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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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lol I'm not being entitled, actually.

yea you are

remember last year when you said you'd stop watching the Steelers after a 3-3 start

Nah, I never actually thought Haley was great. I did change my opinion of him somewhat after the Steelers' offense started getting hot, but he's always been at most mediocre to me.

why is he mediocre exactly? you never went over this

furthermore, you definitely thought he was great last year. Why the flip-flop?

On top of that, Ben is not calling the offense. This misconception has to stop. Peyton Manning has rarely ever called his own offenses, Aaron Rodgers doesn't do it either. Everyone gets playcalls from their offensive coordinators and set audibles for each play call. Ben's "more control" means that he's probably allowed to audible at the LOS and that's just about it, but audibles don't work anything close to how they do in Madden.

On top of that audibles aren't very common in a WCO either, because most plays have a sense of rhythm and finesse that whatever you're thinking of will mess up. Unless they change the play completely - in which case, that audible was already built into the play. Haley's still calling the shots here. A QB is completely unable to call an offense on their own anyway because the guys in the booth have a better view of what's going on than the QB does on any given play, and the guy in the booth has contact with the OC who then relays it to the QB.

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Where did I ever say I don't appreciate six Super Bowl rings or wanted the entire coaching staff gone? I said Todd Haley only, not everyone. And just because a team has done good recently doesn't mean a fan doesn't have the right to want something to change. I personally think fans of poor teams who tell fans of good teams that they can't EVER be upset or want something to change are pity-seeking whiny brats.

And the Steelers haven't been to a Super Bowl in five years. Then they missed the playoffs a bunch of times and had consecutive 8-8 seasons, then when they finally DID get back to the playoffs, they lost the first game. They also became wildly inconsistent, losing to some bad teams and then beating the good ones. Steelers fans had every right to want something to change here. We don't want to see them become a one-and-done team in the playoffs like the Bengals.

I think you blow things completely out of prospective. It's like Lord Raven said. I think you should feel a little more appreciative of your team's success than how you act.

Steelers haven't been to a Super Bowl in five years? Boo hoo. Bills haven't been to the playoffs in this millennium. We lost four Super Bowls in a row and our last playoff appearance was the Tragedy in Tennessee (you might know it as the Music City Miracle). I'm just happy to have a winning season. You pout because you expect a Super Bowl every year.

The key line here is "we don't expect you to be good. We just want you to be watchable". Once you get to this stage, then I will give you permission to cry about how your team sucks.

Also, an OC doesn't just call plays. He has to build the playbook, train the offense both physically and mentally and spend a lot of time dissecting opposing defenses. And any given play can break for a TD or not. If you want to see really terrible play-calling, watch Nate Hackett.

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We're only 15 years into this millennium, so what? I'm pretty sure the Steelers have gone longer than that without much success in the past.

Being appreciative of my team's past success, even though I'm certainly so, is irrelevant. It's in the past. Why should I go boasting about six rings when the team playing right now didn't actually get any of them? The only Super Bowl-winning Steelers that are still playing are Ben, Heath Miller, and James Harrison, I think. Not counting any coaches.

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We're only 15 years into this millennium, so what? I'm pretty sure the Steelers have gone longer than that without much success in the past.

Being appreciative of my team's past success, even though I'm certainly so, is irrelevant. It's in the past. Why should I go boasting about six rings when the team playing right now didn't actually get any of them? The only Super Bowl-winning Steelers that are still playing are Ben, Heath Miller, and James Harrison, I think. Not counting any coaches.

Let me clarify that.

We are the only team in the NFL who has not seen the post-season since the end of the '99 season. Before last season, we had gone ten years without a +.500 record and only had a winning season once since '99.

Once again, I don't even expect the Bills to be good. I just want them to be watchable. You expect the Steelers to be perfect and throw a shit-fit when they're not.

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You expect the Steelers to be perfect and throw a shit-fit when they're not.

lol, you don't know me at all if you really believe that. Hell, the Steelers weren't even close to being perfect vs the Chargers and I was still super happy that they won. And I wasn't really that upset when they lost to the Ravens. And besides, you've seen nothing if you think I'm not a good fan. I've seen a lot of fans that are way more annoying than I could ever be.

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last year when the steelers went 3-3 you threatened to stop watching

we're starting 1-4 and any game - even this next week's niners game - is up in the air. we made fucking josh mccown look stellar

i'm still watching until season's over

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Yeah, I tend to say things like that when I'm upset, but I don't really mean it, lol. I still watched anyway. Heck, I still watched after the Steelers went 0-4 a couple years ago!

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Vick's third down conversion rate is really low (20% which is the worst in the league) and it's not like the Ravens or Chargers have particularly good defenses. Hard to tell from the data whether it's that the routes being planned are too short or whether Vick isn't taking enough time for longer routes to develop. Interestingly, Ben has the highest third down conversion rate in the league(63%).

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Yeah, with Ben there, the Steelers were the best at 3rd down and 2 points. I tell you, the Steelers are/would be completely different if you take him out and stick someone else in there, whether it's Vick or Aaron Rodgers.

EDIT: Oh, real nice, NFL. NOW you crack down on bad officials. You suspend the one responsible for the clock screw up at the end of the Steelers vs Chargers game, but you never did anything about all the mistakes the replacement refs made in that season where the regular refs went on strike. And they even cost the Packers a win! But, better late than never, of course.

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Vick's third down conversion rate is really low (20% which is the worst in the league) and it's not like the Ravens or Chargers have particularly good defenses. Hard to tell from the data whether it's that the routes being planned are too short or whether Vick isn't taking enough time for longer routes to develop. Interestingly, Ben has the highest third down conversion rate in the league(63%).

I'd contest this if our secondary didn't have communication problems and John Pagano wasn't doing his first 8 game shit defense bullshit then last 8 game elite defense trying to keep my job shit.

Also boo hoo you haven't been to a Super Bowl in 5 years. We haven't been in a Super Bowl for 20 years.

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Well, the Falcons tend to win by coming from behind... xP

That's not the point.

It's one thing to win from behind, especially if you've been doing it against bad teams (Romo-less Dallas, Eagles, Texans, Redskins...). It's another to look absolutely flat on the road against a 1-4 division rival on both offense and defense (why they went for it on 4th and 1 instead of putting 3 points up, I'll never understand).

Atlanta does not look good, even after this 3 and out. 10 minutes in and Atlanta needs to buck up if they want to win in NO.

Saints sack Ryan on 3rd down, block the punt and scored a TD. It could have been 7-3 with the ball deep in NO zone if Atlanta still went 3 and out. Instead, it's 14-0 before the end of the 1st quarter.

End of the first Q. Saints DST has come up huge on a couple of plays but Ryan's play-action fakes are keeping the defense honest and he's gashing them for yards now. Atlanta is going to win if they don't beat themselves with miscues and if the Saints offense stalls entirely.

There's your Falcons TD. NO needs to be opportunistic to win.

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I was just saying that I don't consider five years to be THAT recent.

try never.

but i bandwagon the Pats so its all good, and when Brady retires I'll bandwagon the next great Michigan QB. =P

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but i bandwagon the Pats so its all good, and when Brady retires I'll bandwagon the next great Michigan QB. =P

I know Alex Swieca personally if that name means anything to you (starting QB of Israeli national team, back-up in Michigan).

Atlanta looks so sloppy while the Saints just look bad.

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I wasn't watching the game, I remember it was like 21-7 at some point and now the Saints won it by 10. What happened

EDIT: adding to alucard's point the lions have won only a single playoff game in the entire super bowl era lol

EDIT 2: Oh it was 21-7 SAINTS. Wow. Also, Ben Watson is still playing in the league? What the fuck? Didn't he win like two Super Bowls with the Patriots?

EDIT 3: oh he won one in 2004. I mainly remember that tackle he gave to Champ Bailey in the 2005 postseason? Preventing a pick six, but Bailey got really complacent in the closing moments of that pick six lol

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25 on the way! Maybe we'll have a chance against Cincy!

Also, I've been thinking about serious "What ifs" that changed the course of history. Like if Art Modell hadn't moved the Browns to Baltimore, Belichick might have spent 15 years coaching Ray Lewis in Cleveland and turns the Browns into the current day Patriots.

Anyone got any?

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Here's one, I think. :P

Ben is from Ohio, and hoped to be drafted by the Browns, I think. He was upset when they passed him up, anyway. If the Browns HAD taken him instead the Steelers doing so, the Browns would probably be the ones with those trips to Super Bowls 40, 43, and 45... lol

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Here's one, I think. :P

Ben is from Ohio, and hoped to be drafted by the Browns, I think. He was upset when they passed him up, anyway. If the Browns HAD taken him instead the Steelers doing so, the Browns would probably be the ones with those trips to Super Bowls 40, 43, and 45... lol

That's stupid. The Browns would never have taken him anyway since they drafted Luke McCown in the 4rd round.

Try this one. If the Tuck game had been ruled a fumble instead of an incomplete pass, Tampa Bay doesn't win the Superbowl the next year.

My Bills what-if is wrong because I didn't realize that Eli refused to sign in San Diego.

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It's not stupid. The Browns had a chance to take him, they didn't and chose someone else instead.

You can make that argument about every team that passed up on Roethlisberger. Like the Chargers. Hence it's stupid.

What I mean is something like this.

If the Tuck Rule was ruled a fumble and not an incomplete pass, NE doesn't win the Superbowl that year because Oakland goes instead with Jon Gruden as HC. Oakland probably wins the Superbowl and Gruden doesn't get traded to Tampa. And Tampa probably doesn't even sniff the post-season that year, never mind beating Oakland since Gruden's still on the Raiders.

All because of one simply play.

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Except I also said that Ben was upset that the Browns passed on him due to his Ohio origins. I think he's from somewhere near Cleveland, in fact. And the Browns are a team that haven't ever been to a Super Bowl.

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