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Do you want the Tactician Class to return?


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Now, I may be biased considering I ADORE the tactician class, but 10000x yes.

The outfit for Tacticians is awesome, I adore it (So much so I have a physical cloak based on Morgan's).

I also loved being able to use Tomes and Swords.

Edited by Sroy
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Kamui will definitely be a unique or extremely limited class, but it won't be tactician. And given that you're the main character, I doubt that they would have a separate character to represent a tactician commanding the troops.

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Robin's other children also could class change to it, also any of the bonus characters. Apotheosis Katarina was a grandmaster by default too.

bonus characters are literally avatars with fancy portraits and pre-set skills (some of them with additional classes I guess), and lore-wise are only in the game through the magic of DLC bullshitpower

robin's kids make sense 'cause they're basically mini-robin

also mechanically it's easier that way

I mean it's a fair point but at the end of the day it's still robin's signature class, and other characters only have it because of their relation to robin

that's how I'm looking at things, at least

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Yeah, I'd like to see tactician again. Nerf Veteran or replace it with another skill and keep it focused on supporting other units in battle / otherwise expanding the army's tactical options.

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I am very fond of the Tactician class, but I also agree that its place was with Awakening. but what if they made a DLC or something that allowed you to transfer your Avatar from awakening? they could also bring Chrom, and maybe Lucinia into the game. then you could have the Tactician class but still not have it affect the story.

When they have the chance to make people pay for scalped/rare amiibos that they couldn't release enough to sell through preorders? Fat chance.

Wait for the amiibo-integration announcement and what is essentially 13$ (hahaha yeah right) amiibo-locked dlc.

Robin's other children also could class change to it, also any of the bonus characters. Apotheosis Katarina was a grandmaster by default too.

Didn't include any DLC characters (free or paid) on purpose. Although I did forget about robin's other potential children.

Edited by ckc22
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There was a thread like this a while ago so I'll just sum up what I said there.

A class that uses swords and tomes is cool, but Tactician would be inaccurate. Mage Fighter sounds stupid to me. I propose it come back with reworked skills, and renamed Spell Blade.

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Mage Fighter is antiquadated. Very slim chance of that coming back.

In terms of Tactician/ Grandmaster: Look, Robin is broken. Deny that, please but he is. In everything, his abilities, and his dual tome/sword And Nintendo made him broken on purpose, as he's a main character which you aren't required to drag to every level.. A side, OP character really should not happen.

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I just don't see it fitting without it being a story-related thing, and I think it would be a little odd to play as the Lord and have a tactician player character telling you what to do? I feel like if this were likely we would have had characters other than Robin/Morgan who had access to the class.

Hopefully Ignis and rallyspec come back though :)

Maybe they can set it up as the tutorial. They 'advise' you on the first few levels, maybe then stay out of the game for a while, come back near endgame and just give you advice between levels and fight on the field, rather than running the show.

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There was a thread like this a while ago so I'll just sum up what I said there.

A class that uses swords and tomes is cool, but Tactician would be inaccurate. Mage Fighter sounds stupid to me. I propose it come back with reworked skills, and renamed Spell Blade.

Spell Blade sounds so Final Fantasy haha, but I wouldn't mind it.

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Spell Blade sounds so Final Fantasy haha, but I wouldn't mind it.

Well, Spell Blade is kind of generic so I wouldn't be surprised if a ton of franchises have used it. I also forgot to mention that I proposed the new tier 2 name to be Warlock.

They certainly aren't the most creative names, but I feel they get the point across.

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Hybrid classes are good. Keep 'em.

In this case, let's give the Tactician classline a twist: Remember that guy standing next to Garon in that one scene? He's Mr. Evilpants's tactician. And a competent fighter.

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I'm mixed about having tactician come back. I have no big desire to see it gone, but if they found a way to implement it back in, I wouldn't be glad or mad. Ignis would be a cool skill to have back and maybe Rally Spectrum.

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