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SF Hunger Games cont. ~ Game Over

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Can I request to be on the filler list?

yup yup

CONGRATULATIONS also i think the happy birthday event was super cute

ya it was meant to be cute and then it turned bad because of bad luck ;u;

Btw I've been meaning to say this for awhile but thanks for doing all of these games for us, Fre!

you're welcome c:

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shacks really are omens

but wait irony won so does that mean they're good fortune?!

tune in next time on hunger games ultimate!


Edited by Monde
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/in + filler

also r u srs even outside of skype chat 3 people still wish me happy birthday

after i'm dead

Sorry about that. Happy Birthday! :)

Thank you guys! Wasn't expecting that, and was hoping that Monde or Lettuce would win (though both of you did extremely well :D) , but I'll take it. :)


(Ps- I would have commented during these games, if I hadn't been fast asleep...)

Edited by Irony
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shacks really are omens

but wait irony won so does that mean they're good fortune?!

tune in next time on hunger games ultimate!


wow that's right

that's probably the first successful shack build.... result?


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I'd follow along, but these games happen while I'm at work. Or when I need to leave for work. SORRY!

My apologies to all that I offed, and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JB! :P:


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[spoiler=CURRENT TRIBUTES]1. Acacia Sgt

2. sylveonzoroark

3. Tiny Goddess

4. MidoriMage

5. Dreamer

6. Kinumi

7. Ambling Falchion

8. Slade

9. Carmine Sword

10. ClarinetsandOboes

11. Lettuce


13. General Ciraxis

14. Monde

15. Hunter Nightblood

16. Irony

17. Darrman

18. Dandragon

19. TheErrantShepherd

20. eclipse

21. Crysta

22. The3rdCorinthian

23. MJThom_2009

[spoiler=TEAM REQUESTS]Groups:

-Draco, Carmine Sword

-Nexas, Jiac

-James Bond, Irony, Lettuce

-Tiny Goddess, sylveonzoroark

-Brittany, Specta, Aryabug

District requests:

-Izhuark District 3

-Irony District 3

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OK so there are some plans for tomorrow and idk if that'll take up 1pm or not so just in case I'll have it start at 3pm!

[spoiler=CURRENT TRIBUTES]1. Acacia Sgt

2. sylveonzoroark

3. Tiny Goddess

4. MidoriMage

5. Dreamer

6. Kinumi

7. Ambling Falchion

8. Slade

9. Carmine Sword

10. ClarinetsandOboes

11. Lettuce


13. General Ciraxis

14. Monde

15. Hunter Nightblood

16. Irony

17. Darrman

18. Dandragon

19. TheErrantShepherd

20. eclipse

21. Crysta

22. The3rdCorinthian

23. MJThom_2009

24. Trisitei

[spoiler=TEAM REQUESTS]Groups:

-Draco, Carmine Sword

-Nexas, Jiac

-James Bond, Irony, Lettuce

-Tiny Goddess, sylveonzoroark

-Brittany, Specta, Aryabug

District requests:

-Izhuark District 3

-Irony District 3

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