Severa picked up so many fashion tips. She learned how to act like a lady from somewhere!

EDIT: Perhaps it's a statement that Severa picked up how to act in society. . .too well. Since her motives are self-centered, she acts like how she does in her C support with her father. I don't think it's full social awareness (or her support with Owain wouldn't have ended like that), but it's something.

EDIT the SECOND: I also have to take into account that Cordelia's somewhat guilty of acting in a selfish manner, too (Freddy's supports). She might've picked it up from her mom when she was a kid. . .in which case, WTF.

EDIT the THIRD: Seems like Severa does give a hoot about what others think of her (thanks Morgan). This one, along with the Severa/Kjelle one, don't seem to highlight Cordelia at all. I wonder if Severa heard so much "you're good thanks to your mom" so often that she doesn't realize it when others complement her directly? Also, Severa/Cordelia is super-painful to read, and thanks to that, I dislike Cordelia more.

EDIT the FINAL: After mulling over everything, final verdict is that I now feel a wee bit sorry for Severa, and am pissed at Cordelia. Severa has some of Cordelia's not-admirable tendencies (the manipulative part), and her own mother pulled that on her. Still not happy with dad's C support, but it looks more like what would've happened if Cordelia was fully selfish and lacked subtlety. Let this mountain of text serve as a reminder that opinions can be changed, but it must come from within - and a heart dead-set against something cannot change until it's willing to admit the possibility that its opinion may not be fully correct.

^I like this wall of text and have found myself thinking similar things about her.

One of the problems with "kids from the future!" is we run into situations like Severa's where it's like "you don't know this yet but you did this horrible thing to me - how dare you!"

Less of a personal experience thing, but I have to agree with your later points. I do not like that Severa is manipulative, but my experience with manipulative individuals (not all, but many) is they learn it from somewhere. Mom demonstrates she gets what she wants by manipulating Dad, so daughter expects she can do the same thing. Most teens grow out of this - but usually it's with guidance from parents or older adult role models, something these kids didn't have the luxury of benefiting from.

As with Severa's traumatic past, I'd like to say this isn't an excuse for her actions, but I am willing to understand those actions. I will always detest her C Support with her father (and having recently done a lot of support grinding, I saw it A LOT in a short amount of time), and some of what she does always puts a bad taste in my mouth, but the reason for her actions putting me off so bad is in such recent memory that I can't help but sympathize with the poor girl.

I've had an evolution of feelings with a lot of Awakening's cast members. As with other characters, I have a pattern of stumbling across support sets that make me incredibly angry with the character ("you suck and I sucked for liking you!") followed by seeing supports that make me sympathize with them more and feel terrible for temporarily hating them.

And then I hear "You're BOOOORING ME!" again and cringe-laugh.

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I like her too. Don't know why guess I just have a soft spot for pouty snarky gals. But yeah I can understand the whole trying to live up to Cordelia who has all the talent in the world and basically being in her shadow.

Can't really say I've been bothered by the Tsundere thing. One I don't really know what that is and have little experience with anime or JRPGs in general so its all pretty new to me. Either way I still found her character appealing at times.

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The only children characters I didn't like were Lucina, Morgan, and Nah. Everyone else seemed to have their quirks which just made them great. Severa, Yarne, Inigo, and Owain were easily my favorites though. YarneXSevera was an awesome couple by the way.

Edited by Rawkstar
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I would say she's my third favorite kid. And 5th overall. So, yeah. I like her a lot, but I don't blame people who hate her. She wasn't made to be all that likable, anyway.

BTW, looove your flame shield joke. Hilarious.

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By the way did anyone else notice that she's like the only child unit that can't support with Lucina? Doesn't seem to make sense given that she's their leader and all.

Severa can't support with Lucy? How peculiar

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I don't care what your reasons are for being insufferable or how many reasons you have or how good you supposedly are on the inside, you're still insufferable.

By the way did anyone else notice that she's like the only child unit that can't support with Lucina? Doesn't seem to make sense given that she's their leader and all.

Nah doesn't support with Lucina either.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Nah doesn't support with Lucina either.

I don't want to stray off topic but see that just doesn't make sense to me really. You'd figure they'd all be pretty close. I mean hell Morgan is supposedly from a different future but still has supports with her. Plus Severa's dialogue with Lucina in Future Past makes them almost bred to have supports with one another.

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Most of the characters from FE13 have a gimmick that make them infuriating, Severa just so happens to have the worse gimmick of the lot, that I just so happens to hate.

Seriously, just because she's a tsundere doesn't mean she can act like such a b-word.

It's really Tsundere just for the fetish of it, in full tsun-mode with 100% bitchiness, with most of the supports instantly taking an stupid turn with her. And of course, she never get called out on it.

Edited by B.Leu
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