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Anyone else dislikes how Awakening overshadows these older games sometimes?


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I love Awakening and Lucina and all but today, I'm quite disappointed when I logged into my social media accounts just to see the almost all of the fire emblem posts dedicated to Lucina and 4/20, nothing mentioning the series 25th anniversary or PoR 10th anniversary...

Last year, I didn't mind but this year, I kinda do. I didn't expect that much people to be ignorant of the anniversary.

I also have friends who only played Awakening and absolutely refuses to play the older games. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elitist or anything, but I really didn't expect anything like this.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Yeah it's a little sad, Nintendo (international) isn't exactly using this surge in popularity to its max potential in regards to the older games. In the North American eShop they just have FE7 even though 8 is on the European one. They should also put Shadow Dragon and Radiant Dawn up ASAP in my opinion, people are hungry for more FE and if isn't coming anytime soon, you can bet they would eat those games up in the meantime. And of course translating at least some of the JP games would be amazing.

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I feel you might be taking this too seriously. You say you're not an elitist, but this whole topic seems to be you expressing grief over people not being as knowledgeable or passionate about a niche series as you are.

Edited by Shuuda
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I feel you might be taking this too seriously. You say you're not an elitist, but this whole topic seems to be you expressing grief over people not being as knowledgeable or passionate about a niche series as you are.

Why would I have to be an elitist to be disappointed to see that the entire series isn't getting that much recognition? It's the 25th anniversary. I was not bothered by this in the past years admittedly but this year, I'm sorta am because I think this is a really important year for the series in general not just Lucina.

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Awakening is only the most recent game of the series. I don't think he overshadows others games because from what I have read here, previous fire emblems were much difficult than Awakening (except for Lunatic and Lunatic +).

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I guess one of the reasons I'm bothered today is because it's also PoR's 10th anniversary, my first and favorite FE game. Oh how much I love that game and the amount of Lucina recognition I would trade for it... Sorry Lucina but I love PoR more than you.

There's plenty of Marth, some Ike, and a fair share of group pics on Pixiv.

I'm on Pixiv and I'm more satisfied. Thanks.

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I am not, Awakening helped revived/continued the series it's thanks to Awakening that we will have at least one more FE game to play. Welcome the new blood and art I say. I also think that the later games would be more popular in any series in any event among new fans too, so that's why the focus is on Awakening. But then I only played FE from 8 and beyond.

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Yeah, 25th anniversary is getting plenty of recognition on Japanese sites like Pixiv but on more western dominated sites it's all about Lucina. I'd imagine this is because people don't realize that it's the 25th anniversary.

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I didn't feel like making my own topic for it, but the Twitter artwork from the Awakening artist had a rep from every game except Blazing Sword... and lol Gaiden. Awakening got 2 of course, but apparently Sacred Stones having both Eirika and Ephraim was more important than FE7 getting anything.

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Blazing Sword?

Mystery of the Emblem would like to have a word with you.

When I said "sold well", I meant "sold over a million copies". Neither of those two games sold over a million copies. Awakening did.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I can see why you're frustrated in regards to the anniversaries but, in general, I appreciate Awakening for promoting the older games by introducing the franchise to many new fans around the world who wouldn't have ever gone back and discovered the older games if it wasn't for Awakening.

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I also have friends who only played Awakening and absolutely refuses to play the older games. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elitist or anything, but I really didn't expect anything like this.

I've heard a lot about how people, for whatever reason, absolutely refuse to play other games after Awakening. Personally, I don't see why not. I've had quite a bit of fun trying the older games, even if I can't get through them yet. Maybe it's because of how Awakening puts everything together {except the Trinity, of course} as well as it could and nothing could possibly be better. In any case, Some awareness needs to be created of the older games, through more than Einhenjar, of the older games. It'd be nice to have some kind of international releases of Japan-only games in the series, which could be possible as there have been VC releases for 1-5 {there may have been one for 6 in Japan}. However, other than Binding Blade it'd be hard to localize them well, especially Jugdral with the canon incest. One could argue that the cameos in FE13 through the Bonus Box and Outrealms helped boost awareness for the series as a whole, but the section of people who refuse to play any FE games besides, at least in my mind, seems to detract from it.

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I think the reason most people refuse to play them probably has more to do with there being no official way to get the games. Some people don't want to bother with emulators and patches, which is understandable. There's gonna be those people that just won't play them at all because they're not as bright and shiny as Awakening, of course, but I think it would be worth translating at least Binding Blade and New Mystery for the VC. The older games will probably have to wait to be remade unfortunately.

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As I am one of the people who were introduced with Awakening (and a bit the Sacred Stones but Awakening cemented me) perhaps I can help with this problem. I have two reasons in regards to older Fire Emblem games.

It's less of a fact of not wanting to play them and more of I find it difficult to obtain them. The GBA games are rather easy to find and can be found at a cheap price. As I have DS Lite I can play them and intend to. For Binding Blade I would need to get the emulator which I am looking into. Now Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are where problems come in, I do not have a Game Cube, Wii, or Wii U. As such I have to consider the costs of the console and the game, so it can get rather expensive. I am also one who enjoys physical copies so, Path of Radiance eludes me on this fact, despite a want to play it. Unless you can get the older more available and market them well, Awakening will remain king in terms of the public eye.

The second reason is a "I won't play this Fire Emblem", and that is because of the fans of the older games. A lot of them have a very aggressive attitude in which it feels that they are attacking any newcomers to the series. I regret to say that because of this I refuse to play FE4/5/11 out of straight pride. Due to my preconceptions I know I am going to go into the game and absolutely find everything wrong with it that I can out of spite. Although this is me who likes the series from what I've played, fans who have merely a budding interest into the series my be turned away from the series as a whole because they see the old guard as antagonistic.

That's my peace on new players like me, take it for what you want.

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Maybe the fine folks at Intelligent System were celebrating the other occasion that happens to fall upon 4/20. Awakening overshadowing the other FE games may bother me at times, but I know that's just me being irrational.

Edited by Refa
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As I am one of the people who were introduced with Awakening (and a bit the Sacred Stones but Awakening cemented me) perhaps I can help with this problem. I have two reasons in regards to older Fire Emblem games.

It's less of a fact of not wanting to play them and more of I find it difficult to obtain them. The GBA games are rather easy to find and can be found at a cheap price. As I have DS Lite I can play them and intend to. For Binding Blade I would need to get the emulator which I am looking into. Now Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are where problems come in, I do not have a Game Cube, Wii, or Wii U. As such I have to consider the costs of the console and the game, so it can get rather expensive. I am also one who enjoys physical copies so, Path of Radiance eludes me on this fact, despite a want to play it. Unless you can get the older more available and market them well, Awakening will remain king in terms of the public eye.

The second reason is a "I won't play this Fire Emblem", and that is because of the fans of the older games. A lot of them have a very aggressive attitude in which it feels that they are attacking any newcomers to the series. I regret to say that because of this I refuse to play FE4/5/11 out of straight pride. Due to my preconceptions I know I am going to go into the game and absolutely find everything wrong with it that I can out of spite. Although this is me who likes the series from what I've played, fans who have merely a budding interest into the series my be turned away from the series as a whole because they see the old guard as antagonistic.

That's my peace on new players like me, take it for what you want.

emulate them then if you can't find them, not my fault you didn't support the series in the early days.

Did Awakening piss in your cereal?

not everyone has to like the same game.

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