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Any speculation on this guy?


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I'm talking about the guy briefly shown standing beside the throne here:


I don't think it's the same guy as the one at the far-left holding a lance in this box art, because the hair-styles and designs don't seem to be identical, though the different angles and pixelation make it hard to determine.

I can't make out his class either. And what's the fancy-looking crown-like thing behind him? I surely hope that's just some sort of decoration on the background and not part of his design...

Edited by Ryo
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No, this guy is completely new. He might have shown up somewhere, but I highly doubt it and to be quite honest, I didn't even see that guy until right now in this image. This guy is most likely King Garon's advisor and possibly a greater evil than the king himself if medieval stories have taught me anything.

In Nohr, the conflict is an internal revolution instead of an outward one so we will likely be resolving the tension with Hoshido fairly quickly or leaving them as more of a backdrop. Most of the enemy bosses will be centered around Nohr and if Marx seems like a decent guy who questions his father's actions then I can bet that this new guy will be the next big thing we'll have to a main antagonist until we get to Garon himself.

Edited by almi23
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Yeah I agree with you, the guy doesn't look like a person you'll be able to recruit ingame. If he is the final boss I hope he is established and it isn't one of those scenarios: "Ha you think you killed the last boss, well you're wrong. It is I!" Maybe he could lead an army in a civil war amongst the Nohr.

With closer examination I'm confident that it isn't a wall decor, it just doesn't mix well with the wall.

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Or perhaps, he's actually Marx's father. I think he resembles Marx more than Garon does. Garon probably has been ordering him and his son around to do some questionable deeds. And since they're his subordinates, they have no choice but to follow orders.

Lots of possibilities it seems. In any case, he appears to be a crucial individual.

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Oh yeah, I was wondering about him. He looks pretty cool. I hope he gets to be a badass villain, but I wouldn't want him to be the man influencing Garon, because that's all-too-common a set-up for him to be some lame dragon/occult-worshipping sorcerer that we've already seen plenty of in the series.

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Wow, I didn't even notice him until now and I really like his design. Seems to me to be a sorcerer of some sorts.. Him being Marx's father also sounds plausible, but probably just an advisor or Aversa 2.0.

I can bet that this new guy will be the next big thing we'll have to a main antagonist until we get to Garon himself.

Hoping this isn't true as I want him on the team :( But we need more antagonists with awesome designs anyways so oh well..

And what's that thing on his face? Is it hair, or a scar...? Like, the thing across the middle of his face. His face isn't entirely symmetrical either, so could be a half-mask of some sorts. Connection to the mouth of truth maybe?

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He looks like a more human version of the Warhammer 40k sorcerer. I hope he will not pull another "I am the one behind the big bad" or "I did all of this to change to world because bla bla bla". It's not even a plot twist anymore.

Edited by Magical Amber
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For all we know he's just a generic Nohrian guard. Or maybe a manipulative person like Ephidel, since Camilla's not going to be an enemy revealing a ton of skin like Aversa, and instead being an ally who reveals a ton of skin

Edited by Voidlord
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Perhaps he'll be the final boss who offs Garon before the end of the game. Garon himself looks too old and decrepit to be a boss.

Then again, Lundgren was an old man who wielded the powerful General class.

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