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Ragefest IV: Trolls & Tribulations


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we also never had that many submissions before, so there is that to consider with tradition

Shameless self promotion time: Mine is 20 turns so marc can possibly beat mine 3 hours max and quickly move on.


Damn, that's a hard one to pass up. DX

I actually wanted your submission to be done soon since I recall you stating your concerns earlier, and I wanted to uh... I guess give you reason to not be concerned. THAT SAID... I'm not guaranteeing that yours is next!

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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Gggaaaaaahhhh DX


Oh! That reminds me. I wanted to tell you guys that for the next submission or a later one, I'm planning on getting drunk for the first time.

"...Holy **** on a *** sandwich!"

This should be good.

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Gggaaaaaahhhh DX

Oh! That reminds me. I wanted to tell you guys that for the next submission or a later one, I'm planning on getting drunk for the first time.

Who's going to be drinking you?

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Then Nintendo is punishing creativity based on its coding?

I mean, FE-Rom-hackers put their souls into this thing, I feel like this is hugely unfair.

That's no pirating as it's original. Instead, they should love what rom-hackers do, as they're making creative work for the community. Maybe it's because they don't do it to be paid? =(

This is outright stupid imo. And I will probably get kicked out of existence by Nintendo for this sentence.

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My theory is that Nintendo's behind the times and don't understand the current gaming market. They did this last time with videos showing off their games, and the backlash gave 'em cold feet.

I'm assuming that they might face similar backlash here. Or at least, I hope there is, otherwise they aren't gonna let me do FE hack videos anymore. So for the time being, I'm considering making all my videos private so I don't get any messages or warnings.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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upload videos that is not youtube based and host them on your own forum? Then again that might be pointless.

Hate to say it as a huge Nintendo fan, but I guess we have to wait for the old dudes in charge to retire/die off.

Also I am going to make my videos unlisted so that they can still be seen but not broadcasted.

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I'd say you make all your videos private until the storm passes and their PR slaps whatever uninformed midboss decided it'd be a good idea to do this, if you'll feel better, except for Ragefest IV's so you can keep doing it and people can watch them, and you probably still have copies of the finsihed videos in your computer.

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I'm... not too bothered, I guess.

I decided that for now, I'm gonna make my videos unlisted. That way, people can still watch any of my videos they want. I'm pretty sure unlisted stuff doesn't get detected by Nintendo's thought police, so this should be fine. The drawback is that people will have to either use my website for this, or rely on me or someone else linking to videos.

... So yeah, I guess now's the most appropriate time to advertise my website: http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com

I'm prolly still gonna record and upload ragefest videos under the assumption that this will cool over, but uh... yeah. I guess if it doesn't, Ragefest is gonna go in cognito.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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Wow. First bit of gaming news to nearly make me swear since "we will not be localising Valkyria Chronicles 3".

[spoiler=Da Rant...]

I mean, come on Nintendo, how old are most of the base games used for ROM hacking nowadays? Are you honestly going to lose money when you don't even make these things anymore, and that most of us own/owned legitimate FE7/FE8 cartridges and GBAs? And it's not like you can play FE4, FE6 or FE12 in english without an emulator or some less-than-legal DS/3DS trickery anyway, even if you legitimately own the system and game. FE4 and FE6, they can be forgiven for. FE12, they can sod off and accept they forced the emulator situation on us themselves by skipping localisation for that one.

...Not to mention a lot of ROM hacks/fan games (FE7x), and mods (not Nintendo related, but compare Mental Omega to the original Red Alert 2, or Twisted Insurrection to Tiberian Sun, or Homeworld 2 Complex to the original Homeworld 2) do things well beyond what the original releases were capable of.

Anyway, ROM hacks or not are going to make no difference to whether we buy FE Awakening/Fates/the next Pokemon etc. As far as I'm aware, there's no 3DS emulator, and modding an actual 3DS for piracy is either risky (a risk I personally see no point in taking), or downright impossible. If we like the look of new games, we'll buy them.

...Still, at least they aren't doing a Square Enix and sending cease-and-desist letters to days-from-release projects they'd supposedly been okay with until then (Crimson Echoes, Chrono TriggercRessurectipn etc.). They aren't trying to stomp out hacking, they're just trying to limit awareness of it.

(I'd personally be putting disclaimers in theoretical videos. "This is a fangame created using assets belonging to Nintendo. No, I won't be telling you how to play it". It wouldn't exactly stop the information spread, but who searchs Youtube for things they have no awareness of in the first place? I stumbled into ROM hacking through TV Tropes. FE7 page > "Game Mod: Blah blah blah, Elibean Nights" > Hmm, I'm going to Google that... Until then, I had no idea emulators or ROM hacks existed (PC game mods are another story though). Youtube didn't play any part in pointing me this way.)

Basically, I think someone at Nintendo (and probably only one or two people there are legitimately bothered by 12+ year old game hacks) is overreacting on the Youtube front. Who else stumbled onto the scene without any help from Youtube?

Anyway, properly on topic, how will we get to see videos if you did switch your channel to "private"? I'm a little unclear on how that aspect of Youtube works, but I'd expect just having a Youtube account wouldn't be enough...

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Strangely, I didn't get mad upon reading this, since I think I can see both sides of the equation here.

On big N's behalf, they are still selling FE7 and 8, and obviously other games that are commonly modded, on the Virtual console, and if people see that you can emulate the game and actually get more content using mods for less money, they're thinking that they are less likely to buy the VC rereleases. I don't agree with how they are trying to keep word about emulators and game mods from spreading, but I can see why they are doing it this way. That said, I doubt fan games made in custom engines will be targeted here unless copyrighted characters or something like that are in the fan games. The warning only listed things on Youtube that blatantly require an emulator to pull off, so RF submissions made in FEXP and FEXNA should be safe unless they still contain copyrighted codes or something.

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