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Who the hell do you think I am? Jedi the JUDGE!


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0/10 no glasses ;/

But Simons glasses are so silly looking compared to Kaminas! I'll change it for you though if you wish :P

eclipse you were one of the first people to make me feel welcome on SF, nearly 3 years ago.. I was lost you introduced me to many awesome people and the concept of drafting. You always seem to know how to solve a problem, and are always friendly but stern. Occasionally silly :p

But I reckon without your kindness I wouldn't be here and know all these awesome people.

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Uh, thanks~! I try to help~!


did i post here already?

No you did not!

Sadly I don't have much to say because we've not talked much ^^; you seem like a fun person though and that april fools avatar thread gave many a laugh. Maybe a troublemaker for all I know :P

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Judge Jedi?

More like Judge Judi, knowwhatimsayin.

GASP Haha you get points for making me laugh.

Pretty easy going dude from the times I've seen you post around. Avatar always makes me chuckle too, seems interested in a Zelda 1 map making program of sorts too, which looks neato.

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judge me simon just remember

you should had died in ep8


A man of strong opinions, who isn't afraid to state his mind for better or worse.

Also @Esme yes maybe I am, funny thing is that Yama seems to change alignment every smt.

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Ah Sharpy, the other person who first greeted me. Time flies eh? You're a bit of a womanizing arrogant doofus sometimes, but underneath that is a friendly dude who just enjoys spending time with other people. Can be annoying sometimes though!

god is my judge

...i think

He would be the true judge but for something small like a forum I'll do :P

Anyways, you're a kid of strong opinions. Your heart is in the right place, you just need to relax and not let everything people say come off as some snipe or insult.





You are an avid smasher much like myself and your passion is noticeable and you seem to overall be a level headed fellow who wants PICHUS TRUE POWER TO AWAKEN. I'd need to talk to you more to be more accurate.


I'm prepared for your verdict good sir.

Heh Phoenix Wright of course.

Doofina, you and I are very alike with our share of differences, I see you as a brother and someone who can make the right choices when he needs to. A bit of a dork, but a loveable one

Its thanks to you and a few others I'm huge into the smash 4 scene. However! You need more confidence in yourself, with confidence, I feel you could do anything you set your mind to.

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Judge me

#very qualified!

You are a really chill and fun guy, have awesome likes. Mostly good opinions, and aren't judgmental of other people, I really wish I talked with you more often.

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