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The Genius of Two Versions


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Honestly as long as each version has a bunch of unique content I really don't mind but if it's the same regurgitated game with a difficulty twinge and a lack of replayability I won't be happy. That being said, do you guys think both games will feature Casual mode or just Hoshido/not at all?

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EEdited version below

Okay thats fine i just find it ironic. as i believe NeonZ said that NoA only "mislead" us because NoA are not misleading us at all and that NoA are not going to release it here as two versions.

And it's kinda contrary to your stated opinion of Nintendo milking the cash of its new fan-base.

My previous response still stands.

I'm excited for the possibility of a unified game in NA but am wary of corporate greed so I'm going to be cautiously optimistic.

I don't have some undying hatred for this game. I was 10/10 hyped before I caught wind of the JP direct.

do you guys think both games will feature Casual mode or just Hoshido/not at all?

I would expect it to be present in both - not sure why they'd switch that up at this point.

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^ I'm sorry i did not see your edited post. But I still find it weird as i don't see NeonZ feeling that nintendo is searching for every way to milk its new audience, as you implied in your post. If that was not what you meant i apologize, But then i still find it ironic as you and NeonZ seem to be different sides of opinion on Nintendo.

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^ I'm sorry i did not see your edited post. But I still find it weird as i don't see NeonZ feeling that nintendo is searching for every way to milk its new audience, as you implied in your post. If that was not what you meant i apologize, But then i still find it ironic as you and NeonZ seem to be different sides of opinion on Nintendo.

I didn't say that he did. I agreed with his post mentioning that if Nintendo announces 2 versions for the NA market that they're going to get backlash that they deserve for misleading people. I don't feel that my post implied that he said it was a cashgrab. That is my feeling. There's nothing really "ironic" about this situation either.

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why are people so pissed off that the assumptions they made after being shown two (2) promotional not-even-trailers - neither of which lasted for more than a few minutes - aren't correct assumptions

you're allowed to make assumptions - they may even be perfectly reasonable assumptions, based on past experience. but then saying "wow nintendo way to lead us on like that" when they don't live up to the expectations you formed after you were exposed to extremely limited amounts of promotional material is kind of silly

[spoiler=I've only got once complaint, really]they didn't tell us that kamui is a manakete in the first trailer, I didn't sign up for having my avatar be some sort of filthy subhuman


and now I'll play one card in face down defense position, and end my turn

I personally think it's gonna be the exact opposite, and the games will be barely different at all.

how much can you reuse if the two stories take place in different countries, about different things

like you can't exactly reuse many maps

as a sidenote:

I would bet money that if the only version we got were Hoshido, and then in like four months they released say, three DLC missions where you play an alternate Nohr side of things, after that people would be clamoring for "MAN I would shell out hella money for a full Nohr route DLC"

you know

like was said about future past

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why are people so pissed off that the assumptions they made after being shown two (2) promotional not-even-trailers - neither of which lasted for more than a few minutes - aren't correct assumptions

you're allowed to make assumptions - they may even be perfectly reasonable assumptions, based on past experience. but then saying "wow nintendo way to lead us on like that" when they don't live up to the expectations you formed after you were exposed to extremely limited amounts of promotional material is kind of silly

And that's terrible.

There was also the Nintendo Direct, but yeah, it'd be better to wait for more information about how the game will be localised before making statements like that.

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And that's terrible.

There was also the Nintendo Direct, but yeah, it'd be better to wait for more information about how the game will be localised before making statements like that.

oh right they did some talking about it after the promotional video lmao

my b

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I've only got once complaint, really]they didn't tell us that kamui is a manakete in the first trailer, I didn't sign up for having my avatar be some sort of filthy subhuman



Why are red-heads with ponytails so racist? I bet Tsubaki won't like Kamui either.

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that will just make it all the more satisfying when you convince him of the error of his ways

either before or after marrying him; probably before, but I'm not too picky

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Honestly, when you think about it, it would be a bit stupid for them NOT to profit from each version. You are all saying that it would be a rip off because you are only getting half the story, and yes, you are only getting half, but when the story you get half of appears to be twice as bug as a game like Awakening (ie, you get a full game), how could they not decide to get some kind of profit from each version? As someone said before, they are a business. They are not ripping us off though, as it seems those versions will be drastically different (there are different plots, playable characters, maps, and even mechanics). Add that together with the fact that it looks like the second half might be sold for less, and you really can't be mad at them. They made the right move either way

Edited by TheCaptain
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But a campaign from Fire Emblem If is a full story with a beginning and ending, presumably. What they're selling separately (in Japan) is an alternate story with another cast, different focus and apparently even gameplay design differences. Your complaint is actually even more applicable to the Oracle games, where you need the multiple campaigns to get certain plot points and the true ending.

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it'll be cool when the choice you make is basically the same one as you make in FE8

where the kamui your avatar is goes with your choice and their opposite-sex twin goes the other route

and then they meet up at the end

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Yes, it's about time game companies start selling only the first half of the game for the full game price, and expect us to pay a separate amount for the second half. Brilliant.

They did say the two halves are each the size of a full Fire Emblem game. While of course we can only judge ourselves when we actually find out how many chapters each side gets, it is promising news to hear.

They managed to make 50 chapters for Awakening in the end, not including DLC. If we have the 6 shared starting chapters, 20ish Hoshido chapters, 20ish Nohr chapters and Third Path as DLC, it actually comes out to be a similar size to Awakening. I don't expect the paths to be as big as most past Fire Emblems, but in terms of content this could easily count as 1.5-2 games.

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They did say the two halves are each the size of a full Fire Emblem game. While of course we can only judge ourselves when we actually find out how many chapters each side gets, it is promising news to hear.

They managed to make 50 chapters for Awakening in the end, not including DLC. If we have the 6 shared starting chapters, 20ish Hoshido chapters, 20ish Nohr chapters and Third Path as DLC, it actually comes out to be a similar size to Awakening. I don't expect the paths to be as big as most past Fire Emblems, but in terms of content this could easily count as 1.5-2 games.

The games are supposed to be as large as Awakening so that's 50ish chapters total for EACH game, if they're telling the truth.

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why are people so pissed off that the assumptions they made after being shown two (2) promotional not-even-trailers - neither of which lasted for more than a few minutes - aren't correct assumptions

you're allowed to make assumptions - they may even be perfectly reasonable assumptions, based on past experience. but then saying "wow nintendo way to lead us on like that" when they don't live up to the expectations you formed after you were exposed to extremely limited amounts of promotional material is kind of silly

No logical person could have figured out that they were planning to release two versions based on the NA direct. It has nothing to do with assuming. When we look at the fact this video was shown at the SAME TIME as the JP one in which it was revealed - it's pretty obvious what was happening.

They are not ripping us off though, as it seems those versions will be drastically different (there are different plots, playable characters, maps, and even mechanics).

Lol. They found out that they could sell the series well with Fire Emblem Awakening and now they're trying to double that. Most of your post is actually assumptions. It's a cash grab.

But a campaign from Fire Emblem If is a full story with a beginning and ending, presumably. What they're selling separately (in Japan) is an alternate story with another cast, different focus and apparently even gameplay design differences. Your complaint is actually even more applicable to the Oracle games, where you need the multiple campaigns to get certain plot points and the true ending.

Advertising/messaging/marketing matters and influences expectations and opinions.

They did say the two halves are each the size of a full Fire Emblem game. While of course we can only judge ourselves when we actually find out how many chapters each side gets, it is promising news to hear.

They managed to make 50 chapters for Awakening in the end, not including DLC. If we have the 6 shared starting chapters, 20ish Hoshido chapters, 20ish Nohr chapters and Third Path as DLC, it actually comes out to be a similar size to Awakening. I don't expect the paths to be as big as most past Fire Emblems, but in terms of content this could easily count as 1.5-2 games.

I don't give a crap how long the game is. It has nothing to do with the NA direct being misleading if/when they announce a version split in the west.

Also theres no assessing the content until the game releases - developers notoriously overestimate length of their games all the time.

Edited by ckc22
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Advertising/messaging/marketing matters and influences expectations and opinions.

Don't misunderstand me, I agree with that. NoA will be burning themselves (or, rather, the game) if they suddenly announce split versions after that Direct.

Edited by NeonZ
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If we accept that the versions are roughly the size of Awakening and assume at least 50% of their content is unique I really don't see a problem paying 50% more than I did for Awakening to experience them. I just don't get why larger games can't cost more than smaller ones without being a "cash grab."

If either of those is false it's another matter, but I prefer to be optimistic. And for the record I do doubt the west will be getting multiple versions after that Direct, but after how they've handled amiibo nothing would surprise me.

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Maybe it's been too long since college; you'd need to walk me through how 2 games sharing half their content comes out to one and three quarters. (Ignoring that syntactically "175% more" implies 2.75 games, given that a 100% increase is doubling)

The price was just an example regardless. Though if we were getting both versions in the US I could imagine 40 for one game and 20 for the 2nd path, so who knows?

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It's amazing to see how the AAA gaming industry have it's affects outside of their own realm. People are seriously distrustful now-a-days.

To be fair - Nintendo has picked up a bunch of horrible habits lately that are in no way cause for optimism.

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Maybe it's been too long since college; you'd need to walk me through how 2 games sharing half their content comes out to one and three quarters. (Ignoring that syntactically "175% more" implies 2.75 games, given that a 100% increase is doubling)

The price was just an example regardless. Though if we were getting both versions in the US I could imagine 40 for one game and 20 for the 2nd path, so who knows?

Sorry about that i meant 75% more and the digital version in japan splits at chapter 6 implying that the game is identical up to that point
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I don't give a crap how long the game is. It has nothing to do with the NA direct being misleading if/when they announce a version split in the west.

If/when as opposed to when? Does that mean your saying the game will be handled in the same way in the West is an assumption?

No, no, that can't be right, you said it has nothing to do with assumptions. My mistake.

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