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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Kinji woke up at his desk.

"Huh, must've fallen asleep after I finished my work...I guess lunch is going on." He thought to himself.

He left the room, and started eating the lunch he had packed for him in the hallway: more fruit juice and some instant noodles.

Kinji sat alone like he usually does, and ate his lunch.

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He scowled at the new arrival, some older kid he didn't recognise, but didn't say anything, until Aoi seemed to get mad at him. What's that supposed to mean? He reaaaaally wasn't sure how to respond to that. "Well, yeah?" He shrugged slightly just out of awkwardness. Well, good job at making yourself look like an ass, me. "...Yeah, she's in the first year." he told Ichirou. "We don't really talk that much." And then even the damn janitor came over. Why did everyone have to flock over to the roof today of all days? Thankfully, Aoi was lying through her teeth about what really happened, so he figured things would be okay until 'OH MY GOD THERE'S BLOOD' dude arrived too. He doesn't look like a teacher or anything. What's he even doing here? He sighed. Everything seemed to be spinning out of control.

Edited by SB.
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At first, he was too focused on knowing why there was smoke in the air, but then Clay pointed out a very good fact about the scene in front of them. ''So how does the weather explain that blotch of blood?" he said rather intrigued. Needless to say, he wasn't convinced at all at what the young student had told him. The other one by her side. It was a good idea Mr. Schwartz had declined his offer because he wouldn't have liked to have seen this and frankly neither did I. Only by looking at the scene, he knew that she was lying, someone had been smoking and that there was a short fight that took place not too long ago. This was enough to get someone suspended from school, and it all happened at the beginning of the year. What luck...

Retsuya gave a bit of a small sigh before continuing, not bothering to get a response to the first question. "It's the beginning of the year, I don't want to start a lecture when I'm just a simple janitor, that's your teacher's job. Also, I don't want you kids getting in trouble, so head on downstairs while I clean this mess up'' he scolded with a sad tune. He wasn't sure if he was helping them or giving them a chance to do something stupid again, but he'd rather believe the best in people first and doubt them later. Hopefully they'd take his advice and leave the premises before an actual teacher found them. ''You should also probably dine elsewhere Clay, don't want you getting into any misunderstandings either.'' he said before leaving the roof behind him.

And with that, the reluctant young janitor moved ever onward to the custodian's closet downstairs in search of the bucket in order to clean up the litlle mess upstairs..

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Finally. It had taken too damn long, but Akane finally managed to acquire more cigarettes, and commence her now very-much needed smoke. Honestly, it was bad enough that the things that were already out to get her were out to get her, but now the world, too? Taking a long drag with a sigh, Akane noticed something out of the corner of her eye, and darted into a nearby alleyway.

Speaking of the bastards out to get her from the start...

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Brant supposed cooler heads did prevail in the end, but only for lack of a coherent thought process. Maybe the smoke was getting to them, he jokingly pondered. Either way, he didn't have anything else to gain by interacting with this particular lot, and with his appetite coming and going erratically, it was probably best to head back downstairs. Given his luck, this Yuko girl would probably track him down before lunch was over, bringing this Takahara person with her, too, no doubt.

Just as he made it to the top of the staircase, Yuko reached the middle, coming into view as she rounded the corner. Brant could see a shadow coming up behind her and figured it was Takahara's. He made a gesture with his hand and shook his head, letting her know the roof was a no-go as he made his way down. "What happened?" Yuko asked.

"Entitled people acting entitled," Brant replied as he reached her. "I wouldn't recommend this particular show. Did you have any other places to eat in mind?" That was when Takahara reached the middle of the staircase and came into full view. Brant had been expecting them to be the male student from earlier, but as it turned out, Takahara was actually a girl. That did make a bit more sense to him, but initially, he couldn't help but suspect Yuko and that boy hung out regularly or ... something to that effect.

"We'll just eat in the classroom," Yuko said, not having to put any real thought into the decision. She had other things she wanted to focus on. "This is my friend, Mii Takahara. Mii, this is Brant Abram." Now Brant had the slightest pang of guilt for not remembering Yuko's name prior to this. It would pass quickly, though.

"It's nice to meet you," Mii bowed her head, managing a more smooth one compared to Yuko's jackknife version. Brant's own bow was a bit forced and hardly counted as one, but the handshake was solid and neither of the girls seemed to mind. "Okay, I'm hungry. Let's go before lunch is over," Mii insisted. She wasn't waiting for Yuko or Brant, either.

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"I tripped!" she barked at the people complaining about the blood, putting the rest of her food away. She didn't feel like eating it, anymore, and the janitor had ordered them off the roof. So, whatever. "You're right, we don't talk much. And we never have. I'm surprised you care now, when you didn't in junior high." It was an old grudge, but it wasn't something she could simply let go of. Not like this little fight. Kazumi had spent years ignoring her fighting, so to just start caring now, she couldn't think it was for anything other than his own image. She pushed past him, and decided this was a good time to wash off her face. She didn't want Harada, or whoever was teaching second period, to start asking more questions.

Third floor bathroom, and ten minutes of water later, Aoi had gotten all the blood off of her face. The blood on her sleeve would need some real work, but at least running it through water had faded it a bit. She'd need to get it into her washing machine right away, or her mother would start asking questions. Again. Always again. She sighed, and it turned into a groan. "Why do I keep doing this to myself?" It was always after the fact that she could tell herself it wasn't worth it, but whenever it was happening, she couldn't turn that switch off. She couldn't stop. It was aggravating.

♪Do, do, do...♪

The phone in her pocket quietly played a little theme, letting her know she'd gotten a text. "Oh... Who... Right, Eliana." There was something to smile over. Something she hadn't outright ruined. Her written Japanese was a lot better, too. Aoi managed a smirk, before catching the bruise on her nose in the mirror again, sighing and shaking her head.

"sure that sounds good we can study at my home or at school whichever you'd prefer"

A master of texting Aoi was not. But the point got itself across. Now, she could skip class... But she really shouldn't, so soon. Then the janitor really might tell the teachers something, and... It just really, wasn't worth it. She picked herself out of the bathroom and headed back to class.

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Kinji headed back to class before his fellow students; he didn't have much food to eat, and he didn't have many friends to talk to. To put it simply, Kinji Kaito was bored again.

Kinji laid his head on his desk, and thought to himself, "Booooored."

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As usual, they weren't overly tough. Cronies that simply wanted vengeance, but there were droves of them in total, and they were starting to send more at a time. A few broken ribs, a broken jaw... a shattered kneecap. These three would likely be out of commission at least for a while, but Akane grimaced in pain as she slid down the alleyay wall. One of the fuckers had gotten a shot off, and while it wasn't a fatal wound, it hurt like hell, and the bullet hadn't come clean through the other side. Managing to dig the bloody thing out from her side with a knife, and after heating the piece of steel, cauterize it shut, all the while screaming and biting into a cloth she had stuffed into her mouth as a muffler, Akane let out a groan.

"Fucking hell..." At least the worse of it was over, she managed to retain what little positivity was possible as she bandaged up the wound, and discarded her bloodied undershirt. Luckily enough the outer uniform wasn't dirty as she had taken it off due to the day being somewhat hot, but the chances that she'd get off without the change being noticed were annoyingly low. She would most certainly be late back to class, now. Oh well, if there was any plus side, she did manage to pilfer the magazines from the unconscious ruffians... more ammo was never a bad thing.

Now she just had to avoid an obvious limp as she made her way back. Well, she'd had worse.

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Clayton's ears turned pink again.

"Err.. right. Sorry for ruining your lunch break kids," He said with a weak smile, "hope you have a nice school year!"

I don't think it's possible for you to bungle this up even more than you already have. He thought to himself, Maybe you ought to just go back to work and try to finish this thing as fast as you can.

Clay shuffled down the staircase, slightly crestfallen. wrapped the rest of his pastry up and shoved it back into the bag. He walked slowly until he got back to the mural and wordlessly went back to work, slapping blue paint onto the wall.

Hopefully that will be the worst of it and nothing else will go wrong...

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He briefly considered going after Aoi, but it didn't seem like she'd be in the mood to talk about it. It's probably better to just leave her to it and get out of here... he thought, as he went to retrieve his lunch that he'd left back at the bench. Still, she's kind of right that I didn't seem to care before. Well, it wasn't completely true, but Kazumi had mostly tried to keep his head down while Aoi was in her more delinquent years, and he hadn't really ended up seeing much of it unfold in front of him, either. I guess I'm still kind of a shitty brother. A half-hearted laugh escaped him as he grabbed his food, and tried to snap himself out of his thoughts. "C'mon." he said to Ichirou, without looking back at him. "Let's go find somewhere else to eat."

Edited by SB.
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Schwartz reached the Staff Room without further stops. After greeting the teachers currently there, he sat down before one of the tables, cup of tea in hand, the students' work on the other to give them a quick glance. A very quick one as he still had to look over the material for the next class.

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Ken had made it up to the roof, but not without passing by a very angry female with a bloody nose who had been shouting at everyone. Something about tripping. However, as he opened the door to the outside, he nearly bumped into a group of two other students. "Oh! Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry." As soon as Ken saw one of their faces, he saw a look of concern on his written across it. "U-uhm...Did something happen?"

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Following behind Ken, Katsumi had passed by a female student with a bloody nose who didn't look very happy. In fact, she wore a pretty angry expression. The fact that two other students were leaving the rooftop made worry flicker across her face at the idea of something happening up there. She hoped there wasn't a fight up there on the rooftop but the more pressing question was, "Is the rooftop unavailable for a lunch spot?"

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"Eh... they're cleaning up there now." he told them. Kazumi wasn't really in the mood to recount what had just happened, so he decided to avoid the first question. "So uh, no, you can't eat up there now - we just got sent down from it." he informed the girl. "You'll have to go eat in the lunch hall or something."

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Katsumi was a little disappointed that the roof was closed for a lunch spot since the pair they had asked had been sent down from there. The phrase "cleaning up there" made her wonder what happened up there on the roof for the janitor to have to clean up there. Hopefully it wasn't a major mess or anything. "I see, the janitor must be up there right now," Katsumi replied. "Shall we finish up lunch back in the classroom then?" She asked Ken.

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The rooftop is a slipping hazard, hmm? That meant someone had spilled something on the rooftop during the lunchhour. Katsumi wondered if it was a drink item, a food item, or worse. She really hoped it was something in the first two categories and not anything in the last category. "So what was spilled up there?"

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''An odd amount of ketchup, young boys and girls.'' the janitor spoke out of nowhere. In his hands, he held his trusty mop now covered with a slightly reddish tint, the cleaning bucket near his feet and an empty ketchup bottle popping out from inside the bucket. "It seems that it was sprayed almost completely dry, maybe a prank? Did anyone see who used it?'' he inquired. He had said he would keep his word and so he would, it was too early in the school year to start these events anyways so better to simply avoid any problems if at all possible. He had already cleaned the blood and simply picked out already empty ketchup can from the teacher's lounge on the way back, so nothing was truly wasted.

Edited by almi23
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"I-I see..." To be honest, Ken was spooked from the random appearance of the janitor. However, Ken was not so stupid as to mistake blood for ketchup, or vice versa. Still, he thought that it was best to let sleeping dogs lie and move on. Still, how long was he there?

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Then the janitor made himself known and so did the identity of the spill source which turned out to be ketchup. Katsumi figured someone probably knocked the bottle over by mistake getting up which caused the spill so there was no need to worry over it any further. Her siblings spilled stuff at home all the time so it didn't surprise her in the least that it turned out to be a food spill. As for his question of who could have spilled it, Katsumi hadn't been on the roof so she couldn't have seen who would have done it. "I wasn't on the roof during lunch so I wouldn't know the identity of who spilled the ketchup," She replied to the janitor.

With her lunch remains in hand, Katsumi began the walk back to the classroom for the remainder of the lunch period since the hour was winding down and students were beginning to make their way back to their respective classrooms for the onset of the class to follow. She only had a small portion of rice left which she could easily eat up at her desk. Upon reaching the classroom and taking her seat, Katsumi noticed that her other new aquaintince from the morning, Akane wasn't back from lunch yet. She tried not to worry about Akane being late for class, but there wasn't much time left in the lunch hour as class would be starting up soon.

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The janitor dropped by, and everyone got the boot. Darn, and it was just when things were about to get fun. Some peeps wanted to go to the rooftop, but the janitor appeared to save the day from something awkward/bad explanations happening. That guy was an Almighty Janitor, in every sense of the word.

"No, I don't think anybody saw who did it, but anybody could see it was a mess up there," Yuu answered casually. It was the truth... for him, that is.

Edited by ScarletFlame
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As the students, janitor, and various others were talking up on the roof after a rather tense confrontation, the school bell rang and everyone rushed back to their classrooms. As the day droned on, various hushed rumours about the altercation began to spread, but there was never one concrete rumour being spread, so nothing could come of it.

When the final bell of the day rang and freed the students from their school lives, a sense of relief washed over the student body, and normality returned to the halls. It was likely to be a normal evening, busy for some, quiet for others...

[it is now After School. Kenzo Watanabe may now post, though he may not interact with the students yet.]

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Ken got up from his seat. Today had been an interesting day. He was eager to see the pet koi that Katsumi had spoken about earlier, until...


The sound of getting a text on his phone interrupted his thoughts. He looked at his device, and his face visibly darkened at the text.

"going to be late. take care of house. love u"

His mother had sent him this. Ken sighed. It seemed he would have to take Katsumi up on her offer at a later date. Ken began to walk quickly out of the classroom and outside the building. I hope Shinichi is at least home to help...not that he will...

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Aoi was lucky that Harada believed her lie about tripping, and spilling her food onto her uniform. He still gave her a talking to about getting it dirty, and that he expected it clean the next day. How annoying. But hey! The best part of the day had come! Classes were over, and Aoi was free. Free to go home, free to work out, free to read (because as dumb as she is, she still enjoys good fiction). So she nearly vaulted out of the classroom and made her way to the entrance to change her shoes, humming to herself, rather off tune, the entire time.

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