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My Fire Emblem goods arrived! Wait, hang on...


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Very cool. No Nohr though? I have the same kind of 3DS with the pattern except mine is red.

I was lazy : P

It's next on my list though.

If Vincent got some kind of early release thing for being the creator of SF that'd be so rad. Though...that doesn't sound very likely.

If only ;___;

Edited by VincentASM
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If Vincent got some kind of early release thing for being the creator of SF that'd be so rad. Though...that doesn't sound very likely.

ohh okay

yo that'd be awesome

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why does that case skip eirika out of all the lords? like it even has alm AND celica

and it skips awakening but it is the most recent game so i guess it's slightly understandable if it's supposed to be a retrospective

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I'm going to nonchalantly wave that box around to see what kind of reactions I get.

Oh, what is the "game" not playable in 2D & 3D?

Edited by Sara.
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