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The issue of incest in FE...


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^i still don't see the problem with priscillia raven, The lord brother thing is probally more due to differing cultures and really she was at most 6 when she did the whole marriage promise thing, i was 4 to 5 (and i was the younger one) when i had a "wedding" with my nieghbor and that was only cause my mom said i couldn't marry my cousin.

Keep in mind I just found that awkward not that I thought the term was incestuous, I live in texas and even though I read a lot and play rpgs that was the first time I'd heard anyone refer to their brother as lord brother. The childhood marriage promise was the iffy part if only because her supports gave off the vibe that she intended to collect on it but was denied.

EirikaXEphraim is no better than IkeXElincia. They're both made up pairings clung to for too long.

Actually, IkeXElincia is worse off since RD came out.

IkeXElincia doesn't have a paired ending GeoffryXElincia does which pretty much ended my internal shipping battle XD (does Elincia have any other paired endings btw?)

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But I still find it awkward the fact people see Ephraim and Erika as incest. I mean how poor do you normally treat siblings to the point that one assume such powerful relationship like that as taboo and feel disgusted.

They are unusually close, they put one another on a pedestal, their A-support demonstrates quasi-romantic attachment, and their holy weapons are named after incestuous characters in a Wagner opera. It's hardly subtle.

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I know this thread has taken a turn but I'm going to post to address how incest would work in IF.

First off, we don't really know if the marriage/life companion mechanic is coming back. If it is, I would be happy, and don't forget that the characters we've already seen aren't the entire cast. It's very possible that a lot of potential candidates pop up as you progress through a path, and the original 4 members of your Nohrian and Hoshidan kin are completely off-limits (which would be disappointing because Camilla is off limits. :<). I know I'm pretty much pointing out the obvious here, but that's just my take on it. I would be genuinely surprised if they allowed or implied incest in the NA version of the game. I agree that if you have a strongly implied family relationship with the people in Nohr it would be weird if they were marriage candidates.

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I know this thread has taken a turn but I'm going to post to address how incest would work in IF.

First off, we don't really know if the marriage/life companion mechanic is coming back. If it is, I would be happy, and don't forget that the characters we've already seen aren't the entire cast. It's very possible that a lot of potential candidates pop up as you progress through a path, and the original 4 members of your Nohrian and Hoshidan kin are completely off-limits (which would be disappointing because Camilla is off limits. :<). I know I'm pretty much pointing out the obvious here, but that's just my take on it. I would be genuinely surprised if they allowed or implied incest in the NA version of the game. I agree that if you have a strongly implied family relationship with the people in Nohr it would be weird if they were marriage candidates.

The aversion is as social as it blood related. You won't get married to blood relatives but you won't get married to people you grew up thinking of as family. But marriage can be possible if you flip those priorities around. You might be okay with marrying someone from Nohr because you're not blood related and you might get be okay with marrying someone from Hoshido because you don't think of them as family. It's a bit harder to swallow for Nohr because social ties trump blood ones when it comes to attraction but I can see IS making it work.

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Has Camilla even been confirmed as your adoptive sister/cousin whatnot? Her and dark knight guy might be you childhood friends who are close to Kamui. Pretty certain Marx and pigtail girl are you adopted siblings though.

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Has Camilla even been confirmed as your adoptive sister/cousin whatnot? Her and dark knight guy might be you childhood friends who are close to Kamui. Pretty certain Marx and pigtail girl are you adopted siblings though.

She hasn't, at least not that I know of, I was just saying that if she was then it would be disappointing for me.

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The possible moments of incest in FE:A are an Emmeryn!Morigan with a Chrom!Iningo/Chrom!Brady/Owain, or Lucina!Morigan with Chrom!Iningo/Chrom!Brady/Owain, or Owain!Morigan with Lucina, or Owain with Lucina. You could twist Avesa with Robin but since Robin has no experience with Validar or Aversa and have no blood relations at all, it would be a stretch.

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I hate incestuous undertones with a passion. Even if the "incest" is between non-blood-related siblings, I still hate it because the idea of wanting to do it with your sibling is fucked up. Bullshit reasons do not make me forget the undertones that are present. The same thing goes for lolicon. (I'm looking at you, Nowi and Nah)

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Yeah, I'm not a fan of incest at all, or pairing characters of certain age gaps (such as Frederick and Lissa, ew). I think I'd rather not see Awakening's marriage system in the game unless children aren't involved though, just an S support and that's it. But I'd also like to see a bunch of characters have multiple options for spouses again like in the GBA games. I felt Tellius really dropped the ball by giving only a small handful of characters ONE option when so many other cool possibilities were out there.

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*Hem hem historical accuracy in incest and adults x kids*

Someone had to say it. I don't really care. They're game characters. Whatever. They are insignificant bits of "1"s and "0"s. If they wanna bang their cousins/siblings/parents/whatevers, why does it matter? I don't see why people let this kind of stuff bug them.

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It doesn't bother me in fact, FE4's

Eldigan incest hintings

would be something nice if they brought back for one character. It just made me feel like I knew the char even more for that one chapter.

As for pairing units optionally for incest, I don't see why not...I guess I never had any problem with it.

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The possible moments of incest in FE:A are an Emmeryn!Morigan with a Chrom!Iningo/Chrom!Brady/Owain, or Lucina!Morigan with Chrom!Iningo/Chrom!Brady/Owain, or Owain!Morigan with Lucina, or Owain with Lucina. You could twist Avesa with Robin but since Robin has no experience with Validar or Aversa and have no blood relations at all, it would be a stretch.

I just realized the Lucina!Morgan possibilities would make her her own aunt, which is some freaky Futurama-esque business. Don't forget the Chrom!Cynthia with Owain too. As for incest in general, I don't think it should be in the game. Aside from personal squeamishness that's the sort of thing that will get FE stigmatized. I don't like Awakening's marriage system anyway. Bring back the old GBA style of endgame relationships, both romantic and platonic.

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I kinda doubt we'll be able to pair up anyone with their sibling. Maybe a cousin. But since there's less relation variables they might forget (like the uncle or aunt / niece nephew stuff from awakening) I doubt there's going to be anything weirder or closer than cousins. If that's in at all.

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I think I need some background here. I've played all of the english FE game and have never felt that there was an incestuous relationship between characters. Could I have some examples please?

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I think I need some background here. I've played all of the english FE game and have never felt that there was an incestuous relationship between characters. Could I have some examples please?

The only one I can think of is some people like to point out Raven/Priscilla. Awakening also had the cousin marriages.

FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War) has cousin marriages and a half brother+half sister marriage.

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The only one I can think of is some people like to point out Raven/Priscilla. Awakening also had the cousin marriages.

FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War) has cousin marriages and a half brother+half sister marriage.

Some will also point to Eirika/Ephraim, as well.

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I can't really tell who is and who isn't suppose to be Kamui's blood and adopted family suppose to be. Both have too many different hair colors for me to suspend my disbelief. Hoshido has brown (Ryoma), red (Hinoka and imouto cleric), white? (archer), and black (Hoshido Queen).

On a second look, Nohr doesn't have that many differing hair colors as Dark Knight, Marx, and imouto troubadour are all blonde, but Camilla has purple hair like the Jeigan Nohr soldier and Garon's skin color does not match up with anybody in Nohr.

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If they want to bring incest in this game, nothing will stop them. For what I heard, you can marry you cousin in Japan so even if all the people in this forum are against incest and yell at Nitendo to not bring incest. It doesn't matter, this is their game and they do whatever they want with it.

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I can't really tell who is and who isn't suppose to be Kamui's blood and adopted family suppose to be. Both have too many different hair colors for me to suspend my disbelief. Hoshido has brown (Ryoma), red (Hinoka and imouto cleric), white? (archer), and black (Hoshido Queen).

On a second look, Nohr doesn't have that many differing hair colors as Dark Knight, Marx, and imouto troubadour are all blonde, but Camilla has purple hair like the Jeigan Nohr soldier and Garon's skin color does not match up with anybody in Nohr.

How do you know that archer dude and camilla are related to the rest of the family by blood? i don't think they confirm that. And fe 6 and fe 9 had familial relations that weren't by blood off the top of my head.
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How do you know that archer dude and camilla are related to the rest of the family by blood? i don't think they confirm that. And fe 6 and fe 9 had familial relations that weren't by blood off the top of my head.

...That's the thing. I said I didn't know who is and who isn't related by blood. Also, I doubt that Nohr has any more adopted family members besides Kamui and there might not even be any adopted family members at all on the Hoshido side. Japanese views on adoption aren't as...nice nor lenient than other cultures.

Which is why I'm leaning more towards believing the archer and Camilla aren't family members to Kamui.

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I can't really tell who is and who isn't suppose to be Kamui's blood and adopted family suppose to be. Both have too many different hair colors for me to suspend my disbelief. Hoshido has brown (Ryoma), red (Hinoka and imouto cleric), white? (archer), and black (Hoshido Queen).

On a second look, Nohr doesn't have that many differing hair colors as Dark Knight, Marx, and imouto troubadour are all blonde, but Camilla has purple hair like the Jeigan Nohr soldier and Garon's skin color does not match up with anybody in Nohr.

Hair color is a pretty shitty way to determine relations in FE, honestly. In FE7, you had three pegasus knight sisters (Fiora, Farina, and Florina) who had very different hair colors. I'm sure there are other examples that don't come to mind right now, but even in real life I think it's possible to have siblings with three different hair colors. (Ryouma's hair looks more black than brown to me.)

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^^ Okay but what makes them not family, both fe 6 and fe9 had examples of milk siblings and kaimui might have needed to be nursed. Sorry for nitpicking but even implying blood or being officially raised by the family is necessary to consider someone family irks me.

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Hair color is a pretty shitty way to determine relations in FE, honestly. In FE7, you had three pegasus knight sisters (Fiora, Farina, and Florina) who had very different hair colors. I'm sure there are other examples that don't come to mind right now, but even in real life I think it's possible to have siblings with three different hair colors. (Ryouma's hair looks more black than brown to me.)

All three still fell under some variation of purple/blue. Hoshido contrasts a lot more with white, red, black, and possibly brown (Ryouma's hair is looking rather brown in this lighting: http://i.imgur.com/r81u2sh.png

^^ Okay but what makes them not family, both fe 6 and fe9 had examples of milk siblings and kaimui might have needed to be nursed. Sorry for nitpicking but even implying blood or being officially raised by the family is necessary to consider someone family irks me.

I'm sorry I didn't make this clear the first time: I said I didn't know. I am only guessing that nobody in Hoshido is adopted besides maybe Kamui (odd no other person on Hoshido's side physically shares any signs of Kamui's manakete heritage).

Hoshido is the Japanese-like side. The side that represents blood family. A value that Japanese audiences hold highly. Archer (most likely to not be related to Kamui) being adopted kinda messes with the message of Hoshido. The examples you're listing in Fire Emblem 6 and 9 don't draw parallels to Japan like Hoshido does.

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^ okay i was more frankly concerned from the nohr side though I'm not discounting archer dude being considered family to the rest of them, and it was also the view that IS doesn't seem too concerned about non blood siblings though i guess Hoshido is a parallel of Japanese culture but it doesn't have to be exact.

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